JerseyWatch 2010

The NHL has really started to understand the value of marketing hockey jerseys over the last few years. They know that fans like us like whatever is new (or not so much) and that even if we don't spend the money ourselves, we build the invaluable buzz needed to get others to do so.
I mention this because, not since the years before and after the lockout have we seen all 30 teams wearing the same logos and uniforms in back-to-back seasons. In a way, it's what's kept Icethetics in business (and probably the league, too). That's five straight years with at least one team getting a new logo or jersey — or both — including the upcoming 2010-11 campaign.
Now that all of this season's new sweaters are out, the aim of JerseyWatch 2010 is to keep us all on the same page as far as what's new for next year. And we begin with Howard Berger. Berger became the first to leak descriptions of all 18 third jerseys when the program was re-launched in the Age of Reebok, 2008. Now he's at it again.
According to his most recent blog post, six NHL teams will be donning new or altered uniforms in 2010 — some of which we already knew, some we didn't. He says a "league merchandizing source" is his mole. Whether it's the same person as before, who knows? But you have to admit he was pretty accurate the last time.
First, here's what Howard knows. Later in the week, I'll write up a summary of everything else we know.
The Buffalo Sabres will lose primary mark that's served them since 2006. Unaffectionately referred to as the "slug" by fans, the ambiguous logo is finally going by the wayside.
Taking its place in all likelihood will be the classic logo that's as old as the team is (seen to the left). Evidently, the current third jersey (a veiled throwback) will become the new home sweater and a white version now in the works will be worn on the road.
This has been no secret as the organization's managing partner Larry Quinn has stated on a number of occasions that this will be the case. Sabres fans may rejoice.
The only real question: Will they introduce a new third jersey? I doubt it.
Perhaps the biggest surprise from Berger's post is with regard to the Nashville Predators. While he has no details on the look, he does say the Preds will "be making a significant alteration to [their] original design."
That original design had been worn by the team since their inception in 1998 — up until the Age of Reebok. Is it too much to think something along the lines of the new third jersey could be in the cards?
Berger also mentions the change could be even more dramatic if the team is relocated. But I think he's just being dramatic.
It's no secret the New York Islanders are hoping for a return to their glory days by returning to the jerseys that won them a handful of Stanley Cups.
They'll be following the Sabres in promoting their third jersey to full-time use and adding a white version for away games. Consult the AHL's Bridgeport Sound Tigers for an idea of what that would look like. Just try to see past all the jersey advertising.
Oddly enough, while Berger doesn't have the details on this one, NYI Point Blank blogger Chris Botta does. Saturday night, he wrote a short post saying the white version is currently in the works. I have no reason not to trust him, but we haven't heard official word from the Isles on this yet.
The Philadelphia Flyers will become the third team in as many years to give their Winter Classic jersey an extended stay beginning in 2010-11.
No surprise here, but the Flyers, who this season made their orange third jersey the new home sweater, will take the white version of it, being worn this New Year's Day, to be worn on the road. This seems to be the era for throwbacks. I think the '90s killed uniform creativity. Or something.
By the way, as I read Berger's take on the Flyers, I have to wonder whether he's an actual hockey writer as he mentions the "Outdoor Classic" and misuses the term "piping." Still, he was pretty much on the money last time.
The powder blue third jersey the Pittsburgh Penguins introduced originally in the 1960s then later brought back for the inaugural Winter Classic has apparently run its course as a third jersey (after just two seasons).
This isn't news as I've mentioned it previously here on Icethetics. But now Berger is saying it too. So there's that. He also points out, as we know, that the Pens will still have a blue-infused third jersey for 2010 — it just won't be this one.
At last we've reached Berger's own team, the Toronto Maple Leafs, who are making some alterations their home and road jerseys for 2010-11. The third will remain the same.
Added to the blue and white sweaters will be the much-missed horizontal waist stripes. There was no reason to get rid of them and every reason to bring them back. Berger also says the "TML" shoulder logo, introduced in 2000, will also make a comeback. I could take it or leave it.
Coming soon to JerseyWatch 2010, the Vancouver Canucks and possibly the Ottawa Senators. I'll have a summary later in the week.
Reader Comments (58)
Eh, I really like the Leafs jerseys without the horizontal stripes at the bottom. It gives them a lot cleaner and leaner look. I think the simplicity of it all works.
I remember in one of Larry Quinn's interviews he said that the Sabres are going to have an entirely new third jersey along with the new home/road unis
Howard also states in his blog that the pens jersey change may have something to do with licensing. Is it possible that the rights to the heritage classic jerseys for the pens are owned by someone other then the NHL/Pens? (ie. Whalers logo)
Kind of disappointed to see that the leafs didnt go back to the old school leafs logo (the ones currently on their third) as there shoulder patches instead of letter marks. All together they should make the thirds as their natural away jerseys.
I still expect the Oilers to change their whites next year as well. No sense in them not matching the home (like Philly, Buffalo and NYI if those last two switch as well).
The Leafs should just ditch the current uniform all together and make their thirds their full-time look. The featherly Leaf logo was worn when the Leafs were Cup champions and the uniform itself looks more colourful and elegant. Ever since the "Harold Ballard" Leaf logo came on the scene, the Leafs have been Canada's national joke.
Good move for the Leafs. Without the stripe at the bottom they look like practice jerseys. I could do without the TML patch though, it doesn't seem to really fit with their simple main Leaf logo.
I don't think Philly switching to their old jerseys is a good idea. Unlike some teams whose reversion to old jerseys (Buffalo, Canucks, Pens), the old Flyers jerseys look outdated, rather than classic. That's not to say I don't like them as thirds - because I do - but full time is too much.
I thought I remember reading somewhere that Columbus was considering a third next year. Any leads?
Howard is for real. He is the radio beat reporter for the Leafs in Toronto. He can be heard doing his reports on the Fan590.
Chris, any word on if the Ducks will have a third jersey next year? Or better yet, replace their current uniforms altogether?
chris : thanks for the update. may i say that this is all fantastic news?
chris: question for you and others?
could there be a chance boston uses the gold jersey full-time? that would be sweet. that jersey is WAAAAAAAY TOOO NIIIICE to be one-and-done.
Any chance that could happen?
Dave is right, i live in buffalo and in an interview with wgr 550, a radio station in buffalo, larry quinn stated that there will be a brand new third jersey, I CANT WAIT!
Good news!!! Isles jerseys will be great...
Thanks for the new post! I am intrested in Nashville I wonder if they will make a white version of their new 3rd, I hope so. What about the Oilers, I really hope they go vintage full time next year, or at least finish the stripes along the sleves.
It would be good to see the Pens bring bak the horizontal "Pittsburgh" nameplate for the modified blue sweaters. I always thought those were sharp and seem far better than any other historic blue uniform from the team's history
Buffalo - Great move. The Sabers classics are amazing and anything will be better than the Buffaslug. One thing though is they should get rid of the silver piping on the mid torso/shoulders. It's unnecessary.
Nashville - Interesting and unexpected move. It's kind of weird that they'd introduce a 3rd jersey this year and the do a complete overhaul the next. I wonder if they'll introduce a new logo finally.
NYI & Philadelphia - pretty much expected from the retro movement in the NHL. Why not road jerseys too?
Pengiuns - The powder blues were cool jerseys but Pittsburgh will always be a black and gold town. Plus they're opening the new area next year, so you knew stuff like this was going to happen. They should pull a 90's throw back. Those were the best IMO.
Toronto - Its about time they added some stripes. There was way too much blue going on there. Can anyone say pajamas? I'll be interested to see what the shoulder patch will be.
I'm extremely happy for the Islanders and Buffalo and also glad the Leafs finally are bringing back the waist stripes and patches (Sorry Deastro, too "clean" for me). What will the Predators have, I wonder (No yellow this time please). And I can't wait to hear the latest on the Canucks.
Howard has been a Leaf beat reporter for as long as I can remember. He calls a spade a spade, and I think we can look past his grammatical errors and appreciate the bottom line he always provides. Lighten up man, it's Christmas!!
Long time leafs fan and we really need to leave that stupid TML off the jersey. They need to go back to the jersey with the old maple leaf on the shoulder (introduced in 91-92, I believe) if they're not going to go back to something more older looking.
In case you weren't aware, the scuttlebutt in Columbus is a new 3rd jersey will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the franchise.
Berger said that the Leafs's shoulder logo MAY be the old TML logo or a new one entirely.
Ive never liked the Philadelphia Flyers 70's-style uniforms... about all I prefer out of their current look is the orange uniform.
The Leafs need the stripes! As for the TML shoulder patch, I'd prefer to see the leafy leaf make a comeback instead.
I'm a buffaslug hater, so I'll be glad when that logo's gone. I'd rather see a new logo that puts an emphasis on the team name (and not a Buffalo for a change) but the original logo is popular and includes both... so that's okay.
I'd rather see Nashville ditch the awful name, logos and uniforms and get something totally new. But since that won't happen (aside from relocation), it's nice to know that some changes are in the works. The third is their best sweater even though it looks too much like a classic Leaf design. It needs gold though.
The Islanders need to make the switch you mention, and the Penguins should just focus on the blue and yellow, IMHO (no, not Vegas Gold).
If my favourite team, the Canucks make changes, I just hope they don't keep that ridiculous "V eating Johnny Canuck" shoulder patch. I hate that thing!
Nashville is the biggest surprise here. Get rid of the silver and stick to low key, classic colours and they'll have a winner
I always wonder how Berger has become such a big name in "Leafs Nation" the guy just follows the team around and reports on what's up with them. He's a fine reporter, but to think he's some guy with ALL the inside scoops seems a little far fetched to me.
Yes, Larry Quinn has said the Sabres will have a new third jersey next year. I would bet the yellow B with the Sabre is on the new third jersey. The Sabres use that logo with the current third jersey logo on most of the stuff in the story and anything they said the season ticket holders. The slug is only found on the current jerseys and the jumbotron.
Howard Berger THINKS he's a hockey writer. He's actually just a well-connected idiot.
dave is right.
Sabres - I really love the current third. It has the basic design elements from yesteryear, but it is updated to look fresh and modern. It really is the best of both worlds and the slug is obviously horrible. Very good news.
Predators - I've always liked the Predators jerseys for some reason. Of all the expansion teams and moved teams Nashville and Colorado are my favourites. The pre-rebook jerseys were even better though so if they go back to that I'll be happy.
Islanders and Flyers - Their Rebook jerseys have been very ugly so going back is good, but please Philly get rid of those ridiculous name plates.
Toronto - I don't care what they do with the jerseys as long as they keep those ridiculous striped socks. It's 9 f**king stripes on those socks, three wide and six narrow. I know they've had that design for many years, but it's absolutely horrible. No team could get away with introducing socks like that today.
Come on Nashville, Mustard yellow as the home jersey! (No, I'm not being sarcastic, I actually love that jersey and wear it on a regular basis, it's much nicer in person than in pictures).
Any word on what Columbus has in store for next season?
Sabres - Well for the logo it's a good news. I always liked the jersey template however... but I know I'm minority here...
Preds - I like their current 3rd jersey colors. Way better than what they have. Get rid of the yellow. But I'm not a big fan of their 3rd so I'd take a whole new design here.
Islanders - I didn't think the Isle edge jerseys were bad but I also like their old throwback so... okay
Flyers - So glad about the Flyers! What good news! And those nameplates are very nice! It's weird at first but I really like it. I never like the edge version of the Flyers. Awesome!
Leafs - Just like the 1st comment I like the jerseys without horizontal line at the bottom. I would have like the Leafs to use their current 3rd and make it primary on road and create a home-version of it... but eh... whatever, they're just the leafs :P
I think that Pittsbugh will go back to their navy blue jerseys with the Penguin on the yellow triangle. I wouldn't be too mad.
Anything new about the Rangers? I remember reading on here and other sites that there are rumors that the Liberty jersey is coming back.
You should almost consider putting up an Oilers 2010 watch as well. They're going through an identity crisis right now. I wouldn't be surprised if something happens the next season. Their "throw-back" thirds are their current "Home" jersey while we still see the copper and blue "Away" jersey on the road. Every now and then we still see the dark copper and blue home but I'm afraid Katz, landed a new and clever marketing tool.
I REALLY hope that the Oilers go with the white vintage too....and bring back the blue, white and silver jersey as a third!
It's funny that the Canucks are always in the discussion for new jerseys, regardless of year. Must be fun for Canucks' fans to always expect something new every single year. Sounds stressful.
everything the isles advertise is the 3rd jersey so i have no doubt theyre going to the retro look full time
i think nashville will stick with the blue clasic look and that new logo on the 3rd pants will get more use
the new white buffalo jerseys are gonna be so nice. im hoping for a yellow third
please god let my rangers bring back lady liberty
Nick i would absolutley love it if that b is on the thirds. I always wanted that as our primary....
Sorry Don, but Johnny is here to stay whether you like it or not. To be honest, I thiink that logo will only end up on a third jersey someday, nothing more. Or they could use the full bodied JC logo instead. He has too much of a history behind the name of the Canucks to be trashed.
Buffalo - Ditching the slug is a good move. I just wish they would go back to their original design all together. Love their current third's crest, but I hate the reebok vertical piping and gray armpits on the current third.
Nashville - I like the current alt as an alternative to the freakshow that is their primaries. So basically whatever they come up with can't be worse than what they are currently wearing, can it?
NYI and PHI - Going back to the classic look that they never should have abandoned. Love it.
Pit - I like that powder blue, possibly the best non-original 6 uni being worn right now. I'll keep an open mind though to an update.
Toronto - Ding ding ding. We have a winner! I'm sick of seeing them in those blue pajama practice jerseys. How could reebok ethically have done that to them? Thank god someone in the leafs organization is fixing this travesty with the waist striping. I think the sweater looks good with a shoulder patch, but the TML was always tacky to me, i prefered the leafy patch.
I'm a bit surprised about the Pitsbugh ownership electing to ditch their thirds, especially so soon. Their thirds are quite nice, IMO. Also I'm tired of Leaf fans saying that the Leafs should change their primary logo, simply because since the inception of that logo the team hasn't won anything. First off its not the Logo or uniform that wins Championships, its the players and team personel that make Championships happen. I don't think there is anything wrong with their current Logo, though I would like to see them add the horizontal stripes to the bottoms of their jersey as they are rumored to be doing.
I was at a Jersey City store here in Vancouver earlier today and had brief conversation with the store manager, and he mentioned that the current Canucks logo with the Vancouver script above the Orca, was only a temporary modification which would be ditched after the Olympics. So I think its quite possible that the Canucks could be making a logo change in time for next season. What is also interesting is the amount of Johnny Canuck merchandise that is being sold and advertised at sporting apparel stores around Vancouver.
Evan, I never said I didn't like Johnny Canuck; I happen to love the full-bodied Johnny Canuck logo! I'm glad the Canucks are finally starting to embrace it. But that "V eating Johnny" logo is the dumbest looking thing I've ever seen. I say bring back Johnny, but not in a mangled form that look ridiculous.
As a major Canucks fan, I do hope they make a logo change. I personally would love to see the Johnny V logo as their primary logo, I would have to pick the "V Johnny" over the "full bodied Johnny Canuck" for the new primary logo. don't get me wrong, I do like the "FBJC", I just can't picture it as the primary, maybe on a third jersey.
I remember hearing 2 years ago when the NHL made the RBK switch, all 30 teams had to stick with their edge design for a certain number of seasons until they were able to make alterations to their sweaters. Maybe since the time period is up, alot of teams may decide to make a few tweaks.
RJP, I think you are correct. I think we are seeing so many teams make uniform altercations because the RBK switch was bad for them. I don't think teams are having an "identity crisis". Rather an RBK crisis, and now that the time period is up many are choosing to make altercations.
The only one I don't understand is the Penguins, but maybe they want to move back to the black and gold colour combo in time for the opening of their new building.
I totally agree with Evan. However, I am on Don's side as of which Johnny Canuck logo to use as the primaary. The full-body version would be my first choice. However, I would be just as happy with the V version. However, the JC V is not an "eating version". It has the same head and facial expression as the full-body version. What I would do is use the full-body version on the home blues and away whites. There is more navy and green in the logo that would make it stand out on a royal blue background. The V version would look better on a third green background because there is more blue and white in it. The Stick and Rink, like the JC V, would also look good on a green background.
Bottom line is this: everyone has different tastes on what may look good on the Canucks. However, whatever the Canucks do, it will look great. All three non-Orca logos would look great as a primary. Because the Canucks, under passionate local ownership want to establish a classic and permanant identity to celebrate their 40th, you can bet that the new uniform will look great.
NO ORIGINAL JERSEYS FOR BUFFALO! PLEASE i want these thirds as our primary! Best jerseys in the leauge
im so happy to hear the sabres are dropping the slug. i do like the jersey template but the logo just sucks. being a huge HUGE sabres fan, i love seeing them in the thirds. i also really dont mind the piping. i didnt really like it at first but its grown on me. and if the white version is anything like the mock up one i saw, you wont be able to really see the piping anyway. they look amazing. i cant wait to get one.
It seems to me the Canucks have been wearing their thirds for a lot of their nationally televised (home) games. Maybe this is a sign that this will be the new identity next year and they are giving the audience a chance to get accustomed. Or maybe I am reading to much into things.
I am always glad to see jersey updates via icethetics...
Buffalo - As long as they get rid of what they have now (aka the slug), anything will be better (logo wise).
Nashville - I had the chance to see the 3rd jersey up close before they even started to sell them publicly. This jersey is pretty simple and a huge upgrade over their Home/Away primaries. I really hope they create a similar design for their new jerseys. However, please omit the pants logo (NP type) that is on their 3rd uniforms and NO SILVER. I don't like it.
Pittsburgh - It is a shame that they are getting rid of the powder blue that swept into the fan base after their winter classic. There are low frequency grumbles that the front office doesn't like the jersey and it was deemed "cursed" before the Penguins started to post a decent record when wearing them. I wouldn't be surprised if you see a diagonal "Pittsburgh" or a modified third with gold in it to help open their new arena in 2010-2011.
Andre, you're completely right with your point and Don, I owe you an apology. We'll just have to wait and see what ownership decides and I will stand by the new unifrom, whatever it looks like. Just make sure the Orca is passes into the void.