
Lightning Unveil 20th Anniversary Logo

The Tampa Bay Lightning officially unveiled their 20th anniversary logo today. It's very much in line with the club's new branding. And the style reminds me a little of the Calgary Flames' 30th anniversary logo from a few years ago.

You can read more about the Bolts' 20th-year plans on their website.

What's your instant read on it? Good, bad or ugly?

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Reader Comments (7)

It seems inspired by the icethetics logo :)

Jun 22 · 10:20 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPierre

Hey this is just one guys opinion so don't get me wrong here. I personally find the hex-template very distracting when I'm trying to look at the featured logos inside. It's hard to judge balance and color impact when surrounded by the complex shape, tapering hex borders etc. I did really like the old square Icethetics template, but this hex one is just to busy for me to objectively see what's going on inside. Sometimes it even crops the interior logo (see the previous Draft Party logos post).

Jun 22 · 12:11 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTyfighter77

I concur with Tyfighter77. If you're going to show a designer's work, it should be without the confines of a container since it looks like the "hex template" is a part of the design. I too thought it was a part of the logo at first.

Jun 22 · 1:10 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMark

Well, i dont like our rebranding, so I'm none too keen on this... meh, its a logo.

Jun 22 · 3:06 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBB23

First reaction was it looks great!,although I agree with the commets above that the border seems a little distracting,but didn't notice for a few seconds..The actual logo wordmark looks really cool!!

Jun 23 · 2:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRob S

Sorry about that, guys. Admittedly, I went a little overboard on the logo effect there. I've updated the graphic to reflect the full logo on its own. No frills.

Jun 23 · 10:03 PM PDT | Registered CommenterChris

Looks like the Lightning found the Blambot fonts! Haha, it looks like a comic book to me, and that's fine I guess. Their logo is pretty comic book anyways.

Jun 25 · 12:25 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMike B

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