Hurricanes Reveal 3rd Sked

The Carolina Hurricanes have released a public version of their 2010-11 third jersey schedule, though they've done a clever job of hiding it.
Icethetics reader Jeff T. has did the digging and turned up a downloadable file from the Canes' official website. You can get your own copy by clicking here and downloading the PDF which includes promotional info. It marks each of the 16 home games the black alternate sweater will be used.
In the interest of saving time, here's the complete list of third jersey nights:
- Sat., Nov. 6 - vs Florida
- Thu., Nov. 11 - vs Philadelphia
- Mon., Nov. 29 - vs Dallas
- Sat., Dec. 18 - vs Anaheim
- Thu., Dec. 23 - vs Montreal
- Sat., Jan. 1 - vs New Jersey
- Tue., Jan. 11 - vs Calgary
- Thu., Jan. 20 - vs NY Rangers
- Sat., Feb. 5 - vs Atlanta
- Sat., Feb. 19 - vs New Jersey
- Fri., Feb. 25 - vs Pittsburgh
- Thu., Mar. 3 - vs Buffalo
- Sat., Mar. 12 - vs Columbus
- Wed., Mar. 16 - vs Toronto
- Sat., Mar. 26 - vs Tampa Bay
- Wed., Apr. 6 - vs Detroit
I don't really have any comments on this schedule. Pretty standard. Decent split of teams from both conferences and all at home games.
One more note. I have some exciting news. I've been offered a new job in Seattle, Wash. and will be moving before the end of November! In the meantime, I'll obviously be busy packing and driving across the entire continent (a good 3,000 miles). I'll try to keep up with the site as best I can but things probably won't get back to normal until I finally get settled in around mid-December. Very excited about the move!
Reader Comments (28)
Best of luck, Chris! Just don't become a Canucks fan.
Blasphemy! You don't choose your team. Your team chooses you. And you're a fan for life or you're not a fan at all. Seriously though, thanks Glen. Actually, I was planning to go to see my Lightning visit Vancouver on Dec. 11. Unfortunately, tickets appear to be sold out. Sad.
Chris, I'm sure the thought has already crossed your mind, but try StubHub, or see if the Canucks have a TicketExchange program on their website as well, sometimes as the day of the game gets close you can find tickets for face or even less than face, things happen and people need to rid of their tickets ASAP!!
Ignore Glen's comment... Be a Canucks fan! Go NUCKS!
No wonder it's sold out, that is Markus Naslund's retirement ceremony.
Good luck trying to find Canucks tickets here Chris, lol. If you think it's expensive to see the lightning (I'm not aware of prices there in in Tampa) then you will love paying 80+ bucks for cheap seats for Canucks games. If you scour through craigslist long enough you can find tickets below 80 bucks but most of them are scams. I am a season ticket holder but unfortunately I'm going to Boston during that time and already sold my tickets for the games during that time. Good luck with moving and your new job though.
Congratulations, man. Shame Seattle doesn't have a team of it's own
That's SO TRUE! No matter how bad the Leafs are, I will never "jump off the bandwagon", because true fans aren't on the bandwagon!
Yuckie...Seattle. Hope the job is great. Best wishes on the move. Moving bites the big one. Sounds like it's still good Congrats Chris! Safe travels.
daaamnn,thats a long drive haha. i dont think i could ever do that. Best of luck!
Get ready to start loving some junior hockey. 7 teams within a 6 hour drive of Seattle and, of course, the Thunderbirds.
good luck in seattle. too bad the only hockey they get is junior. it seems like it would be a good hockey market considering there is no basketball team to compete with
Seattle, is beyyootiful. Also, I'm totalyl envious of that cross-country road trip. That's sounds liek would be amazing.
Chris, isn't that game (TB@VAN) Markus Naslund Jersey Retirement Night? If you can get a ticket, you should. If not, you can understand why it's sold out.
But best of luck!
Cross country in a toyota yaris! Jesus-christ! Someone give this poor guy a ticket just for surviving the trip!
Chris, Canucks seats are always sold out. If I had season tickets I'd give you the one for the one game but I don't :(
Toyota Yaris? Some of you pay a disturbing amount of attention to the things I write here. Yikes.
Exciting news chris! the pacific northwest is wonderful minus the rain!
Good news is you can still see the Everblades play when they come to victoria, only a short ferry ride from downtown seattle!
Good luck with your new Job Chris!
Thanks for the well wishes everybody! I think one of the best parts about the Pacific Northwest is the rain. And I never was an Everblades fan. They were just the closest team, geographically for the last few years. What I really want is to see the Lightning play in Vancouver. Sadly, getting tickets may be a challenge.
Good luck with the move Chris, perhaps you'll be in Seattle so see an expansion team arrive? It would be interesting to see you blog from the scene so to speak; a return of the Totems perhaps? Here's hoping!
I hope you have a passport. haha Looks like you'll be seeing more Canucks now. Do they even show the Canucks on TV in Seattle?
Chris, congratulations on your new job. I wish you every success.
I'd swap you the FLA warmth for the Ontario (or WA/BC) cold any day!
My sister did the very same drive (Gainesville to Everett). She had company, so it was an easier trip; how are you going to get along, or do you like driving alone? If you're passing through (well, near) Denver, as a fellow Lightning fan, I invite you to look me up.
Tyler, pretty sure they get CBC in Seattle though I won't be sure until I get there. Regardless, I subscribe to NHL GameCenter online so I can watch all the Lightning games (as I currently live outside the Lightning's TV territory). Jason, what Florida has in the winter is "warmth"... what we have in the summer is oppressively humid heat that, no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to ever wash off. That's what I'm happy to be escaping.
And Geof, I won't be making the drive alone. My wife and I will switch off. Our plan is to drive across the southern U.S. so we can stop at the Grand Canyon then drive up the Pacific Coast Highway. For what it's worth, I got offered a job in Denver too, actually. Tough choice between Seattle and Denver. Ultimately, I still like living near the sea I guess.
Good's a safer route this time of year, weather-wise. Although, you could find yourself in some terrible stormy weather along the northern half of the coastal route. I used to live in Lincoln City, OR; our first November there, we had a storm that gave us two straight days of straight-line hurricane force winds.
Enjoy the bridges on US-101 through Oregon and the world's shortest river in Lincoln City. A bit north of that, I recommend a stop at the Tillamook Creamery--good cheese and ice cream.
For a bit of fun, in Washington if you are going to cut across to Olympia to pick up I-5, take the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (WA-16) and go into Bremerton; from there you can take a ferry ride right into downtown Seattle. In my opinion, there's no better view going into Seattle than on this ferry. If you plan on going into the Olympic Peninsula and back down the Puget Sound, another ferry runs off of Bainbridge Island into downtown Seattle; it gives you the same view.
In any event, have a safe and enjoyable trip!
You can get CBC up here, in HD even. Problem is the way to get it is through Comcast. If you do this, and want Center Ice, you will get no more than two HD games a night. If you get DirecTV, that means no CBC but a lot more HD Center Ice games. It was a tough decision for me as I watched a lot of CBC that wasn't hockey related. Seeing the Bruins in HD every game won out, though.
Fair enough, but I'm not usually home at night to watch games, which is why I prefer GameCenter over Center Ice. I can watch Lightning games (in HD) from anywhere as long as I have a computer around. And I am looking forward to watching some CBC.