Boy, Was I Wrong About the Jets

It happens to the best of us. Bloggers, I mean. We get stuff wrong. This afternoon I tweeted what may indeed live on as my most infamous tweet ever. In case you missed it, at 12:56 PM Pacific time I wrote:
Literally, within six minutes of that tweet, at 1:02 PM Pacific time, the Winnipeg Jets tweeted this:
It was precisely at that moment I realized my previous tweet would be nullified. Why would the Jets scramble to unveil their logo — perhaps the most highly-anticipated ever — with less than an hour's notice? That is, unless it had been truly leaked. And as promised, at 4 PM Central time the Jets' new logos were posted on their website.
It's at this point you might accuse me of trusting lousy sources. Let me be clear. I had no sources whatsoever. This is all on me. I had only my years of experience in studying and writing a blog about professional sports branding and marketing at my back. Did it fail me? Or did the Jets? Well, I can't answer that without bias.
Honestly, when I first saw the leaked photo, I instantly thought, "there's no way." This is an ownership group who's been so meticulous in its branding strategy. Certainly, they wouldn't be satisfied with marketing their franchise under such a bland mark. And let me say this in the clearest terms possible: Boy, was I wrong!
The title of this post has a double meaning. First, I was wrong to tweet what I did. I should've indicated that it was my opinion rather than making it sound like a fact. Second, I was wrong to think that this team would blow us away with its branding effort. I do stand by one comment in that tweet. What a joke.
Winnipeg logos unveiled / JetsAt this point, another paragraph of expressing my disappointment could easily devolve this post into an irritating rant. And that's not really my thing. So now that you know my opinion, I'll try to handle the rest of my review a little more matter-of-factly. I'll have to start with a direct quote from True North.
"True North Sports & Entertainment felt it was important for the new Winnipeg Jets to develop a strong new identity," said Mark Chipman, Chairman & Governor of True North Sports & Entertainment. "We felt it was important to authenticate the name Jets and we believe the new logo does that through its connection to (Canada's) remarkable Air Force heritage, including the rich history and relationship that our city and province have enjoyed with the Canadian Forces."
If they felt it was important to develop a strong new identity, then why didn't they? Shoot. Caught myself doing it again. Be objective, Chris. The logo has a silver jet aligned (to the north) with a red maple leaf all set within a blue circle. And the central element meant to draw your eye is muted and fails to do so. It looks like a secondary mark.
Speaking of which, the actual secondary mark is a lot better — for a secondary mark, anyway. It has all the elements you expect from a secondary mark. I like the wings and the hockey sticks. Unfortunately, it looks like the Molson maple leaf is here to stay with the Jets' new identity. Bummer.
To be quite honest, the wordmarks, like the rest of the identity, look rushed. True North took control of this franchise just 52 days ago and only officially decided on the name less than a month ago. So I guess it's to be expected.
I'm also perplexed by the addition of a different shade of blue for the "alternate wordmark." Perhaps a third jersey with a wordmark? Wouldn't put it past these guys at this point. Speaking of which, no date has been set for the jersey reveal, but I'm not holding my breath.
However... I'm sure most Winnipeggers will love it. And that's the important thing. A lot of folks dislike the new Lightning identity but I love it and I'm a fan. That's what matters.
I figured I should address one last thing. Many tweeters have questioned whether my disapproval of the new primary logo wasn't more about my being scooped (or wrong about the leak). I think it goes without saying, but I'm saying it just in case... of course not. This idea that Icethetics has to be first with this sort of news is a concoction of its readers.
I appreciate you all and your loyalty very much, but sometimes you set this blog on a pedestal it doesn't deserve. I'm often not first with this type of news and frankly, I don't feel I need to be. All I do is share what's already out there to a wider audience. (Plus, today was an especially busy day at work so I've only just now found time in my day to update the site. Some of you tend to forget I have that day job.)
Reader Comments (145)
A day job?! Sacrilidge! Good sir it happens. I like who they are honoring, but, they could've done better.
I've seen so many people slap a jet onto a maple leaf, throw it in a circle and call it a day. I wonder if there will be lawsuits?
But yes, very underwhelming, but not a disaster.
I think we'll see some jerseys like the RCAF ones the moose took to the ice with a few years back.
Most unoriginal logo in the NHL. ALL it is, is the roundel of the Royal Canadian Airforce with an F-16 fighter jet centered in the center. Seriously, look up "roundel of the Royal Canadian Airforce and it is EXACTLY the same".
Not that this matters to anyone but airplace buffs but the jet pictured on the jets logo is an F-16. Too bad the Canadian airforce only uses F-18s.
So disappointing.
You say it doesn't draw your eye, and you kinda are right. However biggest thing to keep in mind is that this is an almost exact replica of the Royal Canadian Air Force logo, so it doesn't exactly need to. In Canada, especially in the Winnipeg region this logo is a trademark. I think it was a pretty smart decision to go with a meaningful logo rather than an 'eye-catcher.'
I HATED this logo when I first saw it! I thought it looked rushed and very quickly pieced together. However, after some time to really analyze it, and letting it soak in, I can at least tolerate it. It's not the strongest logo in the league but it's also not the worst, so it's got that going for it. I think if it can be paired with the right jersey design, it could maybe look good. Im hoping they don't go ahead and leave the red out of the jersey design completely because it will need SOMETHING to help the team pop a bit... And lets be honest, the logo doesn't exactly do that.
The different shade of blue in the third mark resembles the other shade of blue used by the RCAF.
Great post Chris, but wow, I can already envision the unnecessary red piping going down the side of the jersey. What a shame.
I like the color scheme, and I think the jerseys will look good...especially the dark sweaters. I'm betting they will have the laces. I don't like the logos though. I think they lack originality and look like any amateur cartoonist could could have doodled them on a notepad...much like Tampa Bay's new logo.
I don't know Chris - personally I actually quite like it ...myself as well also coming from a branding and design background. The designer in me definitely see's some of the flaws in the logo (that you already pointed out), but I hope over the years perhaps these details could be refined, because as a whole - I think the new primary mark is quite strong and bold - and reflects well on Winnipegs airforce heritage, with a fittingly retro-vintage look that has been pulled off rather well considering the tight time constrainst that were faced.
Like you pointed out, I think there should be more contrast between the jet and the maple leaf - doing the squint test, they do blend in together. I imagine the stictched jet will be two shades of silver though, which should make it pop out more against the red leaf. A white outline around the jet though probably would help solve this!
I also serioulsy question the 'wordmark' version of the logo, this seems very rushed, and the different shade of blue, as you pointed out, for the alternate wordmark has me scratching my head. All in all though, I will reserve full judgement until I see the jersey, but I think with this new mark, it's got great potential!
I actually like the Roundel. The Jet slapped on top looks like a patch job, and the wordmark isn't very good. It looks too baseball or something.
I think the primary logo would be better if the ring around the jet contained the words 'Winnipeg Jets Hockey Club'. The secondary mark is decent, but the word marks are boring, in my opinion.
I want to fall in love with this logo but really it's a high school crush at best. I still feel like I got two pretty awesome alt logos and a terrible script. Both the "primary" and alt would look great on the the shoulders and work with the RCAF theme. But I can't envision the JetCompass on a sweater front.
I can't meh hard enough at this logo. It bugs me. I'd much rather hate or love it than constantly go in my head trying to justify this average feeling.
I don't mind the new logos. Not exactly the best logo in the league, but definitely not the worst. Should look decent on a hockey jersey.
Glad to see others picked up on the F-16 silhouette being silly when it's not even used by the RCAF.
While the main and secondary logos are quite average, the wordmarks are TERRIBLE. They look like an awful hybrid of Toronto Bluejays and Molson Canadian logos.
I remember reading your Twitter post and then looking at the leaked logo. I completely agreed with your assessment then that, in no way, could it be a legit photo of the logo. It looked like a bad concept (and boy have I seen my fair share of them).
I think the key word in your entire post is "rushed."
True North was probably under Reebok's gun to approve something quickly so they could get on with the manufacturing. There simply was just not enough time to go at this branding effort in a correct, methodical way.
I can see a rebranded in a few years.
I was one of the few mentioned who was put off by your original tweets dismissing the logo. The issue I had was only the tone of the tweets, both adamantly denying the validity of the logo as well as so immediately calling the logo "terrible" or a "joke." But, this post was well-considered and fair. I look forward to the design news on your site and visit often, so I was glad to read this post.
On to the logo itself. Is it a home run? Not by a long shot. It looks very designed-by-committee, and as a graphic designer myself I've been in a lot of those committee meetings. True North had their arms turned to adopt a name they didn't want. They very clearly wanted to use the Moose, but they answered the calls of their fans and gave them what they wanted. So, they had a month to design a new brand identity.
On that, they succeeded in honoring the Jets of the past while starting a new chapter. Certainly the primary mark could use some more work, which it will undoubtedly get over the next 5-10 years, I'm sure. But that said, it does its job quite well, I think. The nods to the RCAF and True North are handled with class (unlike the Orca Bay disaster in Vancouver). The maple leaf does overpower the jet, sadly, but they at least avoided the pitfall that so many concept admissions made by focusing only on the jet.
My initial impression was, honestly, "Oh, thank god it's not awful." And really, that was what I was hoping for. It's clean, suggests a more retro-throwback aesthetic that's very popular right now without falling in to a fad, and is a platform to build on. I wouldn't be surprised if, in 10 years, the primary mark moves to the shoulder and is replaced by something more unique and thoughtful.
It's very hard to judge a new brand. It doesn't have history behind it to inform any emotional feelings and you're left to judge it on its technical merits. In this case, it's being judged against a classic logo that had many decades of history before being banished to the desert. It's definitely a hard situation to assess in a short time.
Thanks for the hard work on the blog. I look forward to seeing more from this team as their sweaters and the rest of the uniform is released.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! I love the classic simplicity and the homage to Canada's Air force. The moment I saw the design I knew I would be buying a jersey. I think everyone is judging with their eyes and not their hearts. I am not a Canadian (born in Chicago) but I feel this gives the team an identity that firmly roots it back in Canada. Also, I am thrilled Canada has gotten a team back. This logo has a strong retro/classic feel that the original Jets logo lacked (I liked it but it always felt like WHA). I read so many comments on this blog about people being thrilled to see the NHL returning to its heritage and in this design, I believe True North hit a home run. And Chris, I also like the new TB Lightning Jerseys for the same reason; which is why I am surprised you don't like this. Anyway, color-me -thrilled: great job True North and congratulations Canada on your Winnipeg JETS!
This logo simply proves that if you go too simple, you enter bland territory.
I don't hate it, I don't like it, I don't anything it. It elicits nothing other than a sense of.... meh.
So, we've all see worse (I'm looking at a certain fisherman and a "constellation" that we all know looks way too much like a part of the female anatomy), but this just looks like they did one rough sketch as an initial draft for what they'd like to do... and then just said, "Sure, let's go with it."
Wow Chris,, you are totally wrong on this one,, way wrong, I think it looks amazing,, how dare you think its rushed and boring, Give it a chance for god sakes, Hell, boston is just a B in a circle with spokes,, the wings is just a tire with wings, . This logo is probably better than half in the NHL,,.. It All comes down to what the jersey looks like too, that can destroy it.
The people of Winnipeg don't expect fans south of the border to like this new logo. It's great, something uniquely Canadian which pays homage to our heritage of the great RCAF.
@ Swiller: Agree with most of what you wrote. I too come from a design/branding background and think this is quite nice. The word mark has to go and I would've used something other than (the typeface) Gotham in the shoulder patch as it's already overused and doesn't fit in well with the "airforce" theme, but all in all I think it's a solid effort and a nice re-brand. If they can get the uniforms right, I think it will look good once they hit the ice as well as on merchandise. However, I get the point that this is the airforce logo with a jet on it and lacks inspiration but as I've said, it looks good to me. The shoulder patch with the leaf is fine. Perhaps the only thing is that flame shooting out of the jet...
Anyway, looking forward to see these on jerseys. Not the strongest in the league but far from the weakest. And Chris, no need to justify yourself. Those of us who get it get it. Hope that all is well in Seattle. Cheers!
I like it. I'm a Calgarian, and a Flames fan to the cartilage, but I like this logo. I like the circular frame, the maple leaf, and the air force reference, which is a subtle source of national pride. Personal opinion at an inopportune time.
Don't sweat it about leaking it incorrectly. I enjoy what you do, but I stick my smelly foot in my mouth at times as well.
Keep up the good work.
Somewhat suprising. I thought they would come up with something better.The alternate logo is not bad for a shoulder patch.The main logo and scripts look weak., but not horrible. For some reason that outer circle bothers me, don't know why. Maybe when the crest is embroidered it will look better.
Can they at least keep the old logo for a retro alternate?
If you do not make the connection with the Royal Canadian Air Force, you miss the whole point and fail to decode the logo's meaning. I'm not sure if someone outside of Canada can really appreciate it. A pure cold graphics and design eye may not fully appreciate the significance.
This is a new Jets identity, they have homage to the RCAF and thanked the department of defense for their assistance.
""True North Sports & Entertainment would also like to thank the Department of National Defence for their assistance in the process."
“We have always had a close relationship with 17 Wing throughout the years, dating back to our annual Manitoba Moose Military Night,” said Dorian Morphy, Senior Director, Marketing & Brand Management of True North Sports & Entertainment. “We are thrilled to be able to continue this relationship in a significant way. The design cues for the plane were inspired by the military jets flown by the Air Force over the years. So not only were we able to establish a new identity for our brand, but we were able to maintain a traditional, time honoured look to the logo.”
I'd proceed cautiously on the logo bash here because it isn't just about the hockey team ...
I love the shoulder patch logo. I think that it is absolutely perfect for the Jets. The main logo I'm iffy on, but I do like how it plays off of the RCAF logo and incorporates the North-pointing compass point at the top, though the F-16/F-18 thing could bug me if I saw what the logo would look like with an F-18 on it instead (I'm not overly knowledgeable on the difference on the two planes).
Hopefully the jerseys will make the crest pop a little and make the look as good as it should be and that wordmark never gets used on a jersey. And maybe they'll use the silver, shiny thread the Blue Jackets use on their crest to make the logo pop. And, hey, at least the color scheme leaves open the possibility for a throwback alternate jersey, right?
Speaking of this logo really any more plain than the old Jets logo? Listen, I love the old Jets stuff as much as the next non-Winnipegger, but the logo was literally the words "WINNIPEG JETS" in a circle with a hockey stick instead of the J and a plane-like shape inserted; it wasn't exactly the Whalers old mark or even the Nordiques. Nothing about the old Jets logo was head-turning or made you go "WOW!" other than the memories associated with it.
Let's all be thankful that a team with a wordmark as a logo in the past steered clear of it in an era of arching team names ("DALLAS" and "THRASHERS"), logo-in-circle-with-team-name-around-it (Panthers, Blue Jackets, Blues, Penguins, Blackhawks, etc), and city-name-in-script (Buffalo and Minnesota, as much as I like those jerseys) on the front.
@Drew - That's exactly what I'm talking about. The old Jets logo is beloved, but for what reason? Because the fans loved their team. The logo itself is classic, but most of the people on this board, I'm assuming, weren't even born when the team entered the league.
Chris himself says that he loves Tampa Bay's new logo, but calls Winnipeg's new mark bland. Is there a logo more bland in the NHL than Tampa's lightning bolt in a broken circle? I'd say not. Your love of your team directly affects your impression of their identity.
A few things...
- I don't think they're F16s, but rather CF18s, which are used extensively in the Royal Canadian Air Force
- Obviously, this is a spin off of the RCAF logo - a nice touch, I think.
- Notice the point indented in the circle? 'True North'.
I'm not as dissapointed as Chris is here - True North didn't even have two months to officially get something together, and yo can bet the Reebok was more than anxious, as was the NHL.
As a primary, it's simply OK. Definitely not perfect, but they tried - it's better than the logos like the Predators, which doesn't even try to be a part of the city's history. If this were their shoulder logo, it'd be perfect.
Still though, we should reserve total judgment until e see the jerseys on ice.
Put it this way - would you rather this, or the Thrashers uniforms? I personally think this is an improvement.
I think it's great. Look at the two logos side by side, old & new -- how terribly '90's does the old one look? Above, Drew's absolutely right - the only reason we have such a connection to the old logo is through nostalgia and through the loss of the old franchise. Once we place that out of our minds, the old one doesn't hold up at all. That's why, I believe, this logo has the capability to transcend the era in which it was created to become truly iconic and truly Canadian.
I think this is awful - all of them. I'd expect this type of logo from a minor hockey traveling team sponsored by a Legion branch.
Honestly I'm Canadian and I think it's lame. The Maple Leaf is unnecessary and the whole thing looks rushed and bland. One of the worst in the league in my opinion.
So, when I saw the logo I had some major Deja Vu, I could have sworn I had seen it before, maybe on another blog, or a news post... so I did some searching on google and found this posted 6 days ago
someone said earlier in the comments that basically anyone could throw a jet in a RCAF rondel and call it a logo... but both this and the official logo feature the notch at the top... curious. Could this be a preliminary design... could we see something like this (an almost leak?) happen with the jersey?
How boring. This is nothing special at all. My first impression was "Hey they must be fans of The Who".
I think these logos are awful. They definitely don't fit in with Canada's other team's logos. What a shame. Even the Jets old logo would've been better.
These are only short-term anyway. They couldn't afford to have the bootleggers already knowing what the logo looked like.
I confidently predict that within 2 or 3 seasons there will be a heritage jersey - and you can figure out how the rest goes from there by looking at Edmonton, Buffalo and NYI.
To be honest.. its pretty gross. Think about the pedigree of designer that should be sought out for something like this; the years of discernible artistic experience that should have been behind this project and more than likely was... and the world still gets this? Like said in the post above and in previous comments, 'it looks rushed.' But what I really don't care for is the way the jet was done. That darker grey outline on the left and the weight of its line just pisses me off. This layout out still could have worked but I don't believe it was done intelligently. Also, I can grasp the nod to the north -mentioning the team's "return to the north" but lets be honest it was really done to recognize "True North". I don't know about this one. Damn it! I was really looking forward to buying one too! Lets see how the jersey layout looks. I was kinda digging that London designer's direction with those three jets inside the leaf. Well, what are you gonna do?
Very plain and boring in my opinion, expected a lot more. Maybe I'm just comparing it to the old logo too much. Anyway, I don't want to come off as some unintelligent, ignorant, douchebag America, but I will, and feel the need to ask this anyway. Multiple times I've read how they wanted to reference Canada's "remarkable airforce heritage." Am I wrong be completely baffled by this? I wouldn't be surprised to find out Canada has 10 planes it uses to crop dust. Sorry, I'm ignorant and dumb.
I'm pretty damb disappointed, to be honest. I envisioned sonething alot nicer and not so bland and boring. TNSE managed to produce an awesome Manitoba Moose logo, and this is the best they could come up with for the city's return to the NHL. I gues I set myself up for disappointment by looking at the Moose logo as an example, and expecting TNSE to produce a logo and identity equally as awesome as that for their Winnipeg Jets NHL franchise. The only thing I like about the primary logo is that it pays homage to the RCAF, but to me it just dose not look like a primary. It would look good as a shoulder patch for sure, but IMO not as the main jersey crest. It's definately going to take a while for me to get used to that primary logo. I guess it's not that horrible, it's better than the Thrashers logo.
Um... anyone who has ever looked at jets should be able to tell that's not an F-16. All you have to do is compare the horizontal stabilizers (in the rear). F-16 stabilizers don't stick back at an angle like that.
That's a CF-18, people. Get over yourselves.
Also... the logo is alright. For the most part, I agree with the people who say it's "meh." However, I do think it has some great potential in terms of how it'll look on Winnipeg's sweaters.
As for the wordmark... I think they were going for a Googie look (which is associated with the space age and aeronautics), and they almost pull it off. I don't have a problem with the extra blue shade on the alternate, but I think the inclusion of the maple leaf makes the primary look much stronger.
I could see this growing on me a few years down the line, honestly.
You say you think most Winnipegers will like it?
So far from my experience..way off. I work at a sports merch retailer and everyone that came in after the release today was complaining about how bad it looked. Granted they all wanted to buy it anyways, but that's just because it's our team, no matter how bad it looks.
It looks like a generic logo provided by EA in their NHL games...I guess I expected too much
Muted. Couldn't have said it better myself. I literally have to squint to see the jet in some pictures because the maple leaf totally interferes with the overall design. Horrible.
Like many people, my first reaction was "That's it?" After giving it a few hours to soak in and coming across it as I watch the videos, read reactions, and look at the stories, I really like the primary now. I liked the secondary at first glance, but the primary seemed kind of bland upon first seeing it. However, each time I come across it after a short break, I like it a little more. It's clean. It's classy. It has little details hidden in it that give it more meaning than the immediately obvious "jet on a maple leaf in a circle."
- It's a nice nod to the RCAF roundel, which immediately gives it some "classicness."
- The nod to the roundel gives a REASON for the circle. It's not just a circle for circle's sake.
- The two-tone jet seems bland at first glance, but slowly becomes "slick" or "clean" each time you look at it.
- There are semi-hidden W's for Winnipeg.
- If the "dark" jersey is the second blue, this is going to look really nice:
- In semi-metallic stitching, this logo is going to look slick.
- The identity takes red, white, and blue and prevents it from becoming American. (My Canadian friend pointed this out.)
- This is "old school," which gives me definite hope for the sweaters.
- In monochrome, the primary logo is really clean and really attractive. (You can see that on the right side here: )
Of course, if the "dark" jersey ends up being the navy color, rather than the lighter blue or the charcoal color, the roundel will just look...weird. And, of course, that's the background they used for a lot of the images we've seen so far, which is a little worrying. Still I have high hopes for the sweaters and will be getting my hands on some Jets merch as soon as it's available this side of the border.
How does True North not have a Winnipeg Jets logo design in place 3 or 4 years ago when they first started to chase a team? I know they wanted to go with the name Moose but it was obvious to everyone else that they could not possibly go with any other name than the Jets. At the very least they should have done up a Jets logo package just in case.
This package looks rushed. It is not eye catching and the primary is very confusing. Seriously: what is your eye supposed to focus on? The plane and the maple leaf both take up the same real estate!! And when you scale it down all you see is a circle with a blob in the centre.
Oh and it has a maple leaf everywhere!!! I'm sorry but it's time to stop plastering the maple leaf on everything in canada. ESPECIALLY on ANY NHL team that is not the MAPLE LEAFS.
I think this is a great set of branding marks. I like the factthat it is indeed understated. I think it honours the RCAF as they had wished and breathes new life into a name and brand that I thought was kind if lame with a boring logo. We live in an era where everybody can take a swing at designing logo's and this one keeps it simple and even better doesn'tuse an oveabundance of black. This will look great as the team moves forward with it's history.
I like it. A lot. Why? Simple, clean and classic. Chris, the Habs logo doesn't exactly jump out at you either. But it's clear and distinguished, which makes it a good logo. The clean, crisp design is a reason I've come to love Tampa's new identity, and if the jersey designs are competently executed, I'll probably like Winnipeg's look as well.
Firt off I dont love the logos but I also don't hate them, I'll pass jidgement when I see the final product of the whole uniform. However I have a feeling that red is not going to be a major color in the jersey design. With that alternate blue color and the striping in the background of the website I feel like we are going to see something like the Florida Panthers alternates. Let's hope not. Powder blue like colors are so overdone in the NHL since the Penguins brought it back.
I happen to like the new logos. The only thing I do not care for is the lack of a name in the primary logo. Jets or Winnipeg arched across the top of the logo would be great! I still like the 90s logo better but its a new team with a new identity so I can't complain.
So you like the new simplified Lightning logo yet you think this one looks like a joke? I think this is simplicity done right. Gonna make a great primary logo.
this is now officially the worst logo in the league. i'm glad a team is in winnipeg, i'm glad they are called the jets, but the logo is absolutely pathetic