
Islanders' Stadium Look Revealed

Newsday provides uniform sneak peek 10 hours early

Photo from Newsday (via New York Islanders)Late tonight, the Long Island newspaper Newsday presented an early look at the uniform the New York Islanders will wear for their 2014 Stadium Series appearance on Jan. 29.

The photos appeared on the paper's website just after midnight ET, presumably with the team's permission (a reporter announced it was coming earlier in the day).

According to a later tweet from @NewsdaySports, the official unveiling is scheduled for Wednesay morning at 10 AM ET. What's unclear is whether the Isles will go it alone or if the league plans to unveil all seven Stadium Series uniforms in one shot.

But as we're now just hours away, it won't be long before we find out.

Regardless, the Isles' newest uniform is here now. So let's discuss. Here are a few details I noticed: 

  • The crest — believe it or not — is the chrome logo the NHL recently unveiled. So that's an interesting development. My guess: It's not embroidered. It may be screen printed like the guitar-string numbers on the Predators' uniforms.
  • A flat version of the NY logo, however, is also visible on the pants — bigger than most pant logos.
  • The shoulder yoke is unusual, not unlike what we see on the Blues' uniforms — though without the piping on the front.
  • The right shoulder bears the Stadium Series patch while the left shoulder has the classic primary mark to remind us all it's not going anywhere.
  • Looks like everything is on an angle. The pant detail is new and different as is whatever is happening on the sleeves. Hard to judge based on this.
  • What is clear on the sleeves is the stripes do not wrap all the way around the arm (probably because they can't if they're angled).
  • The elongated numbers we talked about last week do not appear on the sleeves. They do, however, appear on the helmet.
  • Haven't seen the back of the jersey yet. That'll come in the morning.
  • The collar laces seem to be tied on the inside of the jersey rather than outside. Player preference or design feature?
  • The CCM branding is very prominent in this photo, clearly seen on the helmet, gloves, pants and skates. The only Reebok logo is on the stick and barely detectable. Of course, CCM is Reebok, but I have to wonder if this is significant beyond Tavares' own deal with the company.

I don't like to make instant judgments on the blog, but my initial reaction to the overall design is positive. There are certainly some unique aspects to it, but that only makes me like it more.

In an NHL being overrun by "traditional" and "retro" uniform designs, it's refreshing to get something out of left field every so often. If the look of this uniform is any indication, I'm really going to like the Stadium Series.

Check back tomorrow for more on the official unveiling.

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Reader Comments (65)

It's... interesting. Hate the chrome. To me, the "NY" on its own is not enough for a primary logo.

Nov 26 · 10:38 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterAdam

I haven't the slightest clue how I feel about it. I applaud the isles for going "anti-retro" but I'm really not a fan of the chrome effect on the crest and the white shoulder yolk. I'd say make it orange, or get rid of it entirely. The diagonal stripes are kinda cool, and if the laces are done like that on purpose, I like it. Of course anything is better than the abomination that is their current alternates.

Makes me wonder if all the stadium series teams are gonna go "anti-retro"

Nov 26 · 10:45 PM PST | Registered CommenterMat Ware

The NHL/Reebok is really pushing for the "freakout specialty" jerseys this season. (ahem...Buffalo). And, what's with the tilted numbers?

Nov 26 · 10:47 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterDamian

You've reversed the patches. Right has the Stadium Series, and left has the good old logo.
I don't think there is anything to see with respect to the CCM branding. John Tavares wears CCM equipment, end of story. I'm sure there's gonna be a Reebok logo on the back neckline.
Gut reactions: I kind of dig the white shoulders! That chrome logo appears especially bare because on the royal body, I expect the traditional logo. But we all know the Islanders are going to have a black alternate for the Barclays Center. That same chrome logo, which is inherently more minimalist, would probably look really good on black. (Despite the fact that the Islanders can't help but look worse in black, compared to orange and blue.)

Nov 26 · 10:49 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterMike Engle

@Mike Engle: Yep, case of looking at the left side of the photograph as opposed to the actual left shoulder. Thanks for catching that.

Nov 26 · 10:51 PM PST | Registered CommenterChris

In forget who but somebody high up came out and said the only classic/retro jerseys will begin games with classic in the title which will be interesting for some teams such as the Hawks, where can they take the historic jersey, might be a push they need to advance the identity, the only team that is not allowed to change their jersey is Montreal

Nov 26 · 10:53 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeremy Roney

I like the look, about the CCM Reebok thing, Reebok and CCM are owned by the same company, so they are not each others competition instead they are brothers.

Nov 26 · 10:56 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterAlex

LOVE it. Combines a "futuristic" look with the classic Isles look. Is it too late to add this to my Christmas list?

Nov 26 · 10:59 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterAndrew O.

Darn, I wanted the fisherman...
I like it, the NY doesn't look bad without the full logo, though I'd still be upset if they got rid of that someday
The pants logo is too big but I like the shoulders and striping
The laces are... interesting, I guess they kind of work from an anti-retro point of view

Nov 26 · 11:05 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterZach

I'm impressed. This is a modern look I can live with. It will be nice to see the Islanders wear this at Yankee Stadium. The chrome logo actually doesn't look too bad and the white yoke is quite nice. The angled stripes are actually quite cool too. I can't wait to see the rest. So far, so good.

Nov 26 · 11:53 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterR

Looks a lot like what someone would wear who works on Star Tours.

Nov 27 · 12:08 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJames

I want to hate it cause it's not traditional but I thing think this is one of the nicest uniforms in the league right not and would love to see this used later a a 3rd instead of the black mess they have now. 9/10 ( w/o seeing the back)

Nov 27 · 12:59 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterEric

I really like this, and I was afraid I wouldn't because it was designed by reebok and the nhl(who don't have a good track record with me right now), not the teams. And though I'm a hudge fan of traditional and retro jerseys, I think this modern look works, and if this is what the nhl looks like in 30 years I can dig it! But I really don't like the chrome on the logo, I think it may look better on other teams but not here. Speaking of other teams I guess this means the rangers are wearing white, and I'm guessing these new chrome logos will go on the front of all the stadium series jerseys. Can't wait for the official unveil!

Nov 27 · 1:51 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterKris K

While I'm not crazy about the chrome logo, it's okay for a specialty jersey. I'm glad that the jersey isn't exactly safe, but not really very dangerous either. As far as the actual uniform design goes (logo aside), I really like it. The angular design elements make the jersey feel more modern without losing the distinctively 'Islanders' elements. While it's certainly not superior to the home/away set the Islanders already have, this jersey is definitely superior to the Islanders' current alternate.

Nov 27 · 2:19 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeremy

Complete travesty. The Island should be there. Plain and simple.

Nov 27 · 3:14 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMatt

It isn't bad. There is alot of blue. coulda used a little more orange to make the logo pop. its miles better than their current third!

Nov 27 · 5:02 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJimmy

I really like it, except for that "chrome".

Nov 27 · 5:11 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterRyan

one other person mentioned it but the sleeve numbers are tilted
the only part i dont like is the silver on white logo is hard to read

Nov 27 · 5:14 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterDan

Any Islanders' uniform is better than their old "Fisherman" uniforms!!!

Nov 27 · 5:21 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeanne

You know, I wouldn't have thought I'd like a uniform with a chrome logo, but this one actually looks really nice. It's clear there was an effort to build on the past rather than just departing from it in a gimmicky way (like the Olympics uniforms or the Sabres third). Makes me hopeful for the rest of the series.

Nov 27 · 5:30 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterBrendan H

Looks like the same shoulder yoke shape as the new Calgary jerseys, but I could be wrong. The chrome logos are going to all look terrible, especially on Chicago and the Rangers, but other than that I don't mind the direction this is headed. I'm going to assume that the chrome is due to the sponsorship of Coors Light and that it never happens again outside of this series. I would love to see this new crest without chrome on a jersey. I like its simplicity, which is taken away by the chrome.

Nov 27 · 6:04 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterLeaders

WOW !! Now that's a jersey.. Where can I put 5 stars ??
I love it.. If only it was Orange.. ;) But, seriously.. WOW.. I'm eager to see all the other jerseys.. :)

Nov 27 · 6:05 AM PST | Registered CommenterXordok

Isn't the shoulder yoke home plate? Stadium Series... home plate...
And isn't the hem line unique?

Nov 27 · 6:11 AM PST | Unregistered Commentertwoeightnine

I think the faux chrome thing is lame, but the design is quality. It's a fresh departure from a series of bad designs over the years.

Small segue : I would've liked to have seen the shoulder patch from the 'Captain Highliner' logo era. It was a lighthouse and it was very nice.

Nov 27 · 6:25 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMark

I am actually very pleasantly surprised! I think it looks very nice. I like the angled stripes, especially on the pants. My only disappointment is obviously the logo. It would have looked better with the full logo, but whatever. At this point, I'm just happy we avoided what I had envisioned when I heard futuristic and chrome and stuff.

Nov 27 · 6:27 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterFrancis Matte

Chrome logo aside, this template is awesome, I love it.... hoping one of the concept guys around here mocks up and orange one

Nov 27 · 6:30 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterNick C

I actually don't HATE it like I thought I would. Get rid of the chrome and it would be perfect IMHO.

Nov 27 · 6:37 AM PST | Unregistered Commenterandrewpheil

As a life long Islanders fan I am very happy with this. No black, a logo that is our own, something that looks new and fresh. I would have liked a bit more orange. Maybe outline the NY in orange or give the bottom stripe some orange but a very good jersey that I would be proud to wear.

Nov 27 · 6:38 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterAnthony S

Not enough orange! And not crazy about the chrome. On the whole though, pretty good.

Nov 27 · 7:04 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterNick

With the MLB's turn back the clock night in mind - these jerseys are pretty cool. Big logo, angular design and mostly nontraditional without spitting in the face of history.
Update however - the back name plate is terrible and the shoulder yolk looks more like shoulder pads, a step back in my opinion.

Nov 27 · 7:29 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterPeter

"The CCM branding is very prominent in this photo, clearly seen on the helmet, gloves, pants and skates. The only Reebok logo is on the stick and barely detectable. Of course, CCM is Reebok, but I have to wonder if this is significant beyond Tavares' own deal with the company."
Adidas (current owner of Reebok) is in the process of removing the Reebok brand from team sports and returning it to its fitness and running roots. Reebok has already dropped lacrosse, including sponsorship of the National Lacrosse League (Under Armour is their new sponsor for everything but uniforms). Baseball and football have been dropped as well. A couple of retailers also said Reebok hockey would be cut after this season, but nothing official has come out that I am aware of.

Nov 27 · 7:30 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterAdamEdg

The crest looks like a cheap iron patch that one would get out of a cereal box. A big cereal box. The rest of the uni is just okay. Kind of bland. As a Kings fan, I now fear the bad LA script from the recently released t-shirts will be the crest for their stadium series uniforms. Please no.

Nov 27 · 7:43 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterPautna

wish there was a bit more orange in the chest logo, but other than that, looks pretty damn good.

Nov 27 · 7:52 AM PST | Unregistered Commentergary b

My initial reaction is: "I like it a lot!"

It definitely has a look that could stand the test of time for a while (unlike Buffalo), but also doesn't go against the Islanders grain (unlike Buffalo). I think the chrome logo is sorta cool ... but also odd. Is it actually a reflective material or printed to create the effect? Either is pretty odd, but I think it looks neat.

However, since I imagine every team in the Stadium Series is going to be having the chromed logo; its going to be a mixed bag. The Ducks, Devils, and Blackhawks chromed logos looked the weakest in the previously released Image Set, so it should be interested to see how those uniforms are made with a vision of the future (especially the Black Hawks). I also hope this specific set of stripes and yokes isn't used for all 7 Stadium Teams.

Nov 27 · 7:54 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeff's beef bone DELUXE

I think it looks great. Love the pants, the arm striping, almost everything. Even with all the "futuristic" details, it still looks like an Islander uniform and not something drawn up by an 8 year old. The only detail that irks me even slightly is the chrime crest, but even that's not that bad.

Nov 27 · 7:56 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMayhem

Idk if I like the chrome logos as main logos, but as a whole I actually really like this kit. A couple small tweak I'd change, but I think this is what an alternate should be: testing new designs, being creative, but still being sharp and sleak (I'm looking at you NYI and BUF thirds!)

Nov 27 · 8:17 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMe

i like it. it looks great. i think all the stuff we heard ahead of time made us prepare for the worst, but this is something that i think could easily be done for some other team on a regular basis. (I even like the ny logo.)

that said, i hope the other teams don't all look exactly the same. that would ruin it.

Nov 27 · 8:18 AM PST | Unregistered Commenterjonathanc

I hate the "ny" logo to me it just isn't enough and it doesn't work. Now as far as the jersey goes I kind of like it. It's a new design while still retaining a bit of class about it where it doesn't look gimmicky. I don't have much to complain about wouldn't timing seeing them if the fix the logo as a real third to replace the black crap they have.

Nov 27 · 8:20 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterGarrett

I like it fine, but...somehow it doesn't seem "special" enough, you know? That's probably actually praising with faint damnation: unlike most of the one-off special event uniforms, this one looks like it could more-or-less be a new standard home set for the Isles.

Also: pleased to see the mostly positive reactions.

Nov 27 · 8:30 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterLV

I really like the jersey but that logo is so friggin' dull. Needs some orange otherwise it's just...just boring.

Nov 27 · 8:36 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterBrett

Now that I see the Nameplate on the back ... thats confusing. Because the name plate is a specific call to uniforms production past, its not a modern thing at all. They should have maybe made that chrome as well, or made the names Italic to fit with the rest of the uniforms modern angle and ditch the plate.

Nov 27 · 8:45 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeff's beef bone DELUXE

The Chrome logo looks out of place. If it wasn't for that the jersey would be nice. Maybe even a replacement for the current.

Nov 27 · 8:56 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJacob

i'm ok with the sweater itself, not great but whatever, it's different. but that logo sucks.

and the diagonal stripe on the pants just looks tacked on. i could live with it, if there was some clear intention but right now it seems half-assed. maybe this was just a pre-production version for media.

Nov 27 · 9:30 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterBickleton Wigglesworth III

Can't wait to pick one up on Black Friday when my wife an I are at the game against the Red Wings.

Nov 27 · 9:33 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJWSmith2008

There are parts of this I like, but together, it looks like a mash-up. Not a fan of the uniform as a whole.

Nov 27 · 9:36 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJoe

Not a huge fan of the overall design, but it's way, way, way better than their current black thirds.

The chrome effect on the NY just makes the logo look all the more 1970s to me. And, oddly enough, it works just fine as far as I'm concerned.

Nov 27 · 10:20 AM PST | Registered CommenterRob S

After seeing the striped down logo the other week, I was honestly prepared for a black and silver look for the Islanders, and honestly, I'm having a hard time faulting it.

Yhea.. I could nitpick about a couple details, but if they are looking at these as a "Turn Forward the Clock" styling, it could have been a lot worse.

Not a jersey I would buy, but a look that if used by other teams may be worth consideration. fingers crossed for the Devils and Ducks.

Now then, let's see the other Stadium Series looks to see if the style is consistent or if each team is doing something different.

Nov 27 · 10:46 AM PST | Registered CommenterRob in Cascadia

you know, i was REALLY concerned about reebok saying the stadium series jerseys would be 'futuristic', well based on this jersey, we dont have to worry at all, this is a great jersey, i even like the simple logo!! damn, thats another jersey i've got to buy now.....

Nov 27 · 10:48 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJerseyman

Aw no. I though that the chrome logos were just for advertising and not for the jerseys.
For doing something different, the jersey is otherwise okay, but chrome logos on jerseys is a bad look. Also, no thanks to name plates.

Nov 27 · 11:06 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterKurt

Chris, now that we have seen the back with the elongated numbers, it makes me think that Coors has a hand in this. Metallic Logos, like a silver Coors Light can. Tall and thin numbers, like a Coors Light can. The Coors cans are taller and thinner than Bud Light or Miller.

Nov 27 · 11:49 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterKyle Schroeck

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