NHL Tournament of Logos


Poll: Fleury vs Niittymaki


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Sun May 11
Poll closing date
Thu May 15


Poll: Budaj vs Biron


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Sat May 10
Poll closing date
Wed May 14


And The New Title Is...

I appreciate all the "birthday" wishes from you guys for the blog. But as you know, I will be changing the name. NHL Tournament of Logos is on its way out. The reason being it doesn't accurately describe the content of this site.

We did the tournament of logos last year and there will be others in the future, but now this blog has become so much more. I post fan-made concept art and various jersey news on a regular basis and the site has become very well-known for that. Plus, we're not even doing a logo tournament right now. We're holding a tournament of goalie masks.

The point is, this site has become more about the look of hockey in general. Logos, jerseys, masks, etc. Yes we all love the game, but this site is about how our game looks. So I'm taking this opportunity to give the blog a more appropriate title. And that new title is...


Simple. Unique. Relevant. Right? I hope that wasn't a let down for you because I'm just nuts about it. Allow me to explain in detail.

The word aesthetics from which the new title is derived, is defined as a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art. So to me, Icethetics would be defined similarly as the majority of the readers here have an interest in the "beauty" (or lack thereof) of their teams on the ice. The art of logo and jersey design is a fascinating one to a lot of people and I guess that's pretty much the point of this site — to fill a niche.

In addition to this name change, I'll also be launching a new web site at some point in the future. This blog will keep its format, but the web site will be dedicated to more long term projects. For one thing, I'm going to start compiling a history of logos in the NHL (and perhaps other leagues as well) in a "Logo Museum" of sorts. Same deal with uniforms and things of that nature. A blog just isn't a great format for that sort of thing and I want to branch out into that. By the way, anyone who's interested in helping out in those ventures, please feel free to email me.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think. Obviously your opinion is important to me as you are the reason I bother with this stuff in the first place. I suppose if the reaction is overwhelmingly negative, we'll have to go back to the drawing board. But I do think this name is the most appropriate. It also will allow me to begin incorporating other leagues into the same site — not just the NHL.

By the way, kudos to Charlie from Sabres, Not Slugs for planting the idea of Icethetics in my head in the first place.

UPDATE (4:47 PM): One more thing I forgot to add. Anyone interested in designing a logo based around the new name, Icethetics, and the tag "the look of hockey," (or feel free to come up with a better tag) my inbox awaits your creative prowess. Send your work to nhllogos@gmail.com.

The one I like the best will be featured on the site. Or if I can't choose, I'll do what I do best — a poll. Or if I like none of them, I'll use my own design (which I highly doubt will happen).


Poll: Luongo vs Joseph


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Fri May 9
Poll closing date
Tue May 13


Happy Birthday To NHLToL!

Happy birthday to us! Today is officially the first anniversary of the NHL Tournament of Logos blog. I launched it one year ago today to little fanfare and, well, no one would know about it for another couple of months. That is, until I started posting news and rumors regarding the Rbk EDGE jerseys that were released last summer.

Anyway, today I'll be unveiling the new name of the blog and a cool new addition to the Tournament of Logos family of blogs. (Don't worry, it's not another blog.) Originally I planned on posting a poll to let you guys decide on the new name, and don't get me wrong I appreciate all the input, but one suggestion spawned an idea for the absolute perfect name to describe what this site is all about. You'll see what I mean later on when I write the post.

In the meantime, you know there's nothing I love more than promoting a good announcement. So check back later to see what the new name will be. And happy birthday to us!


Poll: Weekes vs DiPietro


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Thu May 8
Poll closing date
Mon May 12


Get GFB Jerseys For NHL 08

When I first announced the partnership with Matt (aka GhettoFarmBoy), I told you you'd be able to download his designs to incorporate into your PC version of NHL 08. Below are the step-by-step instructions from Dave (who transferred the illustrations to be used in the video game).


First of all, this is only for the PC version of the game. Xbox and Playstation, or any other system cannot be edited. You need a few things first. I will try to make this as simple as possible, but for first time game modders, it might be a little complicated.

To download anything from hockeydownloads.com, you must first be a registered member. You can view anything without registering, but again, to download, you must register.

Things Needed:
1. EA Sport’s “NHL 07” or “NHL 08” for PC.
2. NHLView - This is available here.
3. Tools for NHL08 - This is available here.
4. Any of my GhettoFarmBoy released jerseys - These are available here:
Devils | Islanders | Thrashers | Ducks

Now, what to do with what you have?

First, NHLView:
Once downloaded, just open up the nhlview.exe program.
- An “Open NHL Database” window pops up.
- Check “Static Database” and load “C:\program files\ea sports\NHL 08\db\db.viv”
(For NHL 07, use “C:\program files\ea sports\NHL 07\db\db.viv”)
- Check “Exibition Rosters Database” and load “my documents\NHL 08\exhibition.exh”
(For NHL 07, use “my documents\NHL 07\exhibition.exh”)
- Now click “Open”
- Once open, you have to change the jersey count as per my jersey installation instructions available on each jersey’s download page.
- To do this, click the “Teams” tab.
- Select your team you are editing
- Where it says “Number of Jerseys”, change as instructed on the installation page.
- Now, click somewhere else, anywhere else (important step or you cannot save it), then hit “Save”.

Now for the Tools for NHL08:
- Download this pack and unzip it to your “C:\program files\ea sports\NHL 08” folder.
(For NHL 07, it’s C:\program files\ea sports\NHL 07” folder.)
** Note** - These instructions are for Windows XP. Vista users need special steps as described on the Tools for NHL08 page.

- Now download any of my jersey files and unzip to your” “C:\program files\ea sports\NHL 08” folder.
(For NHL 07, it’s C:\program files\ea sports\NHL 07” folder.)
- Run the “.bat” file included with the jersey file as per instructed in the jersey’s installation instruction.
- Run the “Bimport08” file.

That’s it! As long as the person is using a legitimate copy of NHL 07 or NHL 08, everything should work, and the jerseys available when the jersey selection screen appears in game.

To see my thread on hockeydownloads.com, visit here.
For any other questions regarding add-ons, visit the forums.

I hope this all makes sense and is clear enough for everyone.


If you have any problems with these instructions, unfortunately I would be completely unable to help you. Just visit Dave's page at Hockey Downloads and with any luck he'll be able to help you out. Enjoy!


Poll: Toskala vs Kiprusoff


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Wed May 7
Poll closing date
Sun May 11


Poll: Lalime vs Giguere


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Tue May 6
Poll closing date
Sat May 10


Poll: Conklin vs Ramo


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Mon May 5
Poll closing date
Fri May 9

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