Lumberjacks Jersey Evaluations

Rate each Vancouver Lumberjacks jersey submission with a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
Washington Sentinels
Reader Comments (8)
MacDonald and Magee: really nice solutions, including the tree tops with some traditional jersey elements. I hope one of you wins it... cuz mine got buried already.
Otters: truly inspired. Prob'ly the most original design of the entire contest!
By far the worst color palette of the bunch. I love green jerseys and I can't stand any of these.
Can I get a little feedback on my jersey? It was one of my favorite that I designed, and I wanted to see what I should have done differently on it.
@Matt the biggest thing for me was using gold as the primary color on the home jersey. It's too in your face. It works much better as an accent.
Yellow is like salt. A little can go a long way, but too much will kill ya
@ St.Jean, only cuz you asked for c&c:
1. I don't think maximizing the yellow in that color palette is attractive.
2. The way the colors flip from home to away jersey could have been done better.
3. The dark green doesn't register cuz the 2 shades of green are separated by a white line.
@Matt St Jean
For me the gold/yellow in the "dark jersey doesn't work. Too much of it IMO. I'd suggest going with the green as your primary color in your dark jersey would have worked out better, because the actual design and elements on the jersey are quite good I think, I just think the yellow/gold overpowers it and probably turns people off at first glance.
ON your white jersey I'd say it is pretty much spot on, I think however the numbers on the back would look better in green with gold outline same as the nameplate instead of reverse from it.
I do think the overall design is quite nice, but my guess is the gold/yellow was what garnered most of the negatives
Thanks for the c&c! I wanted the jersey to stand out by making it yellow, but that decision back fired.