
New Ice Laid in Buffalo

Icethetics reader Steven wrote in tonight about a cool new video posted on the Buffalo Sabres' official web site. It's time lapse of the new ice being laid at the HSBC Arena.

Notice the slug is nowhere to be found at center ice. Instead, the classic (third sweater) logo now appears in the middle of the rink. A sign of pleasant things to come? Also, Steven points out the new dasher boards are now capped in blue rather than red.

Enjoy the clip!

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Reader Comments (17)

This is nothing new, it was like this last season too, all year...

Sep 9 · 9:44 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNick May

yeah, they went with the classic logo at center all last year too.

Sep 9 · 9:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEric R

While it is nothing new, its a good sign. It means last year wasn't just for novelty sake because of the new third release. It has been said the slug will be gone by next season. I mean they already wear the 3rd at home almost 50% of the time

Sep 9 · 9:48 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterdonbrandt

the glass is also new. the panes are bigger. 8 ft instead of 4 on the sides and 5 instead of 4 on the ends. just some useless info for everyone who didnt read the article.

Sep 9 · 9:54 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentergosabres21

I could care less about the Ice design. I just thought i was cool to see how it is done i never seen it before.

Sep 10 · 4:57 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMike Ivall Design

Bring back the old logo; you can't bring back the past. I'll be happy when the slug is gone. But will I ever be able to see Sabres vs. Whalers again in Hartford in my lifetime? Seeing this classic logo come back just makes me think of what could have been. Sigh.

Sep 10 · 5:19 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBuckminster

I think the Sabres just need to stop fooling around. They are putting the old logo everywhere. I mean they obviously WANT to switch back. Just do it... don't be afraid, everyone hates the Slug anyway...

Sep 10 · 6:07 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFrank

Although the sales of Buffalo's new home and away jersey (first introduced in 2006-2007) were some of the highest in the history of the NHL, the brand has been pushing for the old logo to return as the main logo for some time. Visit or the blogspot and you'll see that in interviews with Buffalo's GM, Darcy Reiger, that the Sabres will be switching back as soon as the slug logo has seen the mininum time carried by a logo (7 seasons ??) I personally love all of their jerseys (favorite team) but I have a feeling that not only this team, but this league is pushing for retro. Look at all the teams currently from the 70's, how many teams have brand new logos from the past 5 years. Oilers, Isles, Flyers... teams all going back to old school retro jerseys as their primarys. Just saying I wouldnt be suprised if they went retro for good in a couple years.

Sep 10 · 7:49 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

SABRES!!! Please go retro full time! You have had 1 good season in those slug uniforms. Admit it Quinn, the slugs are an utter failure, and you should have never changed the logo in the first place!

Sep 10 · 8:00 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRichL

It wasnt so much that its a new logo (knew it wasnt) just more that it stayed for good.

Sep 10 · 8:12 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterziplock189-steven

I think that both the Sabres and the Canucks will be going retro full-time in 2010-11, the 40th season for both clubs. The Sabres will go with the modified classic crest while the Canucks may go with the full-body Johnny Canuck as the primary, while keeping the modified Stick 'n Rink as the third. There is no Stick 'n Rink at centre ice at GM Place, which leads me to believe JC and not the Stick will replace the Orca.
In the meantime, Sabre fans deserve to have their classic crest full-time ASAP.

Sep 10 · 9:57 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndre

No matter what you think, you have to admit that was pretty cool! Thanks Chris.

Sep 10 · 12:30 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFairplay

Andrew... I agree totally, and hope you're right about the league turning retro for good!
That would be a long-time-coming breath of fresh 'hockey' air.

So glad to see teams are coming to their senses and giving the fans what they hunger for.
Old time fans of the game, like myself, have kept NHL hockey alive through the years as it floundered greatly. Maybe now we can rid the game of the RBK 'tail shirts' and bring back that classic CCM look as well.

The Buffalo ice looks nice...... but the true diehards will know that it's still not the original Sabres logo, but the tweaked version they unveiled a few yrs ago. Anything's better than that moronic slug!

Sep 10 · 5:06 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbwayblueshirt

Seven years is a bunch of bull! The Islanders were able to can the Gorton's Fisherman wannabe logo after two years, and that second year they spent several games wearing the classic logo. They finally ditched nose nauseating wave jerseys after the third year.

The Buffaslug is just plain ugly. I'd rather have a recolored Goat's Head - and even then, only as a shoulder logo (like on the old red alternates). Speaking of 90s logos... if the Sabres do switch to the modernized classic logo full-time, could they please dump the B-sabre shoulder emblem?

Sep 10 · 5:07 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterkyojikasshu

I was really hoping for seamless glass this year. Oh well.

Sep 10 · 11:25 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJohnny

OK, I take back the above statement. I did a little research and I didn't realize before how bad seamless glass was on the players (injuries, etc.). I don't remember ever hearing anything negative about it in the news. I guess that makes sense now why so few times still use it. Wishful thinking for those times you get tickets low on one end and the seams obscure your vision of the play on the opposite side of the ice.

Anyway, here's to hoping that the Sabres don't renege and use the retros full time next year.

Sep 10 · 11:38 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJohnny

How come they turn down the lights when laying the ice? Is it a heat issue or something?

Sep 12 · 6:17 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFranco

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