
St. John's IceCaps Unveil Name, Logo

The worst kept secret in the American Hockey League became official this morning. True North's Manitoba Moose have officially become the St. John's IceCaps. (Note that's one word, not two. And in upper and lowercase, reads like this: St. John's IceCaps.)

As you'd expect, the IceCaps' colors line up with their NHL parent club, the Winnipeg Jets. Two shades of blue and two shades of gray/silver. Only the IceCaps wisely left out the red maple leaf.

The primary logo makes heavy use of the wordmark, but that's not surprising considering the name. And it's not a bad name, it just doesn't lend itself well to imagery the way that, say, "Jets" does.

Perhaps the best thing about this mark is its easter egg. At a glance, it's merely snow cover atop a rugged mountain. But when you really look, there's a sort of stylized "N" and "L" carved out for Newfoundland and Labrador — which also happen to be shaped like the actual map boundaries. That's a very cool feature. (Pun.)

St. John's IceCaps logos / @markdenineIf you're like me, you're satisfied — even pleasantly surprised — by this logo but just hoping they drop the "St. John's" bit at the top when it comes time to slap it on a sweater. Regulars may be a bit surprised to find that I like a logo that's basically a wordmark, but there are always gray areas.

I don't care for the Anaheim Ducks' wordmark because, well, a duck is an easy thing to put into a textless image. IceCaps can be more challenging. You don't want to lose your brand identity trying to create a logo that's too clever for its own good. Especially in the minors.

And you can argue all you want with the name choice, but I can't say I mind it. Yes, it breaks some critical rules by including the word "ice" and running it all together with a capital letter in the middle, but it's just one of those throwback things.

From the press release:

“Caps” not only perfectly complements the name in the literal translation of an icecap, it is also pays tribute to the St. John’s Caps, a Newfoundland Amateur Hockey Association team which played in the former provincial senior hockey league. 

Along with this logo, the IceCaps unveiled a new wordmark, which includes the same elements as the primary — just repositioned. You can see it on the poster used at this morning's unveiling event (above) thanks to Mark Denine, who tweeted this photo for us.

There were no secondary marks revealed today, but I'm sure at least one shoulder of the uniforms will get the new Winnipeg Jets logo. Speaking of jerseys, they were not unveiled today either and will probably come out closer to the start of the season. I'd bet they use the same design as the Jets' jerseys, and we're not expecting to see those until early September. Maybe we see both at the same time.

I'll grant you this logo is no replacement for the Manitoba Moose, but it's certainly not as weak in terms of design as the Jets' new primary. Now it's your turn. Hit or miss by True North?

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Reader Comments (31)

I'm liking how they have the actual silhouettes of Newfoundland and Labrador on the mountain. Nice touch.

Jul 29 · 9:27 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEW

I like it. The Manitoba Moose logos were probably a bit cooler but this is a definite win.

Jul 29 · 9:34 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterKeith Korneluk

Interesting that they have the same spelling of the team name that the old Raleigh IceCaps of the ECHL had (one word, capital "I" and capital "L").

The logo seems a little bland, but at least appears to have had more thought put into it than the Jets logo.

Jul 29 · 9:38 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRoss

the only thing that bugs me is that the circles in the background are not centered too each other - look at the bottom part of the logo, then the top!

Jul 29 · 9:57 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTroy

You see "N" and "L"

I see the white silhouettes of the actual land masses Newfoundland and Labrador

Jul 29 · 10:14 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDan

I never noticed the NL, but rather saw it as a stylized version of Newfoundland and Labrador as they appear on a map. But clearly the goal was to have it look like both after looking at it. I always figured a good logo incorporates features like that subtly.

Jul 29 · 10:24 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAdam

The "N" and "L" you are describing is actually a silhouette of the province itself, roughly sketched of course.

As for the logo itself, I love it.. Right on the money about trying to put the term "Ice Caps" into a design, I was worried it would be too much so the word mark is a safe bet with at least some design thrown in. It might even help the name grow on me, maybe. Maybe not.

Jul 29 · 10:29 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEd P

The logo is alright, but why didn't they just call them the St. John's Moose? Does that have to do with Moose not being prevalent there? Either way, it's a shame to just let the Moose branding disappear. Do we know if it has a chance of showing up elsewhere?

Jul 29 · 10:48 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNHLJeff

As an American, Chris, you are free to not mind the name. But as a Torontonian who sees ads for the Tim Horton's Ice Cap every time he sets foot outside his apartment, I am obliged to hate it.

Jul 29 · 11:26 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTorontoSharksFan

Last time I checked, Newfoundland didn't have that many mountains. Perhaps they are named for the Canadian slang for a Tim Hortons iced cappuccino. The ice cap! Mmm I have to get one of those now!

Jul 29 · 11:42 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Fits with the everything old is new again theme too. Prior to the Canes, Raleigh had an ECHL team called the IceCaps, playing in Dorton Arena. When the canes came, they became the Augusta Lynx.

Jul 29 · 11:44 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJeff P

What I find neat about this logo and the Jets logo is that at the top of each logo there is some sort of point pointing upwards. I see that as a compass of sort pointing north, thus representing the True North brand in the logo as well.

Jul 29 · 11:45 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTommy Huds

I can't see how you despised the Jets' new logo and like this one. Looks very amateur to me. Those white snow peaks look like they were done in Mario Paint. I get that they were trying to give the word mark some perspective but the word is so short and the perspective so not pronounced that it makes the two "C"'s look unbalanced and the whole thing look wrong.

But again, great blog and thanks for giving us a platform that allows us to debate :)

Jul 29 · 12:07 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLe Collectif Design Inc.

i honestly dont see the silhouette everyone is talking about. im looking at the logo and a map of newfoundland and labrador and dont see any resemblance. can somebody help me out?

Jul 29 · 12:18 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterQuick Rick


My belief is that True North wanted to go with the Moose moniker for the NHL club but couldn't go against the overwhelming support for jets. And yes, there is moose in Newfoundland.

Jul 29 · 12:25 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentertyler

Logo has some nice elements to it. I think the blue kills any affiliation to the Caps history, I beleive they were always red and white. The logo is clever the team name is lame but it is minor league hockey where players will spend 3 weeks to 2 years with the orgnaization. I suspect this will be a 3 year venture as travel to St.John's is only going to get more expensive but I am looking forward to using the folks season tickets when I can!

Jul 29 · 12:31 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterS. Menecola

The reason they dropped the Moose moniker is because moose are TOO prevalent here.. Danny Williams, Former Premier and Current President of the IceCaps, didnt want the team to be associated with such a negative theme; Meaning we have more than a few Moose/Car collision accidents in the province. Personally, I thought the Moose name was perfect but I can understand where hes coming from.

Jul 29 · 12:32 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEd P

For the name, the logo is very good. But who came up with St. John's IceCaps? IceCaps is one of the worst names I have ever heard for a sports team (though it still beats Rio Grande Valley Killer Bees). I can get the team at either Dunkin' Donouts or Tim Horton's with a name like that. I would have gone with "Newfoundland Shamrocks".

Jul 29 · 12:54 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterStephen Trinder

Looks like melting ice cream. FAIL

Jul 29 · 1:26 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbrenthrax

TorontoSharksFan & Matt, the Tim Horton's beverage is the ICED CAP, not the IceCap. I've seen to much of this today.

Jul 29 · 1:30 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentertp71

I like it. My initial reaction I would of liked to see the mountains more centered and straighter designed, BUT the internal design is map of Newfoundland and Labrador, which is pretty neat and works. There are a couple artistic line and spacing adjustment fixes maybe needed, but I'm nitpicky. Overall it's pretty slick and cartoony is to be expected for an AHL logo.

I'm actually drawn to this one more then the new Jets main logo, I'm waiting to let it grow on me though and won't make my final judgment until I see the jerseys. I just find the main Jets logo poorly designed (A jet over top another organization's insignia). I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. The flat grey on one side of the jet with second half another grey color with outline and two indendted marks to created 3D effect just doesn't work for me. The maple leaf two tone red colors are all over the place and don't have a uniform and symmetrical design. It causes the jet and the maple leaf to clash rather then accent each other, in my artistic opinion. I think the second logo with the wings should be on the front of the jeresey with the current logo on the shoulder, I think that would of stated same branding idea, but worked into everyone's interest. I just think they should of been more creative and been more original with the Jets logo...yes do the military endorsement, but make the logo in reference to it while also creating an idividual identity for the Jets. When you have to seek approval from the Air Force as well the Maple Leafs on the design as well pay 1 million bucks to military, which is a very nice and respectful gesture, but basicly is unofficial payment for licensing rights to use their logo...that doesn't describe to me an original or creative design direction. I also have to state that I'm not anti-military, because seeing as I'm critical of the artistic design of the Jets logo there are groups that will say that I'm bashing and not supporting the troops. We forget about the Blue Jackets and their Civil War inspired branding, but their main logo is of a general and simple design made for everyone and the direct war designs (canon, hat) are shoulder patches to fit everyone's pallette.

Anyways it's a starting point. It is what it is, won't stop me from watching and going to games, but depending on the jersey debut I may wait until the retro inspired third jersey next year and newer merch to pick something up. I foresee the third jersey selling the same if not better then and becoming one of the main jerseys. New or adjusted main logo with in 3 years.

I also feel that it would of been better to have local Manitoba artists, there are many, aid in the designs rather then just having Reebok create it. True North though wanted to tie to military and something with meaning rather then artists working on a slick new logo, which I disagree and agree with.

Anyways thanks for reading my rant and poor grammar. GO JETS GO!! GO CAPS GO!! Can't wait for new season!!

Jul 29 · 2:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJustin Morison

There have been Jets merchandise that features that lighter shade of blue that you see in the logo. I bet that that will make its way into the Jets jerseys. White, light and dark blue are would definitely be a nice combination, just like what we're starting to see in some of the concepts that are appearing on this site.

Jul 29 · 3:30 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterScottie

It's an iceberg, not a mountain.

Jul 29 · 3:34 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterStumack

IceCaps refers to to icebergs not moantains which fits Newfoundland perfectly considering our coastline is nicknamed "Iceberg Alley" due to the large amount of Icebergs that pass by our coast.

Jul 29 · 4:02 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBrandon

Tell the True North folks if you think it's an iceberg. The "rugged mountain" description comes straight from them via press release.

Jul 29 · 5:11 PM PDT | Registered CommenterChris

mmmm, its ok, not a great hit or a complete miss for me (guess its a hiss or a mit then), think i'd have preferred a new colour scheme version of the moose logo instead......

Jul 30 · 9:37 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJerseyman

is that a frozen piece of crap?

Really uninspired name and logo.

Jul 30 · 10:27 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterel

The Tim Hortons beverage is an Iced Capp not IceCaps, people are trying to make jokes about it and the only joke really is that they don't know how to read the difference. So because people think of the beverage are we suppose to start saying that the Toronto Maple Leafs are bologna, bacon, or weiners because of the meat company or the Toronto Marlies (short for Marlboros) are cigarettes.

Jul 31 · 12:13 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSteveO

I like it, its simple, and it isn't ugly. I also at first was like WTF at the Jets logo, but then it grew on me and i think its one of the most original logo's in the league, and we can dif say its alot better then that craptastic Ducks Logo, or that awful Sens logo, and then again the Thrashers Logo itself was ugly too.

Aug 1 · 7:03 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAllan Caesar

Is it me, or does the entire mountain look like a JET taking off towards the upper right??

Sep 12 · 10:20 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDW

DW its just you I think - dont see a jet there :)

Not bad logo, sure are a lot worse, and I guess its not easy to be orignal with soo many sports teams out there. Name seemed bit odd at first but I think it will grow on everyone just fine.

Sep 22 · 7:49 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBen38

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