
Thrashers Retire Third Jersey

Thrashers retire 3rd jerseyAfter three long seasons, the Atlanta Thrashers have mercifully announced they are retiring their football basketball third jersey.

Blueland Blog, an arm of the Thrashers' official website, posted the news today and added that the team will NOT wear a third jersey at all in the 2011-12 season. Blogger Ben Wright wrote:

Some fans loved them, and others weren’t big fans. Whether you were a fan of the red third jerseys or not, they were unique, but their time has come to an end.

After launching in the fall of 2008 and being worn for three seasons as an alternate home jersey the red Thrashers jersey is being retired. The Thrashers will return to the basics next season and stick with their regular home and road uniforms with no third jersey in 2011-12.

Were you a fan? Will you miss it?

I may not be a Thrashers fan. But as someone with an appreciation for hockey uniforms, I think it was a wreck. But that wasn't always the case.

When it was first unveiled on Oct. 8, 2008, I wrote, "this is a great jersey if you can look past the front of it. I like sleeves, the logo element on the shoulders and the striping looks great. I just can't quite get past the text and the giant number on the front."

I still mostly stand by that. I like slightly oversized shoulder patches and the stripes on the sleeves. And I was always on the fence about the socks and the odd elements on the sides of the jersey.

But after years of seeing it over and over again I've been unable to reconcile the front of that uniform. It's just not what a hockey uniform should look like. Not that I'm any kind of authority on that. I'm a fan like anyone else. And coloring outside the lines is usually a good thing.

I just won't miss this one. Will you? Will you miss the Thrashers having a third jersey option? Should they take another stab in 2012-13 or stick with two for a while?

Related: Atlanta Thrashers jersey gallery

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Reader Comments (37)

This will help them in attracting a buyer for the team.

Apr 14 · 1:16 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDave

I'm of the exact same opinion of yourself. They were not trying to copy anyone else with their stripping/etc. But, that logo (if you can call it that) does not belong in the NHL, and I'm glad it is gone.
I believe they should sit on their hands with the jerseys, and take a stab in a couple years.

Apr 14 · 1:21 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMax

I thought it was pretty good, although, if I'm really honest, word marks as a primary crest just don't do it for me in the NHL. This isn't baseball, and this isn't the NCAA. That said, I liked the color, sort of a light reddish rust. I would like to see them have another third jersey, but I think I'd like it to have that Thrashers "T" logo, the one they used to use on their pre-EDGE dark jerseys.

Apr 14 · 1:21 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBrianB23

THANK GOD! I couldnt stand that piece of crap. Kinda bummed that we have to go a year without an alternate.

Oh and trolls: SUCK IT! We arent going anywhere so you can shut up now!!

Apr 14 · 1:38 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBLUELANDbeliever

My opinion is thank god , And i think they need to re do there whole look , they should keep there colors and there OG logo's but if anyone noticed all 3 now 2 of there jerseys are totally different from each other its like they were all made a totally different times , like you cant ahve a jersey with All maroon and dark blue with yellow and then have your home jersey Powder Blue and dark blue with barly any Maroon on it and barly any yellow and then there away's have no powder blue what so ever LOL wtf did 3 different designers make these ? Keep the OG logo and the " T" logo like Brian said and have the Bird logo for the pants like they do now Or even maybe bring the "A" logo back but with the thrashers colors like Pavvy's helmet and have the " A " logo for away and have the " T " logo for home , If anyone understood that and could make a concept of it that would be sick .

Apr 14 · 1:41 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJordan

Now that it looks like the Thrashers are gonna stay in Atlanta, I would like them to fix up their jerseys so they aren't a embarrassment to the NHL! Getting rid of the Red jersey was a great idea! They should replace it with this one:

Apr 14 · 1:51 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterFlyGuy

About time. One of the ugliest third jersey introduced.

Apr 14 · 1:59 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentermarkarm

Considering there's a very real possibility the team won't even be in existence (in its current form) next season, this has to be filed under "potential news"

Apr 14 · 2:18 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteraoystreck

They went outside the box with this jersey, which is why I sort of liked it. They should just slap the "T" on the front and get rid of the numbers.

Apr 14 · 2:33 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMW

I think they should do a white version of their blue jersey and stick with two for a while to get an identity

Apr 14 · 2:33 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterChris

Had they styled the front wordmark and torso numbering the same, this would have been fine. It's unique, and I personally loved the little changes they did with the collar. It doesn't hurt that Atlanta has a brilliant color scheme.

Their alternate is the least of their problems. I'd sooner put together a consistent home/away combination.

Apr 14 · 3:10 PM PDT | Unregistered

They should take their home jersey, and take the stripping from the left sleeve and duplicate it on the right. Put the shoulder patch and numbers on the sleeves instead of the "Atlanta" text.

For the away jersey, take the home and switch white with the light blue in the colour scheme. Done.

Apr 14 · 3:30 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSlam

Thank God!!!

Apr 14 · 3:52 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDEE EM

GOOD riddance to BAD rubbish!!! and why would atlanta need a 3rd jersey next season anyway?? they probably won't even be in atlanta next season!!

Apr 14 · 3:57 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJerseyman

There's absolutely nothing that I like about this jersey, nothing at all. and I'm very happy to hear that this ugly eye sore of a jersey will never be worn again.

Apr 14 · 5:20 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMatt Marczel

As bad as that one is, their home uniforms are terrible. Asymmetry can work, but that jersey's more schizophrenic than Calgary's!

Apr 14 · 5:39 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTorontoSharksFan

If only they'd get rid of that nasty light blue jersey. Sorry, the asymmetrical sleeves really just piss me off, and the "ATLANTA" down the sleeve stripe is beyond ridiculous. This third would've been better if they'd had an actual logo on the front, instead of going with an NBA aesthetic.

Apr 14 · 6:27 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRob a.k.a. kyojikasshu

IMHO... The worst jersey in league history. Worse than any 90's third jersey mistake. Couldn't be happier :)

Apr 14 · 7:17 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBrad

I can't criticize the thrashers for trying something new and original, but i will criticize them for keeping it around for so long

Apr 14 · 7:36 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSt4rr

THey should have kept the jersey just use the A and hawk logo as a front crest

Apr 14 · 7:50 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBaggsy

Thank god for this. I was hoping they would at least introduce another one though. Ah well, glad they got rid of this one.

Apr 14 · 10:57 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTyler

Guess I'm one of the very very few that like it. Damn some of you are just so jaded and uptight haha

Apr 14 · 11:32 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterOutlawz

Well they'll have a new 3rd, it will just say Winnipeg across the chest. It's the result of a team trying to pander to a market, rather than making a good decision. It may be bad, but it will never be as bad as the Anaheim Duck bursting through the ice.

I think the whole problem starts with the team name. No one knows what a Thrasher is, there's nothing that jumps to the front of your mind when you hear the name. Yes it's the state bird, but most would be hard pressed to pick one out of a lineup. Hell when I think of a thrasher, it goes to thresher, which is a stinkin' farm implement.

Apr 15 · 7:27 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMikeyyc

This is the NHL, not the NBA. The Thrashers went for something new and different but ended up with a sweater that alienated most NHL fans. Hopefully, they won't mess it up again should they choose to create another third. Bring back the old T logo!!

Apr 15 · 9:00 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRoF Hockey

Now the home jersey. The one blue sleeve looks like a purse strap and what's the ATLANTA in? All caps Arial? so lame. I think the team needs a whole rebranding.

Apr 15 · 9:12 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbrenthrax

thank god!!!! the ony thing that depresses me here is that Atlanta isnt gonna have a third next season. Oh well dont cheer 4 them anyway. GO AVS GO!

Apr 15 · 2:54 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJamie

They should seriously consider scraping their entire brand and just start from scratch. They can keep the name, they just need to redo everything else. Everything about that teams image irritates the bejesus out of me. They need to keep it simple, and only use 3 colours.

Apr 15 · 5:31 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMatt Marczel

@ Matt,

I have echoed EXACTLY the same comments as you. The one thing I liked about Atlanta's thirds was the deep red colour. Most Atlanta teams wear red anyway. What should have been done is have a deep red, white, and gold scheme, like the Washington Redskins. A simple A-crest with a thrasher bird with block-style numerals. Even should the Flames go back to the old Atlanta colours, the deeper red would give the Thrashers their own look. I believe that poor branding has also affected the Thrashers' attendance. It all started with the ugly lacrosse-style uniforms of the Colorado Avalanche.

Apr 15 · 8:58 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndre

Agree with Matt and Andre. The team has had no identity since its inception. The "Thrasher" nickname is terrible, and the 20 different colors in the color scheme just fail miserably. I'm no fan of Sun Belt hockey, but the total name/look package has done the franchise no favors.

Is it that hard to use two bold colors? Maroon and yellow. Done.

Apr 16 · 12:37 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterG-Man

Just tacky, overdone crapola.

The Thrashers got it absolutely right when they came into the league (esp. with the neck trim pattern, love that). Then, they started tinkering with it, adding that "T" secondary to the front of the roads (ugh), then going with the ridiculous light blue "ATLANTA"-sleeved top, then to this football jersey. Make it all stop.

Apr 18 · 9:10 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDoctor_Zhivago_Blackhawks

I actually liked this jersey and have one in my closet.

I can't explain why, I guess it's just one of those things where you have no reason for what you want.

Apr 18 · 10:47 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJer

I believe that they need to burn the logo, colors and start a new era. The best jersey they had was the original road blue jersey. There has never been originality with the organization. They've had the same logo in the center ice area since 1999. Every team has changed that up. Quit trading for players with one year left on their deals who you know will not sign with you the following year.

Apr 18 · 10:56 AM PDT | Unregistered Commentermj

they should retire all 3 of their jerseys. they'd do better to just wear plain white practice jerseys every game.

Apr 18 · 12:06 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterorange is better

The original sweaters did not have the number on the front. Hockey sweaters should not have numbers on the front like other sports. Next year remove just the front number and it will look much better.

Apr 18 · 9:52 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterhockey chick

i will miss them i thought they were some of the most unique third jerseys in the NHL, I enjoyed seeing them and thought that they were one of the better third jerseys in the league.

Apr 28 · 3:31 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentermgrainda

Well they certainly don't have to worry about any of thier Jerseys now!

Jun 1 · 12:41 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBlaine

I guess all of their Jerseys are retired now...

Jun 24 · 10:18 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMat

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