IHA Poll: Toronto Knights

Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!
Starts Fri Aug 29
Ends Mon Sep 1
Cast your vote and leave a comment about your decision. Then tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!
Starts Fri Aug 29
Ends Mon Sep 1
Reader Comments (25)
I usually don't vote for a #3, but this one was the most fun of the three. The only thing I'm unsure of is the style of the horns. These made it look too much like it was supposed to be a bull or a cow. But still, I like it as is.
Both of options 2 and 3 are great in their clever uses of the T. I stuck with 2 though for its simplicity and inclusion of the CN tower.
#3 is EPIC!!!! i would hate to be a goalie to see that logo charge at you!
#2 would make a great secondary logo but is too narrow to really work as a jersey crest. Voted #3
Definitely between 2 and 3.
3 has more "meat" to it compared to the tower in 2, but I went with 2 just because of the simplicity. I think it was the horns in #3 that just didn't convince me.
Had to go with 2 for sure! Third is a good idea, not fond of the actual execution of it though, it comes off more like clipart than a logo design.
Like everybody else, it came down to #2 and #3 for me. I eventually went with #3 because it looks like a knight and I like how the artist incorporated Canada's maple leaf.
#2 looks like it could be a great alternate logo, as long as it doesn't go on a red jersey, but is too thin for me to see it as a primary. That's not to say it isn't a good design, but it's not something I can really see on the front of a jersey for 70+ games. That's something I always consider before casting my vote.
I Think Logo 3 Reminds of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I went with 3. i like beenig patriotic but i still dont think all the canadain teams should have a Canadian Theme to it. Im tired of it. and its been done by the NHL.
as the designer of #2, it actually was my secondary but after i made it i realized that it wasn't jersey material so i made a knight but Chris liked the secondary better, as did i.
to the maker of #3, nice logo(is what i voted for) but i don't under stand the horns, love the incorporation of the maple leaf and "T" but the bottom part reminds me of a cheese grater. Maybe if you used lines instead of holes, idk just my opinion but I wouldn't mistake it as anything but a hockey logo b.c the eyes make it very fierce
Being Torontonian I was looking forward to this one, when I saw the colours I thought it was awesome since it's my own teams colours. To be honest, it's a no-vote for me. 2nd is decent but a bit plain and thin, 3rd is too cartoony. 1st would be better if it was more like a coat-of-arms or just a bit better executed...*disappointed*
I wouldn't mistake any of these for a hockey logo. Nothing here I like. Three? It's a nice logo, but it's not the be all end all.
No, I couldn't design better, but I think we all missed the boat.
surprised mine wasn't here Chris...
for those that didn't see it I commented on the Columbus logo I did (that everyone seemed to like) Thanks again to those that commented.
I voted #3, but as others said before think #2 would make a nice secondary. #1 is interesting but I couldn't make out what was on the bottom portion of the shield. It kinda looks like a knights helmet looking away with a plumage thing coming around but I cant be sure.
#3, lose the horns and it'll be twice as good.
#1 the last letter on the shield can be misinterpreted as an R instead of a K. the bottom portion of the crest has a knight's helmet and mane.
#2 a bit of a Toronto FC (MLS) ripoff minus the CN Tower.
#3 looks more of a viking helmet than an actual knight, although the maple leaf is a cool idea.
Unlike a lot of people, for me it was between #1 and #2. As for #3, I'm weary of maple leaf references in the logos for Canadian teams, and the horns were just ridiculous.
I finally went with #2. The letters on #1 were iffy (if you didn't know the team name you might think it said "TR" instead of "TK", and the knight at the bottom blends into the shield (it should have been done in colors contrasting the sides of the shield, not matching). Meanwhile, #2 had a simple elegance that nevertheless managed to combine the initial of the city, an icon of the city, and a reference to the team name.
A lot of people are commenting how the #2 logo is too thin, but I think it's a nice change of pace. The tower works well with the Knights Templar cross theme. And just to mix it up a little more, I'd like to see the away jersey in primarily grey.
#3's knight is good, but the horns don't work for me. But I'd still take it over the London Knights logo... blech
i went with number 2
if yo udo a jersey that has the letters across the chest i.e. the rangers or avalanche i think it would be a great logo.
Love the idea behind #2. Could use a bit more to it, perhaps a shield in behind it all, bright silver or white. Still my favourite of the three.
Sorry Resist The Machine, i don't see how #2 looks anything like the Toronto FC logo other than the fact that they both have a "T" for toronto
Yeah, that looks nothing like Toronto FC. Maybe he meant #1? Even that doesn't look like it, but it resembles it slightly more with the shield.
I like how the CN Tower is finally incorporated into a hockey logo. The only professional logo with it is the Toronto Rock, and I don't like how he's playing the guitar on it. But number 2, simple, represents the team well, and with one more outline, should look perfect on a jersey.
As a Leafs fan, I'm happy to see that my team finally has a modern, and actually good logo. They really need to bring back the 35 point maple leaf.
There are some bad voters here. The tower would be a great secondary logo, for any of the others. Most teams now have the secondary logo having something to do where they are from. Like Washington, Florida, Phoenix, Carolina, and the old Ottowa one. So this is almost pointless as a Primary.
This isn't the NHL, and who ever said following the crowd is the best way?
Any of these logos would good on a jersey... but I voted #3 cuz it's the most fun.