OKC Barons Logos Leaked?

OKC Barons new logos?It appears that the Oklahoma City Barons will be the next AHL team and that their logos have been leaked!
OilFieldHockey.com and The Copper & Blue claim to have tracked down logos belonging to the new American Hockey League franchise on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website.
OilFieldHockey.com says "a trademark search this morning has uncovered the Logos for the Oklahoma City Barons." They then call it "official" — which it isn't, by the way, until an announcement is made by the franchise.
That being said, they do appear to be legitimate logos, and the images are hosted on the USPTO servers.
OilFieldHockey.com claims credit for finding the primary and word marks (top and bottom) while crediting The Copper & Blue with the OKC secondary mark (middle).
And for what it's worth, the @OKC_Barons Twitter account I talked about yesterday is now decked out in the new logos. It doesn't make any of this official. But if it's not, it's a really good ruse. I'd expect the official announcement in the next few weeks.

Start the countdown! Prodigal Hockey, which operates the new Oilers-affiliated AHL team has just announced that the team's name, logo, colors and uniforms will be officially unveiled at a press conference on Wed., May 19. The event will take place at 4 p.m. at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City.
Reader Comments (18)
That just looks a lot like regular concept art to me. Not sure how to accurately say this, but it looks very similar to the style of some of the concepts we've seen over the years.
That being said, just about an hour ago, I looked at the OKC Barons Twitter, and I don't recall seeing that background. Not sure how relevant that is, but just sayn'.
If these are the official logos then we can assume that the Oilers organization is not going back to orange/blue color scheme next season. The Barons oil drop is metallic copper.
Just horrible colors !
I never like the metallic copper color ...
The 3 logos look "blah" plain .... and the use of the oblique font .. is not great!
oil...leaked ! very clever. I appreciate a good pun.
I personally dont mind it, its better than a lot of the stuff in the AHL.
Sweet logos. Great incroporation of the Oilers colors, and I'd love to see it in blue and gold.
Very conservative move by whoever is the administrators of the new team.
The oil tower in the first logo could anger some die hard OKC Blazers fans (the old CHL team) because of the bitter rivalry they had with the Tulsa Oilers who had a similar logo.
I prefer the copper than the orange.
Everyone here in Oklahoma is ready for the new team.
Bland colors - blech.
Holy ####... didn't notice the "oil leak" play on words there. Clever stuff!
Anyway, I do like the color. Orange and blue, like the Oilers' primary, are very bold colors. But perhaps TOO bold. I like the conservative copper and darker blue. Just looks better to me. Something I'd rather see 80 times a season.
Seems that AHL Barons should look like anything but a baron.
In Cleveland it was a shark (which at least had a monocle and a top hat), now it's a full Oilers artwork.
Btw, the logos look pretty decent but I think none of them would work as a crest...
If the Oilers decide to go back to Blue and orange, i think they would have to make the blue a lot darker to make for contrast, the retro's just look too bold and there's just not enough contrast to make the design look that clear. I agree with kevin y i'd much rather see the modern and sleek copper and blue .
Not exactly a fan of the wordmarkings... They should instead just put the same logo as the oilers main one but with "barons" instead of "oilers"
This also angers me even further because its somewhat hinting that the oilers are going to stick with the same jerseys for yet another disastrous year! My dream would be if OKC copied the exact same jerseys that the oilers had in 2006 with the logo I described above, and then the real Oilers had matching away jerseys to their homes and ditched the copper and blue... That way, the players playing for the Barons would be at the first stage (copper and blue) and only once they make it to the NHL, would they be able to don the prestigious and historical orange and blue jerseys. Best feeling in the world.
love it
come on "prestigious and historcial orange and blue"? those jerseys have run their course, and they're just garbage.
It's really not much of a logo. I don't like the idea of an AHL team outside of Cleveland being called the Barons either.
Why is sports branding so bland these days? Why do all new AHL teams seem to settle for a lame wordmark instead of a logo? blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why do all most AHL teams assume the colours and/or identity of their affiliated NHL teams? It just causes confusion when those affiliations change. It seems to me that some of the more successful franchises have branding that stands well on their own. (Hershey and Manitoba come to mind.)
I checked the Patent and Trademark website, and those logos are registered. They were registered on May 3rd, 2010
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