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Entries in senators (12)


Sens, Wild Sweater Art

Remember that video I posted over the weekend teasing the new Senators jersey designs from capn89? — a guy named Paul, actually. Anyway, the final designs are done and ready for posting.

You can't deny the awesomeness of those. I personally love the third jersey. There's even a set of three with lots of crazy stripes.

I have some more stuff you need to think back for. About a month ago I posted a bit about what the new Wild third jersey might look like. A reader submitted a few designs based off of what was seen at the event.

And just for good measure, there's even this one.

Short post today, I know, but you've got wallpapers too. Maple Leafs fans, I've got some great stuff for you tomorrow. And don't forget, this Friday brings another edition of the Freak Out series — not to mention the new iPhone 3G. I think it's about time for me to upgrade my $15 cell phone. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me over the weekend. It'll be because I'll have a new toy.


New Rebrand Coming Tomorrow!

You got your first peek at it on the day Icethetics launched. But just wait until tomorrow! Matt's Rebranding The NHL series continues with the unveiling of his new Buffalo Sabres logo and jersey designs.

Don't you hate being teased? What's that? You say you love it! All right then, you know the uniform series you guys have been enjoying from capn89? He's currently working on the Sens' new duds and put together a video to tease you.

Not to worry though, tomorrow afternoon you'll get to see the Sabres rebrand that's been almost two months in the making. Get excited!

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