Wild 3rd Jersey Leaked!

We're getting our first look this morning at the Minnesota Wild's brand new third jersey — just five days before the official unveiling. The new sweaters are scheduled to make their public debut on Sunday at the Minnesota State Fair. Icethetics has a sneak peek right now.
Minnesota Wild new third jerseyI believe this is Brent Burns modeling the new sweater here to the right (correct me if I'm wrong). The photo is part of the background image on the Wild's forthcoming redesigned web site. Since the jersey won't be unveiled until Sunday, the new site will have to wait at least until then.
Meantime, this is what we've been hearing about from the Wild and it's hard not to be impressed. As I said, Minnesota was the team I felt had the farthest to fall in terms of third jerseys for 2009. They have such a great (albeit short) history that it would've been very easy to ruin this one.
The minute amount of red works in its favor. We wanted a green sweater and we got a green sweater. The striping is dead-on, reminiscent of the 2004 All-Star jersey. And the only thing I might change is probably the thin piping around the shoulders.
Aside from that, I don't think there's anything else to improve. It's what most of us were hoping for. Easy on the red, heavy on the green.
By the way, so you have an idea where this came from, here is the full background image that will be featured on the new site — probably next week.
Wild's new web site background
Got an opinion on the Wild's new third? Share it in the comments. And check back on Sunday for more photos from the official unveiling.

While not mentioned by name, Icethetics was featured on Minneapolis TV tonight for the Wild third jersey leak.
Thanks to KSTP for the shoutout!

This jersey has now been officially unveiled by the Wild. Click here for more photos and information.
Reader Comments (136)
That is awesome. that is all.
Very nice.
that's beauty ... wonderful jersey .... wow
Classy and a half. I love the shooting star crossing the t and dotting the i. Perhaps a nod back to the North Stars that everyone was hoping for. I even think the thin shoulder piping, which I usually despise, looks really nice and subtle.
My only question is...does the logo look a little overly slanted? I blame the RbK cut, but honestly, if that's my only complaint, I'm really stretching there =P
My only question is if the wordmark is maybe angling too high. Straight across might be boring, but it might but be too low to too high. Other than that, I think it's really nice. Very old school in a new way. How come they get to look so good while my Thrashers have to look so bad in their thirds?
Kinda reminds me of the old Mighty Ducks jersey (the script logo not the ugly one). I would rate it a 4/5 its pretty solid.
That's alot of green, but somehow it works.
Very classy jersey.
Awesome Jersey!!
Man, Burnzie and Boogie must have rolled out of bed and threw on those jerseys before the photo shoot. Those are some goofy pictures. The 3rds are lookin good though. That's a lotta green!
Nice jersey. I'm glad at least some green is coming back into the NHL. I absolutley hate the current Wild home jerseys. Partly because I don't like the non-matching home and away set, but I just don't think it's a very good jersey overall. But this one is beautiful.
Not bad - but the green's too dark (too close to black). Like the shooting star and the striping. Not sure about the solid colour pants.
Great looking sweater. Nice to see some color coming back into the league. I was thrilled when the Flyers brought back the Orange last year, I'm equally happy to see Minnesota in Green. Things are looking up. Also, thank you Minnesota for not doing a black third.
Impressive. I actually like the style found in the Wild's jerseys, but I do agree with the less red, more green approach.
When i first saw it, I immediately said "wow!"
I like the green, but the actually logo is miserable - it reminds me of the Ducks third jersey before they switched their color scheme and dropped the 'mighty'.
awesome jersey, the question is what is on the shoulder? the bear/wolf animal face? maybe they hid it on purpose.
As an avid Wild fan, I am not sure how I feel about the new 3rd. When they came out with the Red 3rd a few years ago (now our current home) i was rather disappointed in them. With such an awesome logo they could have done so much more. But like the reds, these will grow on me and I know I will eventually like them.
Looks alright but I think the red gloves and even the red "Wild" are a bit weird. The green on the gloves doesn't seem to match either so I'm wondering if they just don't have the new gloves yet.
That looks boring and no thought was put into it. It look like a Baseball shirt with that Font style!
Batter up. What's the deal with baseball style script on a hockey jersey? Weird.
Everything else I like though.
As someone who actually liked the original 3rds (although the shoulder piping ruined them for the current home set), I have to say that I really like these.
The only change I might make is to add the "circular" logo (the one on the front of the old thirds/new homes) as shoulder patches.
Wow! That is pretty slick. I don't love the shoulder piping (I generally hate all shoulder piping) but other than that, quite nice.
I like it. The wordmark has maybe too steep an angle and could be bigger, but overall it's very stylish. I agree with Pedro that it does smack of that Ducks alternate from a few years back. I usually don't like 'wordmark' logos, but it's in lione with the retro theme this franchise does so well.
Lose the red on the gloves!!! I think this team can do an 'all green' look, sticking to one colour like the Leafs and Red Wings.
They just need an update to their white jersey that brings it up to level with the green and red one.
Jersey looks good, logo looks bad. That's a baseball logo.
Hey Canucks!
See that, yeah...Green.
This could have been a good jersey had the just put their regular logo, with which I mean the head without the dumb circle, instead of a script logo on it. Really, what is the rational behind spelling out the name of the city and team?
It would have been even better had they left out the pipe that separates the shoulders from the rest. The shoulders and the body of the jersey are both green so it just makes no sense to have it.
VERY nice! really like the red NHL logo area, the shooting star, and I like the thin piping
constructive crit: I would have used the circle logo or even the original "wild" logo(without the circle) asl shoulder patches.
overall though very nicely designed and executed. Classy. Kudos!
YUCK!!!!!! And I'm a Wild fan.
Oops, sorry for the double post.
Chris, I liked seeing the twitter feed on the main page! Where'd it go? You gonna make me click on the twitter thumbnail, eh?
As a Ducks fan, I also immediately thought of their last alternate with the broad striping and baseball style logo. And I agree that the wordmark angle is too steep, a problem the Ducks had when switching to the Rbk cut, but has since been fixed.
The shoulder piping usually bothers me, too, but somehow it works here (maybe because of the single thin stripes on the arms and bottom?).
Overall, very classic-feeling jersey, which is perfect for Minnesota.
I'm not a Wild fan but I like it a lot. Very classy, very retro ... a great all-around feel to it.
I was really hoping they would use a green version of their away jersey. Is going back to a good home jersey too much to ask?
Classy and what people wanted. I love it.
Its not bad at all, we've certainly seen worse out of the RBK Edge era of uniforms... cough SENS cough.
However, its just a bit... plain. Its almost along the lines of Dallas Stars and Toronto Maple Leafs plain. This isn't college, and it sure as hell isn't baseball. Is this just a copy of the old Anaheim Purple Third Jersey??? I'm getting tired of all these wordmarks on a professional uniform.
I mean, look, you've got Anaheim, New York, the Lightning Third, Ottawa Third, Dallas Home and Third, Vancouver to an extent, LA to some extent... its just never ending. Isn't there ANYONE in the RBK studios who has any sort of creativity???
Hmm not too bad, but it looks a lot like some other team's fails from past seasons.
Why do teams just resort to words? Be creative and tweak your logo a little bit!
On my computer my colour saturation is set really dark, so the jerseys look black for me, and I think it looks really sharp! Dunno what it's supposed to look like green, but BLACK looks great!
The C's and A's For the Captains will have to be on the Right hand side.
Total lack of any creativity. The only neat thing about it is the shooting star.
Not that bad, I'm pretty sure quite a few Wild fans will like it but I want to see some creativity. How hard is it to design a new logo or at least tweak it? It ends up looking a little baseball-like unfortunately, but the small shooting star is a good shout-out to the North Stars.
The jersey is absolutely perfect! The logo... not so great. It looks too similar to the Mighty Ducks third jersey logo used until their 2006 redesign. I also agree that it looks like it should be the logo of a baseball team. Looking at detail, the red doesn't work too well with both the logo and the jersey.
If I had a say in the Wild's jersey combos. The away jersey would be the exact opposite of the home jersey and the third would be the jersey displayed here, except it would have the Wild logo featured on the current away jersey.
My Score, A beautiful green jersey, but do we really need another wordmark logo? They could have just put "WILD" on this jersey similar to "BOLTS" and "SENS" at least it would have worked.
3 out of 5
Do people really not realize that the North Star, or "shooting star" as people here keep referring to it as, is part of the original Wild animal head logo, it is the eye, (the ears are a Moon, the mouth is a river too). Agree that the piping is unnecessary on the shoulders, Reebok seems to have a need to do that on all the sweaters, maybe to cover up the need for a seam there. I also think that since this is the season they Wild are using patches as their marketing gimmick they certainly should be using shoulder patches on the sweaters.
Curious to see what the shoulder patch it, and what the number font looks like....
They're good. I like the script a lot, definitely looks like a hockey uniform. I like that it doesnt look like a christmas tree and that it has no black... It does bother me that the thin reebok style piping around the shoulders is much thinner than the striping anywhere else on the sweater. But out side from that it's a very good design on the reebok edge.
Fits perfectly with MINNESOTA HOCKEY...all levels. A great job at making a third jersey for the Minnesota fans...not the fanboys playing their video games. Stays true to the team of 18K
Considering what they had to work with, with the name Wild and the colors, I've always though they did a marvelous job with the uniforms. In fact, I have the three pre-Reebok revision jerseys, but I won't be buying this one. Such a disappointment. Maybe they'll grow on me, like fungus, which is what they look like.
To those claiming it looks like a baseball uniform... Hockey has a history of script wordmarks on the front. It's still very common today in Collegiate and High School hockey, but a lot of pro teams have worn them too.
I think the shoulder patch is going to be a 10th anniversary logo.
I think the jersey looks really nice though.
that is the worst jersey ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seriously looks like the MN Gophers 3rd from a few years ago.
"To those claiming it looks like a baseball uniform... Hockey has a history of script wordmarks on the front. It's still very common today in Collegiate and High School hockey, but a lot of pro teams have worn them too."
Really, Eric R? Just what pro teams outside of the Anaheim Ducks 2005 Third Jersey has this lame script been used???? Thats what I thought... its a baseball wordmark, plain and simple.
And it has ZERO creativity.