Avs 3rd Leaked (Again... Sort of)

Received an interesting photo this afternoon. I'm not sure what to make of it. It appears to be a cell picture of the new Colorado Avalanche third jersey hanging in a sporting goods store.
Couple of problems with it thought. First, take a look, then I'll give you my thoughts. The photo comes from an anonymous Icethetics reader.
First off, the collar proves this is not an authentic or premier Reebok Edge jersey. I'd go short of calling it on a knock-off since there does appear to be a rack full of them. My bet is it's a youth jersey.
Take a look at the NHL Shop and you'll see that the collars on the kids' jerseys get a different treatment across the board.
Example of Reebok Edge youth jersey
It looks fairly close to what we see in the Avs photo above. But aside from that, the design is exactly what's been rumored in all the computer-generated mock-ups that Icethetics has posted.
As for this photo in particular, the email simply said it was from a "shop in Colorado." No specifics. (Also, it was taken with a BlackBerry.)
More or less, I say this is what the Avalanche will take to the ice wearing in a few weeks when they officially debut their alternate sweater. What do you guys think?
(By the way, I know a promised concepts for my next post, but this was actual news! You'll get concepts before the weekend is out. More than you can handle.)
Reader Comments (33)
not very creative is it?
:( there is so much potential with the avs. and this is the best they could do?
I would have used the "foot" logo, tweak it a bit and use that as the crest.
Looks like the blue my much beloved and missed Nordiques used to wear.
Like the coloring... but man I HATE LETTERED JERSEYS!!!
I think, if you're not the New York Rangers, you have a LOGO on your jersey.
So Colordao, Atlanta, Dallas, Anaheim, Tampa Bay and whoever else has letters on their jerseys instead of a logo: GET SOME CREATIVITY!!!
Why are there green football jerseys in a Colorado store? Shouldn't there be Broncos jerseys.
While the design obviously looks like its lacking creativity and...style...in all of the concepts and now this leak, I am trying to visualize this sweater on the ice, and I think it could actually look pretty good.
Its a nice, unique color that nobody else uses, and the stripes around the elbows give it a vintage look. Definitely think the Avs could have done a lot better, but I do think this will look great on the ice.
thats definatley a youth jersey, look how small the lettering is. the crests on youth canucks jerseys here in vancouver are tiny
http://images.tsn.ca/images/stories/20091024/green_55658.jpg Canada will were these at the world juniors for a game or two.
it's hard to tell if this is the design or if its just a cheap kids jersey. if it is the true 3rd, then it seriously sucks!!!
again, why can't these simply feature striping at the bottom . if the ranger jerseys (which i won like 3 ) wouldn't feature bottom striping, it would look terrible. can you imagine a Ranger jersey without it. Someone is telling these teams to ditch the striping : whether it's the NHL or RBK. I'm not sure. Teams still must have ultimate say, but someone is pushing this style. When you look back 20-30 years ago, no one had flat-bottomed jerseys. Everything was striped (appropriately). So , again, was it copy-cat syndrome or was the league / CCM / whomever pushing stripes? I just don't understand how this jersey won't have them. they had a chance to do something right. Personally, i liked the all-burgundy one. That's truly a color that is unique (blue is not -- sorry...we have all different shades of blue. If that's ur definition of unique, you need more excitement in your life or something). It's a shame. It's like LA Kings syndrome. RUN WITH THAT PURPLE, MAN. Instead it's an accent color. The Avs do more with the burgundy, but not enough. The Stars make use of a nice shade of green but will only use it for accent stripes on the arms. Just like the King: everything must be black and black and black. Can't blame RBK for that...
You Cheated Onn Us! You Promised A Concept Post! |:(
Opps... I Ment On.
I Take That Back (The First One).
I don't understand the Philadelphia Eagles jersey in the window next to it, but that's beside the point. Did anyone else notice the weird logo on the shoulder? That sure aint no Bigfootprint.
I understand the concept behind the Nordiques blue, but add black on their breezers, gloves and helmets..... Just doesn't make any sense to me. Atrocious, at best. And that's sad to say, because Colorado has such a plethora of options when it comes to being creative. I look at the jersey and think to myself 'THIS is the best you could come up with'?
Personally, I like the lettering. I think we have a very cool Font Type and I'm glad to see it used again. Other than that, disappointed in the jersey in this photo. Hopefully its a scaled back version of the adult, but I'm not going to hold my breath, so...
I'm not a fan of the old-school shoulder bar that includes a logo. Its too busy. Also, the photo shows 3 colors in the elbow stripe, but only 1 on the shoulders. That just looks weird. Add a black line to the shoulders and it would probably be better. And if there is truly no bottom stripes, then that just stinks.
Our Font Type has a definite 'Fat' feel to it, which goes perfectly with the elbow stripes. But then the thin shoulder stripe throws it all off.
Where do I start with the Black Armpits? You won't notice it until we score, and then it will seem like everyone has black, hairy pits - even McLeod! :D
This jersey seems like 10 people designed it, except that each person created just one part. And then they threw it all together.
Our first 3 jerseys were so kick-ass, what happened?
Worst part of this jersey is the hip striping. Makes me want to puke
There is no way this is a store in Colorado. I guarantee you this is in an off-base shop somewhere in Korea. That's where they manufacture the jerseys, and they sell them to GI's for like $5 a pop. Trust me, I bought about 50 of them.
It is Colorado, there are Nuggets jerseys right next to it! Jersey stores here do have other teams besides just Colorado based ones!
it's a youth jersey. You can tell by the screen-printed logos
hip-stripping... there is no hip stripping... thats the jersey behind it lol
What's with those funky weird arm pit stripes? Just when you thought the nhl was getting wiser to the ugly rbk syndrome.
bwayblueshirt- I think the arm pit stripes you are referring to are sleeve stripes on the jersey behind it. The uncomplimentary black pit stain does look to be part of the jersey, though.
And no horizontal hem stripes? More Reebok "we are putting our stamp on the NHL whether you like it or not" garbage.
Notice the 'Avalanche' script on the back of the neck. Not a huge fan, but at least they're trying something new.
What, no string on the neck of a third jersey for kids? Are they afraid they'll hang themselves?
Ugly jersey! The old third jersey was better than that one. This looks too girly. Give me something more retro. Strings on the neck. More black or something in it. Make it look more mean.
How about something more like what the Minnesota Wild have?
I hope the powers that be are reading these.
Oh noes Chris...only 40 more min until weekend is over and still no concepts!!!!!1!!1 jk man take your time.
@ Elliott
He's still got 48 in my timezone.
I can tell you it's not a knock-off. I deal with RBK and can tell you its a toddler or youth replica jersey. They don't get the necks right on them and will just screen print the NHL shield on the jersey.
For a team that's actually good this year this jersey is a disappointment...I'd go with the Nordique-esque concept someone posted on here earlier. This one's just kind of boring.
...and every jersey should have striping on the bottom. These just look like they don't really end...they just kind of... blah...
I would have used that blue but mimicked the Nordiques in style. The simplified footprint could replace the fleur-de-lys. Keep the team logo front and centre. Simple block numbers,... Of course, this would required matching blue lids, pants and gloves.