Share Your Winter Classic Theories

The 2012 NHL Winter Classic is now just 56 days away and we still haven't seen the official jerseys yet. It's a little surprising, but rumor has it we'll see them before this month is out. In that spirit, I thought I'd share what details I've been able to cobble together from rumors and speculation over the last few months.
Regular readers know I don't like to base posts off of speculation, but I have a lot of reason to believe these are very close to what we'll see when the jerseys are officially released.
Rumored Winter Classic 2012 jersey, New York Rangers /
Rumored Winter Classic 2012 jersey, Philadelphia Flyers /
Again, understand these are based on what I believe to be true. Feel free to tell me how wrong I am. Share your thoughts, opinions and relevant links in the comments.
Reader Comments (51)
too much fake white. i think that a whole jersey with the base color fake white is going to be terrible, especially on TV when your SKATING ON WHITE ICE!!! oh dear god, i cant wait to see how terrible these unis turn out. Thank god again that the BLUES would never stooop to a fake white jersey! GO BLUES!!
Hopefully the Flyers will use a darker shade of orange on these than on their regular jerseys right now. Historicallty the proper shade is the darker orange, the ones used today are too bright.
I too would like to see the Flyers in darker orange.
For the Rangers though, I point you to the Québec Remparts. A team with a very nice cream-coloured jersey. I see no reason why a cream Rangers jersey wouldn't work.
Philly doesn't really have much else in terms of options for a jersey design. They already use the vintage jersey set. As for the Rangers, I love it. Not since lady liberty have we seen a true crest on thr chest. I feel people may complain about too much vintage white, but it'll be a nice subtle contrast against the snow, especially if it's snowing like it did in Buffalo. It'll be easier tofind them on tv.
Is the ice going to be painted vintage white also?
The "Vintage White" needs to stop. I hope it doesn't get used this year, you can make a jersey look older without just changing the white elements to a off white.
Ha! Best comment of the day, Bill. At this point I wouldn't put it past them.
As a huge flyers fan, I will be extremely disappointed if this is real. Taking our current home and replacing all of the white with this crappy vintage white and changing the numbers to black is just horrible. I would love the classic 80s orange jersey or something completely new. It disgusts me how much vintage white has been used so often in the NHL these past few seasons. It looks good to an extent but not like this. Very disappointing.
The flyers branding over the past few years has just been disappointing. Getting rid of the black jersey, a black nameplate on our road jerseys, and now this... We finally had a great modern look when edge came out and then they ruined everything...
Love the Rangers jersey, but not the vintage white though.
No real surprises here. They both look good. The thing about both teams is they haven't deviated from their original sweaters. So we don't get an amazing look we haven't seen in years. But, it's classic. If these are what they turn out to be, it makes sense.
So the Flyers' jersey is basically their current homes with the keystone captain's background, the cream color for all the white, and switching the fill color/piping color for the numbers, right? Did I miss anything?
I would like to see them take a break from the shoulder stripe, personally, but this mock-up feels like something the front office would approve.
Dubi won't be captain, that much we can be sure of.
Also, these are renderings, so the colour dissing will have to wait until we see the real live versions.
I think they're going to look sick.
I don't mind the Rangers jersey, but not so much with the Flyers. The fake vintage white doesn't really look good with all the orange.
Vintage white need to stop. Also I'd like to see the Flyers in a Quakers style jersey much more than what we see here.
I am not opposed to the "vintage white" on the Rangers' jersey. Somehow it works and it does provide a nice contrast to the ice, boards, and snow. All white jerseys tend to be too much during the Winter Classic games. Muting the shirt this way works.
But I continue to wonder why both teams can't wear colored shirts for the same reason. Since black and white TV is a thing of the past, and the majority of the viewers have some sort of HD TV, it seems like they could dump the white requirement. They do it in soccer all of the time. Hell, dump wearing white during the regular season too and just have contrasting colors like soccer.
I'm definitely a fan of putting the crest on there instead of the classic word marks. It's not Lady Liberty, but it works for this event.
As for the Flyers, the vintage white looks terrible with the orange. But with limited option and black not very likely, this is probably the best route. Still, I had hoped for a Quakers inspired design; the Wings' jerseys were inspired by the Cougars, so there is a precedent.
But I probably won't watch the game this year. The Flyers have already had their Winter Classic. I boycotted last year's game for the same reason (Penguins). If the Redwings are involved next year, I'll boycott that one too despite the Wings being my team. With 30 teams to choose from, why do we keep seeing the same ones? Why aren't the Devils and Islanders worthy of facing the Rangers on New Year's day? Why not bring in a team from outside the snow belt (which should have been done since Game 1)? Using the same handful of teams will get old fast.
Callahan is the captain of the Rangers not Dubinsky
In my opinion, some teams just work well with the vintage white, and others don't. I think the Rangers are one of those teams that does the color justice because they have such a long history.
Saw something about how the Flyers' jerseys were suppose to be released on Black Friday, so I'm guessing that they will be black.
Rangers should stick with the wordmark that defined them for 80 years, anything else is just not the same.
I really don't get the love the Lady Liberty jersey gets on this site. The Rangers have the best set of home and away uniforms in my opinion.
Anyway, these should both look good on the ice, vintage white or not.
Longtime Lurker to this site so i figured i'd post this... I collect jerseys totaling in around 310 right now... 98 of them are flyers jerseys and getting them customized to the proper specs I use who does the on-ice customization, Philly Express. After getting so many jerseys done up I've come to sort of "know" one of the head guys there his name is Chuck. He showed me a picture and said theres a long sleeve shirt that resembles the jersey. We were in Skate Zone (the Flyers practice facility) Gear Shop he showed me the pic of just about the final product and held up this shirt and theres very few differences between the shirt and jersey. ... believe me don't believe me It does not matter this is what I was shown and I'm passing along the info that I have. if you don't believe me on me having 300+ jerseys here a link to my webshots i have not updated it in a few weeks to months...
REALLY like the rangers concept, hope that's the design they go with. flyers......too much like the current orange jersey for me, thought they'd go with the quakers / flyers hybrid idea, which is pretty smart.
it would not be so bad if the Rangers wore blue and the Flyers wore Orange... I hope not black. Those look OK
I can't for the life of me understand the vintage white either. Teams back in the old days didn't just use browned-out white on their sweaters....
I actually kind of wished the Flyers would go with those Quakers-style sweaters and I would be happy to just see the Rangers wear their regular roads, but of course someone has to make money off the "faux back"
I love the rangers jersey, very much doggy
I liked the jerseys, but too much vintage white. So much for a little goes a long way. Yahoo Sports has another jersey for the Flyers that they had on their site today. Pretty much looks like a creamsicle.
The fake white does not look very good on the Flyers jersey. However, I can see it on the Rangers' jersey, and it would work well there.
I feel like people attack the vintage white too much.
If these jerseys are made to have a distinct throwback/old school hockey feel, then why not use the vintage white? Do they not succeed in doing so? I don't know about anyone else, but seeing bright white on jerseys doesn't exactly bring me back to the olden days or anything.
Also, the only way to truly recreate that look is by using this shade of white. When you think about it, those jerseys back in the olden days WERE this colour. Ever been to the Hockey Hall of Fame? They aren't white, and I highly doubt they were ever truly white by today's standards.
If it doesn't looks too ridiculous, go ahead and use the vintage white, I say!
lol at the suggestion that the "flyers finally had a modern design" when the edge jerseys came out.
those 2 jerseys were easily their worst designed and most boring. the flyers current home and road set is one of the best in the league, and the black nameplate on the white jerseys is a nice unique touch.
if they go with a dark orange and vintage white version of their current home jerseys, I think it'll look pretty sweet.
Rangers almost never have an "event" patch on the front of the jersey. Most recent the premier games it was on the players right shoulder, last year the 85th patch on shoulder etc...last time was maybe 2000 when the league wore those NHL2000 patches, the rangers wore that on the front, so I;d expect to see the winter classic patch on the shoulder, but other than that love the jersey.
The Flyers need to add a jersey tie and switch the colors of the numbers. The numbers should be white with black trim.
When Philly decides to think outside the box, please call me. There's so much hockey history in Philadelphia that it dissapoints me that the Flyers can't think beyond their history as a team. Lets take the Quakers jerseys:
Quality uni's in the same color scheme as the flyers...what could be better. If the NHL is worried about a religious reference in the "Quakers" across the chest (which would be strange due to the fact that the Blackhawks mascot is not in anyway "politically correct") then simply replace it with "Flyers". Problem solved, and no vintage white to have to deal with. That color really looks terrible on Flyer's jerseys.
i think the rangers jerseys shouldnt have vintage white
Color v. Color would be fun. And hey, it was standard way back in the day when teams only had one jersey. Quakers (okay, use a flyers script so you can maintain brand identity during your big showcase) versus the blue rangers jersey from 1930 (the year the quakers existed).
Of course, the only issue with that is that the only differences on that rangers jersey from the current one is that the numbers and letters were red with a white border rather than drop shadow, and that the collar was white with no laces rather than blue. Oh, and the pants had a single white stripe down the side rather than the fancier pattern we see today.
I'd love to see that matchup. As somebody familiar with the rangers, seeing that uniform would lead to a fun little double take every time I saw it. Close, but not an exact match. Whether the NHL would think it's different enough to sell jerseys is another question.
Maybe they should break out the Ferguson era ones. It's really the only radically different uniform the rangers have.
Can you all just relax with the vintage white complaints? You guys are more quick to attack that colour than you would the TBL third jersey. And that's pathetic. IN MY OPINION.
I was never a fan of white jerseys in general, so I really love the vintage white as a nice alternative.
I also think that would be an excellent design for the Rangers Jersey because it is simple (which imo is the key to a good hockey jersey) yet it still encompasses most elements from Ranger Jerseys past.
Having the Rangers in blue would make sense, since they were the last team to add a white jersey via the nhl rules back in the day. Plus the Flyers are orange, so blue and orange can be told apart very easiliy.
This is pretty much the 70s jersey design, which no ranger fan liked. The crest is obviously the older crest logo from earlier times.
Lady Liberty is still used, and is a great logo to use considering the team plays in the city of NY and the statue of Liberty is associated with NYC. The Jersey would just be even sweeter
The only other non current white jersey would be the 1940's style that Dallas adopted.
Perhaps maybe, if the flyers were to go quakers, the Rangers could go the route of the old New York Americans-the first team in msg and new york city.
I love the 'vintage white' jerseys because of the frothing they cause around here. Seriously, cream/off-white is a legitimate colour, and often it looks better than pure white. If every damn shade of blue and red can be used, why not the same for white?
Were they not able to make white jerseys back in the old days?So if we went back in time, all the white jerseys would look this way? Or are we pretending they found all these jerseys in a crate somewhere, and were faded.
Holy crap, I LOVE the Flyers mock-up.
As a flyers fan, I would also love to see the old burnt orange that the Legion of Doom wore. Is it just too soon to be "classic" or "throwback?"
On the contrary, the keystone with the "C" inside is pretty sweet...
not bad. just rid of vintage white plz! then we'd have a operfect set here.
Not that I REALLY know why "vintage white" has become the retro color of choice, but I THINK the idea is that sports teams used to think it wasn't worth the money to use fabrics bleached to a perfect white when, given those fabrics, it would bave been virtually impossible to KEEP them a perfect white after repeated laundering.
I agree that vintage white is getting a bit overdone but I can't think of an example where it ruins a uniform for me. And, as has been stated many times, the Flyers already wear a retro design so all they could really do was tweak the colors and modify the numbers a bit. Although I must say I did like those Quakers-inspired concepts.
Also, I've frankly never understood all the love for the Lady Liberty design. Maybe I'm an old fogey or something, but I think the Rangers' regular blue uniform is beautiful (and it was even more beautiful before the "Edge" design screwed up the angle of the "RANGERS" text). Maybe that's just me. The first jersey I ever owned was one of those...I was five and lace-up collars were current instead of retro.
I wonder if the NHL and RBK had a joke bet going in their offices: "So how quick can we burn out this 'Vintage White' idea?" Enough already.
I wouldn't be shocked to see the Flyers just skate out in their regular jerseys. With or without the vintage white, it's about as retro as it gets for them. Although I will be surprised if the Rangers go with anything other than the traditional Rangers (or New York) script on the front. Having said that, the above design for some reason doesn't feel as if it'd work too well with the text.
And does this mean we're going to see vintage white helmets, or will the Rangers go for blue like the Red Wings and Capitals went for red with their white Winter Classic jerseys?
Dubinsky isn't the captain for NY
John D said, "If every damn shade of blue and red can be used, why not the same for white?"
This is the most perfect opinion ever made in the history of everything.
Vintage white is here to stay ... deal with it.
I'm a big Flyers fan and I have my own opinions of the jerseys, but I offer only evidence to support the jerseys shown. In's store they have a winter classic section. They have mostly generic blue and orange gear for the two teams featuring the vintage white. THEN, they have these:
Flyers -
Rangers -
They look pretty accurate to me, and while they may just be knit beverage holders, the resemblance is, well... uncanny.
^ This is a great point that crossed my mind as well. If the coozies are meant to be based off the Rangers and Flyers jersey designs then why wouldn't they not be reflecting what will be worn for the game?
The Rangers play the Flyers this month on the 26th. If it is true that they are going to unveil the WC uniforms on this month then I would think sometime around that date is most apropo.