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IceHL JDC: Minnesota Mammoths

Time to pick jerseys! Choose up to 8 of your favorite Minnesota Mammoths jersey designs. All 16 sets are listed in random order; the VOTE button is at the bottom of the page. The jersey set that collects the most votes wins.

Results will be revealed after voting closes on Sun., Feb. 19 and will remain hidden until that time. (Notes: The 3-letter codes are meant to help distinguish each design and keep anonymity of designers. Also, don't worry if a design lacks polish. If necessary, the winning design will be cleaned up before it's declared "official.")

Choose up to 8 jersey sets. Click on images to enlarge. Voting ends February 19.

The comments will be open to allow for discussion of the merits of each design. To the designers, you may comment on your work but please do not break the anonymity. To everyone else, keep it civil. Attacks will not be tolerated. You can talk about what you like and what you don't like about them. But if you take the time to write a comment, please explain your positions. If you simply write, "X is cool, or X sucks"... don't expect to see your comment approved. That's all. Happy voting!

Not all submissions are included in voting. Those that did not meet the set requirements have been discarded. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Quick links to other Central Division jersey polls:

« IceHL JDC: Milwaukee Lagers | IceHL JDC: St. Louis Archers »

Reader Comments (10)

GEA's design is fantastic! That's where my vote's going.

Feb 5 · 11:28 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJonny W

Here i think my jersey set was the weak link! GEA a brilliant one ! MAC had a great almost college look on it and HAR (my personal fave) is a really good looking jersey.

Hard to pick one favorite so im sticking with the 3 i mentioned.

Feb 7 · 12:36 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterGUP

The gray on gray didn't appeal to me, even though I liked alot of the base designs if the colors are overlooked. MAC was my favorite design.. I usually don't like text on the front, but it seems to work for this logo.

Feb 7 · 1:11 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterMarch

GEA gets my vote on this one - brilliant use of the tusks from the mammoth in the logo and incorporating that into the striping design. I think WAC had a similar concept and a good looking jersey as well. As said earlier, I'm also a big fan of MAC's design. With most jerseys being gray in color, MAC stood out a bit more for the orange and I'm a big fan of the Minnesota text across the front

Feb 7 · 1:45 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterHAR

thanks for the positive reviews.

I was originally going to do the arched minnesota wordmark over numbers on the front (which would have added to the "college" feel.
I was having a lot of trouble making the logo look balanced on the front of the sweater, so was going to avoid it all together (that would have been taking the easy way out, and would have been a lot worse than the final product)

BUT, I know how much Icethetics readers hate numbers on the front, so I did some experimenting, and having the arched "minnesota" over the awesome Mammoth logo made it sit a bit better on the front of the sweater.

Feb 7 · 2:12 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterMAC

Thanks for the complement, HAR! I messed up when I made the grey jersey and forgot to take the orange out from the trunk loop area but I still think it came out alright.

Feb 9 · 11:28 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterWAC

Thanks for the complement, HAR! I messed up when I made the grey jersey and forgot to take the orange out from the trunk loop area but I still think it came out alright.

Feb 9 · 11:28 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterWAC

Wow, some real slick designs here. As said earlier, MAC's college design is on the money, very suitable for the State of Minnesota. But man, GEA (tusks look incredible!) nailed it. Gonna be a tough contest here. Loved the WAC and ANB designs too. Cheers!

Feb 10 · 11:57 AM PST | Unregistered Commenteretown

I like GEA and HAR - the ones using the alternate logo and mainly dark grey. Though there weren't as many designs I really liked here as there were for most other teams.

The color scheme for this team is sick, never seen anything like it with the dark grey - light grey - orange, very original and eye-catching.

Feb 11 · 2:00 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterA

WAC has a great design here...Simple jersey design, however he/she did one thing that I feel no one else did (At least well) And that is that he/she used white in the home while still using the right amount of the other colors and did that very well...Props to WAC for that...YOU HAVE MY VOTE!

Feb 14 · 2:12 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterRyan Hawkes

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