New Sens Logo In NHL08

Lending further credence to the now widely held belief that we should be expecting a new logo for the Ottawa Senators on August 22 is this alleged screen shot from EA Sports' NHL08 video game.
This new-fangled logo is now triple-sourced as far as leaks are concerned. I'm going to go ahead and say it's real.
According to the team, the unveiling of the new uniform will take place on August 22 at Scotiabank Place.
Reader Comments (16)
I'm still holding out hope they keep the 2D logo around in some format, it would be a shame if we got rid of that. This logo's not bad, but it's not nearly as good as the classic logo. I'd also rather see the current 3D logo over this one, it looked sharper. It's acceptable, but it's a downgrade.
where did you get that screenshot from?
It was emailed to me. The guy said he found it at Gamespot. Can't vouch for it any further than that. Just have to take it for what it is. Thanks for the comments!
It was in the On The Spot video segment. The dev (Littman) was demoing the game and chose the Ducks vs Sens match up, and there it was.
I was the one who sent it in.
Here's a YouTube link to the video in question:
You'll see the screen about 2:04 into the video. Interestingly enough, you then see the jersey select screen, which still has the old Sens road jersey.
i seen a hat at a local sports store (jersay city) in edmonton that had the same logo as the one u figure is a new one and y would they have it on thier site if they havent anounced it yet??????
I'll verify it. I work for Electronic Arts Worldwide (located here in Vancouver). All team logos are already in the game - Canucks included.
Don't ask for jersey details though. The programming team has locked them for now - you can only play with last years.
The same logo can be found in the video shots available at 2ksports for their game. I just noticed it today.
So does that mean that all the new jerseys will be in the game then??
To f3k above - of course. You think EA would release a game for 08 without the proper uniforms? They've just been strictly instructed not to reveal anything.
This is nothing new for those guys. For example, when Atlanta came in the league they had all the info waaay ahead etc.
Get ready for launch :)
To Anonymous above:
If EA are so great and know so much before anyone else, how come they didn't have the new Sabres jerseys last year? ;)
Both EA and 2k have said that all the new jerseys will be in their games this year. EA will apparently release a code when all jerseys are revealed to unlock them, I have no idea how 2k will be handling that though.
Thanks Nick
That was really the reasoning for my question, as I was "looking forward"? to the Buffaslug. Well really I'd just like the game to be accurate, and it wasn't without the new Buffalo jersey last year and it was was a bit disappointing.
Here's hoping that they are all in there, as I've seen a few screenshots with some of the old jerseys, lets hope that they were just screenshots from 07 because they weren't allowed to release images yet.
To Nick - Buffalo did not submit their designs until it was too late.
and for the record - I don't think EA is so great. I just work there.
Lastly, scrolling around the latest build most teams new jerseys are "locked out" as you mentioned.
so does that mean ull put a code out or something
The;jsessionid=0000RBLlObNfJ66DyyflcmxjZvP:1247nfca5?language=eng&fileNumber=1355017&extension=0&startingDocumentIndexOnPage=1" REL="nofollow">official registration to the Sen's new logo:;jsessionid=0000RBLlObNfJ66DyyflcmxjZvP:1247nfca5?language=eng&fileNumber=1355017&extension=0&startingDocumentIndexOnPage=1
They actually;jsessionid=0000RBLlObNfJ66DyyflcmxjZvP:1247nfca5?language=eng&fileNumber=1355016&extension=0&startingDocumentIndexOnPage=1" REL="nofollow">changed the 2D logo as well:;jsessionid=0000RBLlObNfJ66DyyflcmxjZvP:1247nfca5?language=eng&fileNumber=1355016&extension=0&startingDocumentIndexOnPage=1