Connecticut Whale to Be No More?

Silly name and logo could soon be gone
It sounds too good to be true, but just three years after the Connecticut Whale brand was introduced, it may be disappearing, according to the Hartford Courant.
With Howard Baldwin no longer at the helm and new ownership in the picture, there's the possibility the franchise could revert to its previous (better) identity — the Hartford Wolf Pack. The article isn't specific about when the change would happen, but I'm hoping they don't do another midseason rebranding.
Evidence indicates return of Hartford Wolf Pack brand
Here's some of what writer Paul Doyle had to say on the matter — and why he thinks the Wolf Pack could be staging a comeback:
The Connecticut Whale brand was created by Howard Baldwin's Whalers Sports & Entertainment in 2010 and that company no longer runs the business side of the franchise, although it allowed current XL Center operator AEG to use the name and logo this season. The franchise is owned by MSG, but Global will run the team's day-to-day operation in Hartford and handle the marketing.
Unless MSG and Global decide to work out an agreement with WSE, the team's name will likely change. The team could return to the Hartford Wolf Pack, the name of the franchise from 1997 until it was re-branded in 2010. MSG has kept the brand alive by retaining uniforms and has even renewed the domain name, updating data base information on the domain name Saturday.
Another possibility is to simply call the team the Rangers — Hartford or Connecticut preceding the name — although that could be a public relations risk. Returning to the Wolf Pack would be simple, especially with the still visible around the team and the XL Center.
The activity with the domain name is interesting. Why keep it if you have no intention of using it again? Plus, we all know the Connecticut Whale name and logo are just dumb.
I'm rooting for the Wolf Pack!
Reader Comments (24)
About time!
Good. I could never get on board with that half assed Whale name. Ideally there would be a team called the Hartford Whalers, but Wolf Pack was a pretty cool name too.
Please please please let this be true! The Wolf Pack had one of the coolest identities in the League.
I'm rooting that the Rangers will leave Hartford and the people of Connecticut can once again have a hockey team they can call their own.
They also registered Either way CT growing tiresome of the Rangers BS game they play with this market, time and time again.
PS: The Wolf Pack logo is equally as dumb as the Whale, it's a Wolf jumping out of the ocean for godsakes.
Yes please, the Wolf Pack identity was so much better than the Whale one, CW had potential but the logo and jerseys are just terrible.
The Whale logo is terrible. The brand is good. The Wolf Pack logo is terrile. The brand is good.
As a Whalers fan, I'd love to see the Wolf Pack brand with the Whale's colors. Or, the Rangers leave Hartford entirely so the state can forge ahead with a new arena for an NHL franchise (not that that would happen relatively quickly). It would certainly be better having a team there than say...Phoenix.
The wolf jumping out of the ocean is a reference to what a pack of submarines are called when they operate together, mainly what came to be known as Wolfpacks when multiple U-Boats operated together to hunt convoys in the Atlantic during WWII. Plus the fact that Connecticut has had a submarine background dating back into the 19th century, the WOLFPACK has a strong connection to the state and makes a good name for the team. As for the Rangers pulling stakes, even if it were to happen there won't be an NHL team coming any time soon and more than likely never, there are to many other cities that have better options in place or will in a couple of yrs which puts Hartford way back to the end of the line to get a hockey team they can call their own. Plus having AHL hockey in Hartford is better than not having any hockey at all, the people in CT need to get over the fact the Rangers are the tenants and show some support for the team, then maybe the NHL will look at Hartford as a viable alternative, but if 3-4000 are going to be the norm for attendance at games then I doubt the League will ever consider Hartford again.
Oh please, stop with the Ranger hating. Either make the ahl team the Hartford whalers or bring back the wolf pack. Ct whale sounds so stupid and the logo is just as dumb. Even better try to bring the NHL back to Hartford, I doubt it will happen any time soon. You had a team, it left, so deal with it. Don't hate on the rangers for having their minor league team in the city of Hartford. They could easily have them back in ny someplace and it'd be much easier to get to.
I'm pretty sure that's not an Ocean in that logo, it's supposed to be snow. Rangers would definitely be a PR nightmare since the fans in that region are pretty divided between the Rangers/Bruins. Wolf Pack caters to everyone, and eliminates the silly whale crap.
As a fan of the Hartford Whalers, I'm glad to see the CT Whale identity go. The Hartford Wolfpack was a great brand and fit well with the history of the state. For those that don't understand the Wolfpack identity, here's an explanation. Following a "name-the-team" contest, the franchise became the Hartford Wolf Pack, a reference to a submarine class as well as the tactic known as 'wolfpacking'. With Connecticut being home to both the main builder of submarines (General Dynamics Electric Boat) and the US Navy's primary submarine base, honoring the state's naval tradition was the paramount goal. Wolfpacking is also the tactic of three submarines working together to hunt down an enemy vessel.
Initially, I felt the same about the name and logo. But everything completely grew on me. Yes the Wolfpack brand was among the most professional looking in the minor leagues but it was an incredible feeling to dump that rangers trash and revitalize the colors for which my community is known. It's like overthrowing the empire that took your village (except it's still the NYR farm team but you get the idea). Also, it's the AHL. I'm sick of you guys acting all high and mighty about the nonexistent pristine minor league standards. Take a look around. How many teams don't have silly logos? How many teams don't have subpar jerseys which, personally, I no longer think the Whale have. We have two teams called the Admirals for crying out loud. Should we settle for less? No. But don't pretend like the whale trail miles behind in quality. Naturally, they've become my personal favorite brand in the league. Could the Whale do much better? Sure. But I've grown to love what we've got. Plus, we're saving the best for later (not that it's likely we'll get an NHL team back but we still hope).
Good Riddance. Connecticut Whale is a half-***ed attempt to honor the Whalers which resulted in a dumb name, cheesy logo, and meh jerseys. Wolf Pack was one of the best minor league identities.
When the Whalers were in CT people often refered to them as "the whale", they same way people in boston call the Red Sox "the sox" or people in NY call the Yankees "the yanks" or the Rangers "the blue shirts " and the Giants "big blue". The only thing that's retarded about the wolf pack is the wave the wolf head is coming out of ,(it's not snow) and the submarines with wolf heads. The sub base is in Groton ,CT. General Dynamics Electric Boat CO. , ( where the subs are manufactured) is also located in Groton . Witch is no where near hartford . It's on the shore almost in Rhode Island. Where Boston fans are probably the majority. In hartford they have manufactured guns, jet engines among others but they are not part of the sub industry. Take out the sub references NYR and you'll have a cool logo that isn't geographically incorrect .
MSG owns the franchise, and the State owns the XL Center. Global, who owns the Flyers and the Phantoms, were picked to manage the XL Center for the next 10 years. Baldwin's company, Whalers Sports & Entertainment, ran out of money because the rent agreement he signed with AEG, who own the LA Kings and used to manage the XL Center, was for $25,000 a game. He also ran out of money because he expected to get 10,000+ a game, and barely got 5,000. The reason they might go back to the Wolf Pack is because Baldwin owns the Whale brand, and either might not sell it, rent it, or even let them use it. Also, MSG might not even want to buy, rent, or even use the Whale brand since they still own the Wolf Pack brand. No matter what happens, people are going to act like complete idiots and say that they will or won't go to games, or get season tickets.
Alas, I was wrong about the whole Ocean thing. Cool connection with the NAVY though.
I have to say, It's funny to see all the Whalers fans.. (" As a fan of the Hartford Whalers" or "As a Whalers fan") plus anymore out there lol. Is the NHL playing there, and the rest of the world don't know about it? Oh wait your all "Canes" fans that's right lol.
I don't know why Whalers fans care. It's not like they support them team. Most of them don't even consider them a part of Hartford Hockey. Some go to game just to root against the Wolf Pack/Whale. Since Baldwin was fired by MSG for not paying his bills and having 14 lawsuits filed against him, one of them being Reebok for nonpayment of $1 million, they have said that it's MSG's fault that the Whalers left. They didn't support the Wolf Pack from 1997 to 2010, but support the Whale. Now they are saying they won't support the team if it goes back to the Wolf Pack or becomes the Rangers. Some of them say they won't support the team because the Rangers were one of the Whalers biggest rivals.
As long as Hartford has pro hockey, I will support it. Weather it be the Wolf Pack, the Whale or whatever. The only time I would not support Hartford hockey is IF the NHL comes back. Because one, I am a Rangers fan, and two, its really expensive. Go Whale! Go Wolf Pack! Go Hartford Hockey!
Keep the whale. The Wolf Pack logo and uniforms were so boring. Just Rangers esque with a few diffrent colors thrown in. There is a lot of potential with the Wolf Pack but going back to what they had a few years ago would be a shame.
Why do you say that Tim? The whole Wolf Pack brand was better than the Whale. I have gone to Wolf Pack/Whale games for the past 10-plus years, and I would love to have the Wolf Pack back. The Whale tried to be something that it wasn't, a NHL team. Baldwin lost millions of dollars and was sued by multiple companies trying to get Whalers fans back to Hartford. A lot of people feel that the Whale was a failed experiment. I have heard that even the state of Connecticut wants nothing to to with the Whale brand, and even they are owed about $500,000.
Also, it wouldn't be the first time a team has gone back to an old name. The Springfield Indians changed their name to the Kings for 8 years, and then went back to it.
The brand just never appealed to me Biggie. Im a Falcons fan so I spent years watching the Wolfpack when they came to town and I just have never been a fan of the uniforms. I really dont like how they dont have a crest, they just have the word mark. They have a pretty good logo why not put it on the sweater? It has been nice seeing the blue and green back on the ice.
I agree. I liked the jersey better with the chest logo, but most players don't like them. I did find out something interesting. The Whale trademark is listed as "Dead". The CT Whale brand was "abandoned" on July 13, 2011, and listed as "died" on August 9, 2011. The Hartford Wolf Pack brand and website were updated on September 22, 2011.
Now the name will most likely remain the same...