LFV Day 2: Amazing Hockey

Just got back to my hotel from the Canucks game a little while ago. It was unbelievable. Having experienced a long playoff run and a Stanley Cup championship in Tampa, I thought I knew what exciting hockey was. Wow. I didn't know anything.
It's not even the playoffs. It was a big game for the Canucks tonight, but not that big, you know? The atmosphere in that building was incredible. Absolutely unforgettable. I realized that I'd never really been to a hockey game until I went to one in Canada.
I'm sure I sound a little crazy, but for as big a hockey fan as I am, it's just a great feeling to be surrounded by people who feel the same way about the game. Yeah, we don't have that in Tampa. Not to mention, five goals in the first six minutes, that was pretty intense.
Earlier in the day, I walked around Stanley Park and visited the aquarium. Just in general, this city is pretty awesome. Vancouverites, I love your town! Mind if I stay?
Anyway, one more thing before I sign off for the night. Concepts! Got a couple for the Canucks and a bonus for the Nashville Predators, their opponent tonight. First one's my favorite.
Love the logo. Love the green jerseys. Love it all. (I love it so much maybe I'll marry it.)
Another design I've got here incorporates the same cool logo but it just doesn't work well for me, overall.
And we continue this downward tumble with a yellow Preds jersey. No, this wasn't meant to be an in-your-face for the Canucks' big win tonight, it was just all I had.
I really don't like yellow jerseys. Only seems to look good on the Swedes.
And finally, I leave you with a glimpse of the game — specifically the singing of the national anthems — from my particular vantage point in section 329.
Reader Comments (40)
Hey, did you happen to get a glimpse of all the championship banners hanging at Choke Place?
Nooooooooooo...well fuck you and your beloved Canucks. There hasn't been a team you sucked off more than Chokecouver since you started this blog.
Oh yeah and the city may look pretty on the outside but if you look closer it's actually rated the least safe Canadian city over 300,000 because of all the crack dealers, pot heads and prostitutes down on Robson.
Enjoy your time, I hope a polar bear eats you so we don't have to read any more of the biased bullshit.
Holy smokes, what was that last post about?
Just wanted to say that I'm glad you enjoyed the city, and the game too. I suspect our arena's not as intense as Montreal or Toronto, but you got to see a Canadian arena and the unique fanaticism of the Canucks fan.
Riiiight, because our potheads are SO dangerous, and everyone knows polar bears run rampant here...
Chris, you picked a great day to come to Vancouver! Not only did the Canucks score six goals, but it didn't rain!!
This isn't about how safe Vancouver is, it's about a man coming to see his favorite sport is one of the best cities in North America to watch a game. Grow up.
good to here that you've hada great time here and man id be glad if u ran this website from vancouver
and for that remark jrhippe made i just got therse words for you ..... go suck off you dad
also if you have a chance check out a giants game at Pacific Colliseum WHL games are really intense
Glad you're enjoying my home province. I'm not a fan of the city so much (grew up in the middle of nowhere, BC) - if you get a chance, take the ferry over to Victoria. It's a beautiful ride (although expensive, if you're taking a car) and IMHO Victoria's a more interesting city than Vancouver.
And, to be fair, you don't need to be in Canada for great hockey atmosphere - Chicago was probably the noisiest arena I've been to (my limited list of venues I've attended: the Saddledome, Pepsi Center (in my new home city, Denver), and the United Center (Chicago).g
that concept of the green sweater wit h the johnny canuck logo looks great and i think would be perfect for a 3rd jersey.
I am so fraking jealous, been wanting to visit Vancouver for awhile now. Have fun up there Chris, and don't mind that SOB who posted first. Oh by the way, when you get back, watch some Battlestar Galactica and Stargate shows, just don't be surprised if you see Vancouver in the background. have fun, stay safe from those rampant polar bears they apparently have walking around.
I've been to a few games in Tampa and I can see how someone would be impressed by a hockey experience like one in Vancouver. I got the impression that most fans in St. Pete Times Forum were there because there was alcohol and people beating each other up. That, or they were Sabres fans.
Chris, you're absolutely right about seeing a hockey game in Canada. Next trip, you should visit Montreal.
That's where I went to see my frist game, Montreal vs. Boston, in 1998 during the stretch drive for the playoffs for both teams. There were fights, a lot of goals, a fast paced and flowing game (only one icing), and the plexiglass broke when one of the Canadiens was warming up! What a great time!
jrhippe... wow. I love you. When people like you start showing up, that's when you know you're doing something right.
And you say I talk about the Canucks more than any other team? You mean the Lightning right? I'm from Tampa, you know? Where we did win a championship banner. I watched them hang it and everything.
Also I can't help that the majority of the concept art sent to me happens to be Vancouver-related, but that couldn't matter less.
The most important thing is "the crack dealers, pot heads and prostitutes on Robson." If not for them, where would I get my fix, my high, or my late night companionship? So don't knock them, okay?
Anyway, I am enjoying my time here a great deal, thank you, and I eagerly await becoming the meal of a polar bear. In the meantime, feel free to immediately stop visiting MY blog so as to avoid my "biased bullshit."
And have a fantastic day, my old friend!
i lived in vancouver and never had any problems.
ive gone to games and have had fun and there wasnt 6 goals scored (unless it was for the avs a few weeks ago)
chris you're good luck. go back to vancouver and get seasons tickets.
Peter Puck, sorry I deleted your comment. We're not going to digress into personal attacks here. As you said, this is about hockey. So I'll repost here the relevant part of your comment.
Chris, I'm very glad to hear that you are enjoying your trip to Vancouver! I have traveled extensively all over the world and I can say without a doubt that Vancouver rates right up there with the most beautiful cities on the planet. And the passion for hockey is in the very soil that you are walking on. Take it all in!!!
Anyway...i kinda like the second Canuck concept, but without the "Vancouver".
First off, Good job Chris in handling jrhippe. Witty and sarcastic without a trace of aggression, just the way I like it.
I would ask everyone to just ignore him, he wants to get a rise out of people, and the best way to "get back at him" (for lack of a better term) is to not give him the satisfaction.
Though born and raised far from Vancouver, as a Canadian it's great to hear enthusiasm about one of our cities from a visitor :).
You certainly attended the right game! No disrespect mean t to the Canucks, but seeing them score 6 goals in one game may be the equivalent of seeing the Sasquatch or Loch Ness Monster.
And now finally to the jersey art....I can't help it, I don't like the logo! It still reminds me of Vachon brand too much....and though their treats may be delectable, on a jersey...it just doesn't look right to me.
Those are nice jerseys though...just put the John Slabyk logo on there, and it would be perfect.
Well, ok...I'm not a hue fan of the green on the lower half of the away jersey..so just make that white and put the John Slabyk logo on there, and it would be perfect.
oh, one more thing. i notice that SanJose, LA, and Phoenix are wearing whites at home. What gives? It is totally confusing me when I just got used to home team in dark.
Could this be a strategic move from the NHL and RBK to prime us for third jerseys? Conspiracy!
Enjoy Vancouver, Chris. I was there a few years back, LOVED IT!
Fair enough. I'm just not sure what jr's beef is all about?
I was excited to read about your visit to Vancouver. But jr's post got my back up a little! I was hoping that you would delete it right away.....especially since he swore and attacked you personally in it. And it's the first post you see. I didn't find this acceptable and therefore reacted with some sick humor at the expense of our good friend jr. At least I left the swearing out of my post.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of your stay and don't worry....the bears you see everywhere are just sculptures and won't eat you! Keep up the good work.
Hello Chris! Welcome to Vancouver! That's great that you are having a great time. Like Raj said and like I've said before, make sure you check out a Giants game at the Pacific Coliseum.
As for the green Johnny Canuck V green sweaters, I AM WITH YOU ALL THE WAY!! :)) Love the crest, love the green! However, I would use more blue on the whites. As much as I loved the 80s all-green Hartford Whalers uniforms, I would have rather have the Canucks keep their blue pants and blue helmets. A green Canucks sweater and green socks would look great with the blue helmets and pants-more Canuck-like and less Whaler-like.
Now, Chris, as much as we agree with the Johnny Canuck V and the colour green, I just can't understand why you don't like yellow. :( Yellow is a colour that stimulates positive energy and it has a unique look and feel to it. That Nashville concept looks much, much nicer than that horrible greenish-yellow colour the Predators used previously. Yellow with navy looks incredibly sharp. Yellow gives light coloured sweaters(which should be worn at home by the way) a second dimension. If the Canucks had ditched the gaudy Flying V design on their home yellow and road black uniforms and replaced it with the Johnny Canuck V or the classic Stick 'n Rink, their 80s uniforms would have looked much better. More winning would have helped too. Yellow sweaters, like the shade used for the Nashville concept, would look great with either black, blue, navy, or bluish purple. Anyone of these dark colours would tone down the brightness of the yellow. But if yellow were mixed with just orange, red, or a vibrant green with no dark colour, then the yellow would look too bright. I love the traditional white too, but having only white as the light colour gets too boring. If the Kings went back to their original colours(change gold to yellow) and Nashville went with the yellow concept posted, there would be more variety in light-coloured uniforms.
Anyway, Chris, enjoy your stay here in Vancouver. Make sure you also tour the neighbourhoods of Kerrisdale and Kitsilano. Take care.
One time, I was in Vancouver and just about got eaten by a polar bear, but I got back to my igloo just in time, eh?
Hey Chris glad you hear that you are enjoying Vancouver we went their on our honeymoon last April. If you go to the steam clock area there is a great shop that sells hockey jerseys for a great price I know that it is on the same side of the street as the clock. I am a huge Stars fan and found a old white home jersey from the Stanley cup years for $65 Canadian! I never got a chance to check out the prositutes on Robson, my wife would kind of frown on that. Vancouver is very nice, like the David said if you get a chance go to Victoria, that is where we stayed try to catch a Salmon Kings game. I found everyone in Victoria and Vancouver were very friendly. We were at this sports bar watching Game 7 of the Stars/Vancouver series, I was in my Stars jersey and everyone was really great, some even wanted to buy us dinner. We plan to go back in about 5 years can't wait. Have a great time!
i'm speaking on the reason the sharks wear whites at home, but i'm sure that LA and Phx do it for the same reasons. they only wear whites at home occasionally to showcase the away jerseys the home crowd. that way when SJ visits LA, then LA can do the same thing. It's a give and take thing and I'm all for it when the teams try to mix it up a little bit.
I can't believe you not only kept my comment but also replied! Oh sarcasm as PointMeAtTheSky pointed out -- wow, you're such a pompous dork.
My main beef is how can anyone call Vancouver a great hockey city. Out of the cities with an NHL team I would go: 1 Toronto, 2 Edmonton, 3 Montreal, 4 Calgary, 5 Ottawa and then Vancouver. Hate to break it to you, Christopher, but you picked the wrong NHL city to go to.
And there are minor hockey cities in Canada that are also better than Chokecouver: Kitchener ON, London ON, Red Deer AB, Brandon MB, Halifax NS, etc. The list go on.
Again your biased, acne-face couldn't see around that.
What did Peter Puck say? Feel free to email me: jrhippe@msn.com
Thanks. I appreciate it.
yikes... jrhippie just out of curiosity where are you from? wherever it is Vancouver is better. constantly rated as a top city in the world and great people. vancouver has a longer sell-out streak of any of those other cities you mentioned. and what are you talking about robson street hookers? i assume you mean hastings in the downtown east side. robson is the touristy high end shops street. have you ever even been to vancouver? i really hope you arent canadian as you are embarassing the rest of us.
anyways, glad youre enjoying your time here chris! i was at the game as well last night! try come back for a play off game! towels everywhere and the rich people in the lower bowl sell their seats to real fans. it'll give you goose bumps. i love the green jersey! if youre looking for anything fun to do tonight go for a walk down granville street. bars and clubs everywhere and you might even see a hammered 18 year old get srrested if youre lucky. enjoy the rest of your stay!
As an interesting side note...
I didn't watch the game last night, but in listening to an archive of the post-game radio show this morning, it was repeatedly said that the building was dead after the first period and the fans were totally out of the game.
So apparently you actually caught GM Place on a quiet night (save for the first ten minutes, I'm sure).