St. Charles Chill Unveil Logos

St. Charles Chill primary logo, designed by Alex Flick
New logos the product of a design contest
The Central Hockey League will have a new team a year from now. Its name — St. Charles Chill — was announced at a press conference back on Aug. 1. Now the team has a set of logos, which were the winning entries in a design contest that opened last month.
The new marks were unveiled via the Chill's official Facebook page. The press release announced Alex Flick of aFLICKdesign as the winning logo designer.
St. Charles Chill secondary logo
Logo designer gets tickets for life
According to the release, Flick will never miss a Chill game because he couldn't get tickets.
As the winner of the contest, Mr. Flick will receive four (4) tickets for life for the St. Charles Chill. He will also be a part of the opening day festivities for the Chill in October.
When asked how it felt to win Mr. Flick responded, “I feel very lucky to not only hear about the contest, but to also know that my work got people excited. I love hockey, and I've been interested in the design of hockey uniforms since I started learning graphic design, so to see my work be the identity of a hockey team/organization is exciting. I can't wait to see it in person.”
St. Charles Chill alternate logo (shoulder patch)
Chill received 50 entries in design contest
From the release:
Mr. Flick’s design was chosen out of over 50 entries that were submitted to the Chill.
“We were overwhelmed by the number of responses and the quality of work that we received,” states President/General Manager Nicole Kupaks. “It was a hard decision, but we feel Mr. Flick’s design represents the image of our team well and will be embraced by the community.”
Designer also submitted original entry to Icethetics
Last month, I mentioned the Chill's design contest here on the blog. I also said that if any designers wanted to send their entries my way as well I'd be happy to post them here. Only one designer took me up on that. It was Alex Flick. Here's his original submission.
Original logo submissions for St. Charles Chill by Alex Flick
Only one other Chill logo submission came my way and that was after the winning logos were unveiled on Tuesday. Look for it in an upcoming post on the Concepts page.
St. Charles Chill were previously Laredo Bucks
Want a brief history of the team? The St. Charles Chill are not an expansion team. On May 1, 2012, the CHL's Laredo Bucks announced the team was shutting down immediately. The club was subsequently sold over the summer and the new owner opted to relocate to St. Charles, Missouri.
The Bucks were founded in 2002 and played 10 seasons in Laredo, Texas. They had NHL affiliation agreements with the Florida Panthers and Phoenix Coyotes during their tenure.
All that's left now is to get your reaction. What do you think of the Chill's new logos?