Ducks 3rd Jersey Unveiled!

The Anaheim Ducks skated out in their brand new alternate uniforms for this afternoon's game against the Chicago Blackhawks.
Ducks debut new thirdsThe jersey was leaked online some time ago but today provided our first look at the smaller details like socks, numbers and nameplates. And I will say this — they've handled the orange rather well. By that I mean there's a lot more of it on this uniform.
In addition, the duck mask logo from the '90s makes its glorious return to the Anaheim uniforms with this effort. But probably the best sign that the team is moving forward with its identity is the full webbed D on the chest.
The wordmark has been the second biggest downfall of Ducks sweaters since 2006. However, the biggest issue was the overuse of black and that hasn't gone anywhere, as you can see.
My favorite part of this uniform is the added orange. I don't see the point of it outlining the shoulders, but I like it on the socks, jersey cuffs and sides. Just wish they could've outlined the numbers in it, rather than gold.
The Ducks neat stuff related to the jersey on their website. Here's a PDF talking about the design development and here's the third jersey schedule.
So now that you've seen the uniform in its entirety, what do you think? Has your opinion changed at all? Is black becoming more acceptable in a league where blue is becoming the go-to alternate jersey color?
Reader Comments (83)
Does Reebok only have one shade of orange? And those socks look terrible, I'm sorry.
NOT liking the orange on the socks.
I am confused as to why the old MIghty Ducks logo left. When Disney sold the team, didn't they also take the rights to that logo with them? IMO, they never should have switched logos to the "D". While they're at it...go back to jade/eggplant! I would totally buy one of those then!
Looks good not sure about the orange socks but over all a great 3rd
I find the orange is a little too much, and in this case doesn't go with the gold well. It doesn't work like Philly, mainly due to it being too busy.
Hideous, absolutely hideous. :(
Oh well, at least they didn't put their logo in a circle, switch to blue and call it unique.
As a Ducks fan, I freakin' love it. The return of the duck mask makes me very happy.
As red is my favourite colour, I also happen to love that red-ish orange the Ducks are using.
This is a very poorly designed uniform. The piping around the shoulders look awkward in contrast to the vertical side panel stripes. The front crest itself actually looks pretty decent, simple and bold, yet it's size compared to the tiny intricate shoulder patches looks very odd. The vertical side panels don't look like an NHL design, they look like they belong in the XFL or on a roller hockey team. The orange knees look funny to me too. In a year when most teams have amazing thirds to unveil, i geuss we're fortunate that only one is "modern reebok bad" .
Love it :D, should make this the primary next season and make a white one for the road, also for the new alternates next year make the shoulder patches and crest reverse
Of all the original, non retro-style, 3rd's out this season, after Buffalo, this is the best 3rd of the season. Totally more original than anything else out there. Kudos Ducks! You did what Columbus failed to do.
Those socks is ridiculously bad.
I'm not a fan. I don't like their home and road jerseys either, this just adds more orange to an already busy colour scheme, and an even busier jersey design. Should've dropped the gold.
The socks are hideous and the weird gold collar makes it look like the players are wearing NHL necklaces.
At least the logo isn't in a circle, it doesn't have the wordmark, and it doesn't have powder blue.
Horrible. LET'S GO SHAAAAAARKS. Oh and good luck on the move to Seattle Chris. I take it you will still be rooting for TB (especially with Stamkos lightning - lighting* it up like he does, he's on pace for the best season of this post-1995-lockout era), but will you also cheer for another team ? (i.e. the closest ones, Vancouver/San Jose)
Rad. I would take this loud jersey/sock combo over a retro jersey any day. Good work Ducks. Would like to have seen some green on it too though. Can't go wrong with some good mallard green!
While the logo is better, the unis are just awful. The gold clashes with the orange. They need to pick either one or the other, preferably gold. My Flyers are the ONLY team hat should have orange and black.
Worst NHL Jersey! The logo, the numbers, color, everything sucks! The best NHL third this year is the heritage LA Kings jersey. Simplicity rules.
"Oh well, at least they didn't put their logo in a circle, switch to blue and call it unique."
Well said. Nothing bothers me more than the Jackets, Preds and Panthers (worst violater IMO) blatantly ripping off an already lame Pens third.
I am not a fan of thirds to begin with. I think the only alts the league should wear are Winter Classic sweaters or throwbacks worn on special occassions.
i love it.. and i love the mighty ducks logo on the shoulders!
As an LA Kings fan I'm very happy that the Ducks will be seen in these.... bahahaha.
I'm not saying OUR thirds are the best thing in the world, but at least it doesn't look like the Great Pumpkin threw up on a black jersey.
Objectively speaking I feel pretty good about saying this: The old school original Ducks jersey with the Duck mask and cross-sticks (i.e. the design on this jersey's shoulder) will make a great retro/throw-back jersey one of these seasons. It wasn't too colorful, it was slightly whimsical, it was very original, and it just looked nice.
Check out the PDF for some neat alterations to Teemu's socks. The are split at the back near the bottom with a strip of elastic added. I wear my socks over the top of my skates as well but traditional socks stretch enough to allow separation between the tendon guard and the leg when flexing the shin forward. The new Reebok socks are not as stretchy so they probably offered more resistance which he obviously didn't like. It is a pretty unique solution. Of course, he could have tucked the sock in at the back but, personally, I don't find that comfortable either.
Horrendous. Is this Freak-out Friday?
I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me the purpose of the shoulder yoke outline when the yoke is the same color as the rest of the jersey.
Grade: F
Terrible uniform design. This epitomizes everything that is bad about the Reebok edge jersey. It's just a bunch of random stripes everywhere and the speed of it makes me want to vomit. When a team designs something this bad the NHL ought to step in and put a stop to it. Heck, the NHL ought to have a branding committee to oversee all the uniforms that are unveiled. They should try to design uniforms that are unique and show up well on TV. I just dont want to see this. If my team has to play a game against them in these uniforms I will seriously consider turning off the TV. What an ugly mess.
Major failure. They could have gone in a totally new direction but they could not design anything new. The orange socks are the worst part of the whole thing. And why the return of the idiotic duck mask logo? I was glad when they originally retired it but to bring it back again? Did they not realize the only reason they won the Stanley Cup was exactly the year after they dropped that hideous logo? Back to the drawing board Ducks.
Replace the all of the gold with Orange and you have a winner IMO
I like 'em. Much better than the current home design, but it is a bit 'roller-hockey-ish'. I think the general consensus is that the orange knees looks bad - I agree. The socks might look better with the black on top and the orange near the bottom. Fix the socks and I give it 2 thumbs up.
Could have been better.
Those socks are terrible...
Wow... Don't mean to be rude but I seriously don't get people who like this one... It's like everything that could've gone wrong did. That's an okay logo. For the rest:
- The piping around the shoulders look awkward
- The striping on the side is just out-of-this-world ugly. At the very least they could've had stripes that somewhat match on the pants à la Calgary Flames
- The socks: Don't get the orange at all. It breaks up the uniform, doesn't make it look seamless. They would've been better off just repeating the side striping pattern to at least get some consistency somewhere on the uniform. I get the "reverse arm striping" thing they tried, but it's not working whatsoever.
Whoever made those decisions shouldn't be designing uniforms. Not for hockey at least. Worst one to come out this year by far.
Chris, when you have time, perhaps hold a vote for best thirds for this year? Hope all is well and that the move went smoothly. Keep up the good work!
The orange on the socks make it look like they have orange knee pads on. lol
Don't like it. Could be made passible by switching the black to dark forest green.
looks completely bush league
stripes and piping everywhere, no definite pattern
overall just very hideous
WAYYYYYY to busy !!!
I like the sucks ......... I really dislike the vertical lines under the arms "a la Flames" its awfull !!!
all i see in the numbers and nameplate is pittsburgh penguins....shoulda gone with orange instead of gold. other than that, i dig it. In the battle between the two unveilings, i gotta give it to CBJ, probably the best looking jersey in the league right now.
The 3rd is an improvement over the home/away sets, but is still way below average. I also think it's a little schizophrenic- you have the brand identity from the 90's fused with the current one. Pick one and go with it!! Overall grade = C-
This is definitely Freak Out Friday material.
Wow. Just... wow.
"I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me the purpose of the shoulder yoke outline when the yoke is the same color as the rest of the jersey."
I agree 100%. It's like Reebok figures when in doubt, add more thin stripes. I can't think of a jersey where the thin stripes don't make the sweater look worse. In fact, it's a shame when jerseys that would be pretty much perfect are just tarted up with the useless yoke stripes - i.e. the Minnesota Home and Green Thirds. WHY WHY WHY do they have them? My Sabres new home and aways would be MUCH better with those stripes on the front - though thank goodness for the return of the real logo and the death of the slug!
Oh - these Ducks jerseys are dull and have no point, really.
LMAO! This is just horrendous....what were they thinking? I'd be embarrassed to wear this on the ice.
Love these jerseys! the extra stripping, and adding more orange was great. it doesn't fit the mold and that's why I like them
This Jersey kind of Gives Me a Mixed Feeling, it looks good and it doesn't. I kind of want them to combine elements of their Third to their Primary. For now though, they've got some work to do to make an excellent jersey.
-Full Bodied D Logo Front and Centre
-Return of the Mighty Ducks Logo
-What is Their Main Accent Colour? Orange or Gold? They're kind of Duelling Colours, Pick One already!
-The Orange Piping or the Gold Outlined Letters and Numbers are to blame for the above con
-The Hip-to-Armpit striping doesn't match the arms. Should have gone with their regular waist striping pattern
-Solid Orange on the top of the Socks
-The Oval Logo around the Mighty Ducks Logo doesn't fit too well
Overall 3 Out of 5.
Like many others said I'm sick and tired of the powder blue wih a small logo in the center or just plain wordmark. I was very happyto see the "Mighty" Ducks logo back even if it's small on the shoulders. However i just cant like these crazy colors, orange sock!?!?! are you kidding me? That looks so stupid with the rest of the lower sock design. My Flyers are the only team who can pull off orange and blak b/c we didit right and did it 43 years ago. The stripes down the sdes are awful. IMO u keep the jersey wit the logos and patches the way they are, the ends of the sleeves look rich, chacnhe he color to the basic v-neck, get ridof the unecesarry pipping around the neck and top of shoulders, and add the tradition triple stripe wrapping around the bottom of the jersey (maybe you can change the color of the top of the shoulder/neck area to orange?) I'd give this a 5, not a total fail,but def coulda been much bette. All that hype and we get this? lol at least they kept their promise of adding the old mighty ducks logo. If they didnt add tht i wulda been pissed lol
How bad did the other 299 studio drawings have to be for them to land on this? It doesnt look terrrible in the picture, but it is absolutely awful on the ice. I understand they wanted to use more orange, but the way they did is just wrong.
They couldve had some sort of striping on the pants to go with the stripes on the jersey, they seem so disconnected. The socks seem odd too with the orange where it is placed. It looks like someone went rummaging through a leftover socks and pants bin and just threw it in with the sweater.
Why the hell do the flyers have to have a monopoly on orange and black. I've been a ducks fan since the beginning and this is my second favorite jersey they've ever worn only one that beats it is the black mighty ducks third with the classic stripeing. This is definatly on my Christmas list.
I was at the game, and I saw the original post on here and was very skeptical about the new look. However I must say they look way better in person. The stripes along the side seem to look bad in these pictures, but in person the jersey is much better than the photos posted above. I like the socks, I think they are a nice touch to ad just enough orange. But I wish they would have outlined the number and name in orange and not gold. Still not a bad jersey, definitely looks better in person.
I hope the Ducks modify the uniform a bit before using it again. Like removing those horrible orange socks! can't they change the striping similar to the old CGY flames type of waist striping. and then put some white below that striping? It would have looked a lot better.... :( I'm not sure whether to be happy or disappointed.
Wow, don't think I've ever seen so many mixed opinions. It's either better than their regular set or a black and orange mess.
My opinion still hasn't changed. I still like them.
Best jersey the ducks have ever had. I like the Bigger D instead of the smaller wordmark. I love the orange instead of gold on the jersey. The only problem I see is the socks. They should be all black and gold, drop the orange.
At least its something different. I love the way they look on the ice.
This jersey should be a big seller....for a major junior hockey team! If you look at Reebok's branding of many of the CHL major junior uniforms this set would fit right in. This should not be an NHL jersey.
I freakin love them!!! Love the orange the socks make this jersey I just wish the helmets were orange and I'm with you wildwing64 my favorite color is red and this orange looks sweet! Way better look than the flyers and the flyers don't own black and orange get real... I can't wait till this is our primary then maybe the next third will be a full orange jersey how can u not like the orange being a connection to orange county? Yes I wish the numbers and name was outline in orange but its not a big deal... the piping around the shoulders looks cool and yes we finally have a logo on our chest and we have a shoulder patch which is the ducks mask that's awsome! You guys give crap for everyone jumping on trends but the Ducks went with an original concept so give them props for that at least.