Jackets Unveil 3rd Jersey

The Columbus Blue Jackets unveiled the second alternate jersey in team history tonight at a special fan-centric event, while the players were away at a road game.
Now, normally I'd go into all the details about the unveiling and post lots of pictures with different angles of the new sweater. But instead, since I'm unable to write up a full blog post right now, I'll supply you with a link to the Jackets' website.
And if it's commentary you're hoping for, I'll say this: I'm a fan. I like them because they're both familiar and different at once. We can all give Columbus a hard time for being yet another team to go with the two-tone blue palette, but I'm not going to go that route. In fact, their twist on the recent trend is actually kind of refreshing.
We get our first look at it on the ice on Friday along with the Anaheim Ducks' new third jersey. Sorry again for the minimal content lately. Just another couple of weeks and I'll get everything back to the way it was.
Reader Comments (92)
Appart from the large white stripe on the pants I love it
It looks like a classic hockey uniform and I can't wait to see it in action !
I live in Ohio, so I'm a fan of the Blue Jackets, along with my Penguins. I like these, but I feel like they could be so much better with just a little change here and there. I don't like the use of the lighter blue and absence of red. i don't like the font they used for the numbers either.Other than that, it's a great third. I like the logo a lot, and the idea.
I love everything but the font ... just seems too squared to me
But good job to the Blue Jackets for keeping it so hush
SOOOO Bad. It looks like it was designed in MS Paint. The lines are way too blocky. But at least it's a completely original colour scheme.
the logo isn't the greatest, it feels like 30s minor league. like, Atlantic City Gulls style with a rather detailed but not very fierce or fast-looking logo. It's a cannon...sure...but it's kinda useless by itself, not firing or anything. It's not bad, it's just different. but the jersey is really well done.
I'm glad it's not a baby blue. it would still be a lot better if it didn't have the Pens and Panthers 3rds to compete with (especially the penguins rip-offs that the Panthers wear)
I think it would really REALLY pop if it used their team color of red rather than the gray in the jersey.
the futuristic font doesn't really match the rest of the jersey. Should have come up with a classic-looking font, but not fake like Buffalo.
I give it a 7 out of 10, but I think it's going to grow on me.
Hmmm. I have a problem with these for 2 reasons.
1] It is way to simple for them to muff up. The team is called the BLUE Jackets. BLUE. Repeat BLUE. On many TV's this color just looks dark, or black. How hard would it have been to make the main color of the jersey look really, really BLUE.
2] This has already been done by 3 other teams in past. Boring.
Very awesome... love that classic look!
Agreed. I think blue's too common in this league, but I like this. Definitely an improvement over their current sweaters (though, for some reason, I don't like the C and A) and with a pretty cool logo.
Yeah, they've jumped on the dark blue/lightblue bandwagon and the "Put your logo in a ring of text" bandwagon, but I really like it! Two tones of blue actually makes sense with a team named "Bluejackets" and together with the withe and gray it looks very sharp. I just love the vhite shoulder yokes! Great job Columbus!
Wow....I like it. Looks a bit to much like the Pens though. I would really like to see what this jersey would have looked like gray.
+ Font and Numbers
+ "We Fight"
+ Logo design
- Copy Cats
- Colors
I like the look of them... if the florida panthers didn't come up with something so similar.
C - for unoriginal
I think they could have used red instead of the lighter blue and it would of been just as awesome. If not better. Because I am tired of the blue on blue c/s.
I'd say this is a perfect hit as far as thirds go. A classic look taken by a modern team, but kind of a far cry from what we're used to with the Jackets. I would have thought some part of their current identity would have made it on their third. It's almost like they're trying to make their third jersey their new identity...again.
-Logo is better then I expected
-Shoulder Yoke
-Like the use of Teal Blue instead of Baby Blue
-Use of JHM logo on the outside of the collar
-That Letter/Number Font looks like something off of LA's jerseys
-Writing on the inside of the collar just doesn't seem right
Overall 4.5 Out of 5.
These are beyond terrible. There is nothing original about them. Stealing designs from other teams while muting your colors doesn't make for a good jersey. Awful.
I like them. Absolutely love the logo. I don't mind that they're making a two-tone blue logo; I'd give them more crap if they went with any other color. They get a pass for it. Really, If Florida had just gone with a red jersey, I don't think anyone would be complaining about these.
I like them too. I think they're a little bare on the shoulders, but maybe that pulls more towards the vintage look. I think it would have nice to see the 10th anniversary patch somewhere or even the primary logo on the shoulder like some other NHL teams. The color scheme makes the white look more bare than it may look otherwise. Definitely one for the collection...maybe I'll modify mine to how I think it should look. ;-)
I have posted my opinions on FB, so I feel like sharing it here again:
I find it pretty unoriginal...
Too much like the Panther, Pens, Blues, and Predators (the similarity), and putting wordmarks and logo in a circle (like the Wild, Panthers, Penguins, Blues, and Blackhawks).
Using silver clashing with the navy, light blue, any kind of shade of blue is a big no-no.. Those colours never been a good mix, no matter how hard you can try it.
Vintage white again?? That look awful with the white nameplate, C and A, numbers, lace, and the crest... I think... The lighting in the photos really throws everything off.. I have to hold off to that until I see the team wearing it on the ice this Friday.
a Cannon? Well, it is an interesting idea.. But, the logo look like a generic cannon, nothing special and lack of creativity.. I can't really place it why it doesn't look right... Like someone found a typical Clip Art of a cannon and... slap it on the front of the jersey...
I hate the numbers, but like everything else about it. If I were a Jackets fan I'd have no hesitation in buying an replica...without the customization, of course.
Now THATS the look Columbus needs! I was hoping for something with a vintage slant, akin to perhaps the EPL Arsenal team in logo terms, and they've delivered big time. A shame to loose the red I suppose, but as you've said Chris, there is no getting around the fact it's a very sharp jersey, and we shouldn't go out of our way to find fault.
I'm getting tired of the round crest. Pitt, STL, Florida... It's been done. Also, I don't like the vintage white on new teams. It works for NY, but not so much in CLB. It passes... But it's nothing to write home about.
I really like them, except for the part about them looking ALOT like jerseys being used by other teams (Panthers?).I almost hate that other teams have done this already, since I like these so much. I like the nod with them being blue&grey. My only thing is I'd like to have seen the body being grey and the stripes 2 different blues. That would really stend the emblem apart from the jersey. They should add this logo to the basic jerseys as a shoulder crest!!
Terrific jersey! I say jersey because the pants lack a lighter blue stripe in the middle in my opinion. Logo looks great and although some don't like it, this will be a huge success with the people of Ohio. I don't get the whole "it's been done before argument". It looks completely different than anything else. So alot of teams use black, blue and red. So what?
Like others, the only thing bothering me a little is the numbers' font. Any way to snoop around and find out if they represent something?
I love it! Looks retro and modern at once! I thought I wanted red in there some place, only because red was used by the military for the artillery and what with the cannon and all that would have match (light blue being used by the infantry). I don't understand why everyone is so against the blue jersey, in reality the Blue Jackets and the Blues are the only teams that should have blue 3rds. And the color blue is the same as the home jersey, so it's not really copying anyone; it's simply keeping the Union Blue that is the Blue Jackets. Great work Jackets! Now let’s get a win in it!
Another rerun of "The Attack of the Third Jersey" as already shown in St. Louis and Florida.
The lace up collar, the circular logo, the city name on the top rim, the nickname on the bottom rim, the dark blue ( it's the new black, you know...).
As for the vintage white.... please, no more. What's wrong with plain old white? Sure the alternates already use it but when it's limited to the accent striping on a 3rd, use it again. I like crisp, new white.
Saying that, it's a decent looking ensemble bar the jarring block number font, but it really is straight out of the Cookie Cutter NHL design studio. I'm starting to appreciate the Sharks traingular fin look a lot more these days - I'm all circled out!
It's a copy of a lot of other jerseys around the league. But the thing i have the biggest problem with is the vintage white. They've been around for TEN years......
Little known fact about the "new" blue... It is actually the "original" Blue Jackets blue. The team switched to the navy blue before the team took to the ice in 2000. I understand why some people will give the Blue Jackets grief for the vintage white for a team that is ten years old. Important to know that Ohio has had hockey teams dating back to the mid-60's. Also, lets not lose sight of the fact that the team name is rooted in history. Hard to make a modern jersey with historic overtones. Just saying...
I'm not a fan of the jersey. I do think the cannon will make a great shoulder patch on the current home/away set along w/ the current union cap patch... but I think CBJ have one of the best jersey crests in the league with the star & state burgee, so I wasn't expecting a lot from this third as details came out.
And that new mascot....c'mon. Really?
I'll reserve comments for until after I see them in action against the Red Wings on Friday.
Although those numbers do look amateurish. But then again, teams have changed number fonts on the fly before (1996 Penguins alternate), so there may be hope yet, if there's enough of a backlash against these numbers.
Not bad. I would remove the piping around the shoulder yoke. It is not required and does not show up really well anyways. The number font is horrible. It looks like a tape job used in beer league. Simple white block numbers would have done the trick. Also, I'm not sold on the grey. Wasn't that the colour of the other side in the civil war? Maybe the use of red instead would add a little pop of colour.
The Penguins called, they want their jersey back.
If Reebok had any less creativity, they could run for Congress. Way to completely rip off the Panthers and come up with something that looks like complete garbage. The logo is about the only thing I like on this shirt, but the rest of it is garbage.
I'm a fan.
Does it take from Blues, Panthers, Penguins? Absolutely.
But at least it looks good doing it.
Its at least a more inspired design compared to what the Ducks, Thrashers or even Boston have put out.
Change one thing?
The slogan "We Fight We March" needs to be on the outside where it can be appreciated; there's plenty of space on the shoulder yote for the JHM tribute.
Satisfied or not, it's an alternate, you'll only have to see it 15 games max.
I like it... it's of course the same style MIN/STL/PIT/PIT (2)/FLA/everybody else that's done it (which isn't really a bad thing, since those jerseys are among the best in the league IMO, outside the Orig. 6 teams), yet it's unique enough. I like that the name is inside a ribbon, the cannon looks better as a logo than I thought it would, and as a whole, looks good.
Not too crazy about any jersey with a white shoulder trim though. That's the one thing I didn't like about Pittsburgh's third... didn't like it with the North Stars, Maple Leafs/Rangers/Jets from the late 70s-early 80s... I just don't get it. I feel maybe there's too much solid white, and offsets the navy blue and silver of the stripes.
And the stripes look too big. Maybe it's because of the white stripes, which I'd remove, but overall I'd have to give it a 4/5.
And it's so much better than Anaheim's.
Hey, the Florida Panthers got a new logo!
They should make this permanent, and make an away by putting red where white is and white where dark blue is then vintage white or a different shade of red where the lighter blue is. Or better yet inverse is and drop red all together. I love the pants!
Love the logo, the font and the numbers. The color scheme is terrible. There needs to be red somewhere.
Like others have said, I think that the jerseys are actually quite nice. However, they are too unoriginal. When I first saw the picture, they looked like they could be the Pens or Panthers for example.
- Good classic styling with proper hockey horizontal striping and shoulder yoke
- Lace up collars
- Vintage White instead of true white
- Logo with circle and text around it. I don't like this trend. Just make a logo, why put a circle around it?
- Unoriginal
The white shoulder yoke reminds me of Tampa's old black jersey and Pittsburgh's third up until this year. They also need red because they almost look too similar to Nashville's third.
The big problem I'm having with all of these new third jerseys are that a lionshare of them are copying what the Penguins did with their third jersey in terms of having a logo inside of a circle with their team name. It's just getting unoriginal now. I don't mind a heritage look, but not when they mostly all have the same element in them.
pretty good. i love the white soulder yoke. but im really tired of seeing retro.
Yes, the color and design are a bit derivative of other 3rds in the league right now, but they're called the BLUE Jackets for a reason. So I'll give them a pass. I love the jersey--particularly the unique number font.
Sorry I do not like them. Too many teams with these blue alternates. The positive is that at least its not a black jersey.
I like the logo (even though I'm not crazy about "ringed" style logos). But the overall jersey is very bland. I'm a tad disappointed.
First off (so that people read this part) what IS that font? It does seem a lot like the "LOS ANGELES" font on the front hem of the Kings jerseys. Any ideas what it's called?
I'm a fan. I like it WAY better than what Florida did. The cannon logo is great (even if the Sportsnet guys thought it was a wagon). I, too, would have liked to see it in gray, but this is a Union town, and they wore BLUE, so it makes sense. It's a great vintage-esque jersey (everyone loves the horizontal stripes), and there's enough uniqueness (the "We March, We Fight", the banner inside the ring) to separate it from the less impressive jerseys. And besides, that lighter blue is NOT powder blue! It's more of a lighter Royal, I think... kind of like the Oilers' original blue? I will buy one for sure.
Love it, but don't like the blocky numbers. The logo looks great and the colours are excellent. Very impressed that they made this colour combo look good. Way to go RBK and CBJ
Love the block white stripe on the pants, love the logo, like the striping.
Don't care for the font, and feels too much like FLA, NSH and to lesser extent PITT.
Overall, pretty good. IMO CBJ has one of the nicest uniform sets in the league, and maybe the nicest of the un-original 24.
at least it isnt black.
yes, looks like another pens knock off. would be interesting to see if the logo was just a cannon and not in the circle, but not terrible.
would have liked to see a hint of red somewhere. someone said it would be interesting if it was gray. i agree, but seeing how the columbus blue jackets picked their team identity based of of ohio's civil war history/involvement, gray would make no sense, as that is what is commonly associated as a confederate color.
Pretty derivative, but it looks nice. I like the new block numbering/lettering, but you might as well continue with the lettering on the back for the names too to complete the look. The name being written on the blue ribbon is also a nice touch.
Hopefully this is the last jersey in the circular-crest trend though. It's played out now.
Very nice look! I love the white shoulder yokes. Remember Tampa's old black sweaters? Yes, I would agree that there is a little too much double-blue in uniforms. However, the Jackets are using navy and a bright royal blue. The great thing about blue is that there are so many different shades that look very pleasing to the eye. One team can wear light sky blue with navy(Penguins), light power blue with navy(Thrashers should get rid of it), and light royal with navy(Blues).
Overall, a great look. Numbers should be block-styled though.
I love this.
I really like the striping and shoulder yoke. Looks like a hockey jersey - take that, 2007 Reebok Edge redesigns!