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The Calgary Flames won't make an official announcement until later today, but here's what their new Rbk EDGE uniforms look like. A couple of fans got their hands on the official online photo gallery this morning before it was taken down.

I'll obviously have more later today. Until then, notice the new shoulder patches. Canadian flag on one side. Albertan flag on the other. Very unique.

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Reader Comments (57)

i don't like the flags at all!sarcastically speaking, i didn't know they played in alberta or if they were located in canada; could've sworn they still were in the ATL.

Sep 4 · 9:58 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterWar&Defense

see paul, that was one of the gallery pics.

Sep 4 · 9:58 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLucas

WHAT! The Flames left Atlanta Nooooooooooooo!

Sep 4 · 10:02 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Yeah, I really like the rest of the jersey but, I'm not too sure about the shoulder patches...

Sep 4 · 10:03 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

This is a nice jersey, but the Alberta flag doesn't match cause of it being Blue. Oh well.

Sep 4 · 10:04 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTrevor

I kinda like the shoudler patches...

I think the Red jersey is sharp, the yellow striping on the sides might be a little bit of over kill but all in all not a bad jersey!


Sep 4 · 10:05 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

i dont like the vertical stripes AND the horizontal stripes, looks messed up. Other than that pretty lacluster..p.s its missing the citys name in huge letters above the logo

Sep 4 · 10:05 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMikeio

The Canadian and Albertan flags on their shoulders instead of a secondary crest? Looks bush league.

Sep 4 · 10:07 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSaBlue

I don't like the black on The Flames Jersey. Just does not fit with anything. Should have use white for the logo instead

Sep 4 · 10:08 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I wonder if RBK executives wear underarm piping on their suits...

Sep 4 · 10:09 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterCharlie

Ha ha ha... it's almost as bad as having "Vancouver" emblazened on the front... just for those players who are lost during a game. But the Canucks are much worse... this coming from a Canucks fan too.

Sep 4 · 10:11 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenteropiatedsherpa

I like the flags a lot, actually, I actually wouldn't mind seeing all the teams do something like that it would really bring some identity back to the region that the teams represent.

Sep 4 · 10:12 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

The jersey looks okay. But wtf is with the shoulder patches. Are they pulling a Vancouver and have to remind their opponents what province and country they come from. Hmmm... I know what province and country they're from but what city to they play in??? What does the C stand for??? OOOHHHH!!! I know! It must be Canmore! Or is it Camrose???

Sep 4 · 10:12 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

the shoulder patches are silly. Who do these guys think they are?

Sep 4 · 10:14 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Yes Lucas, I believe you now. ;)

I think the Flames did a nice job with their new jerseys. I just don't care for the Alberta flag patch on the right shoulder. I agree it doesn't match the jersey's primary colors at all.

Sep 4 · 10:15 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterPaul

Having the flags on the shoulders is beyond retarded.

Sep 4 · 10:15 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Not a fan of the flages. We know you are an Albertan team and a Canadian team. You don't need to slap flags on your jerseys advertising such. Plus does this make them "Canada's team" now? The other 5 teams don't have Canadian flags on thier jerseys. Does this make them "Alberta's team" now? Edmonton doesn't have the Albertan flag on thier jerseys. I'd rather them either keep the horse head or come up with another secondary logo, rather than slap flags on thier jerseys.

Sep 4 · 10:15 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I'll agree with the majority and wonder what they were thinking with the shoulder patches... I was hoping that was just a silly rumor. NOPE!

And what's with the piping coming off the vertical striping and then going... err.. nowhere. It just ends in the middle of the arms. What is that!?!?

Other than those two points, it's a pretty good look. Just tanks because of the flag patches and the go-nowhere-piping.

Sep 4 · 10:16 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterArtymous

I really like the jersey, but they could've kept the horse head alternate logo and that would've been fine with me. Do they really need the Alberta and Canada patches? I mean, hey, it's great that you're proud of where you're from, but we all know already and it looks kinda silly on the uniform. All-in-all, though, they're great sweaters.

Sep 4 · 10:17 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMike

what is so funny about a wordmark with its city names? nashville did it, washington did it, dallas did it, LA did it and YET, you guys all must continue these unoriginal and overused jokes at vancouvers, and ONLY at vancouvers.

other than that, its a nice jersey, the alberta flag is iffy because of its contrasting color with the red, i don't mind the canadian one. if they want to add something about their province to the jersey, then let them. i highly doubt that they are doing that to 'remind' you where they play.

Sep 4 · 10:22 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I don't like the side piping and the flags. But it's still much better than Vancouver's sweater. I'm glad they kept the basic look of it and I was never a fan of the horse head. I guess they added the Canadian flag so the media would finally realize the Leafs are not the only team in Canada.

Sep 4 · 10:26 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMatt

as far as the piping just stopping on the arms, i'm guessing the numbers will go there, otherwise that's just weird. i never liked the horse head, so the flags are fine by me. the comments about wordmarks are being directed at vancouver because of the teams you mentioned, they're the only ones to have it in huge letters across the chest.

Sep 4 · 10:31 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

everyone singles out the wordmark on vancouver's new unis because it doesn't have anything to do with the logo on the uniform. All the others you mentioned (with the exception of LA) incorporate the wordmark into the logo, rather than having a logo and a huge wordmark as well - one of the other, not both. And, yes, Los Angeles has an awful wordmark, but that has been ridiculed for years, as it isnt new.

As for Calgary, I dont mind the patches, mainly because I thought the horse-head logo was stupid. And go back to the Yellow and White C logo on the red uniform.

Sep 4 · 10:31 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

what is so funny about a wordmark with its city names? nashville did it, washington did it, dallas did it, LA did it and YET, you guys all must continue these unoriginal and overused jokes at vancouvers, and ONLY at vancouvers.

Because Vancouver is the only one that did it

A) As a completely seperate part from the club crest

B) Large enough that it could be seen in Miami while the Canucks were playing a home game

C) Did I mention it is completely unrelated to the crest and looks completely disjointed and out of place?

D) Did I mention how freaking retardly large it is?

Sep 4 · 10:33 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I'm not the least bit happy with this. First off they are not the only Canadian team and secondly they are not the only team from Alberta. It's going to cause a lot of hatred from the rest of Canada.

Sep 4 · 10:41 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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