New Third Jersey Rumors!

I know the real reason you're here checking Icethetics tonight. It's to see if I've got any new third jersey scoop. It's your lucky night. I've got some new information to share regarding what some of the yet unreleased sweaters will look like.
As always, the source shall remain anonymous — so take it for what it is. But how many times have I lied to you?
This person got a look at the jersey designs on a piece of paper and compared what he saw with what Howard Berger saw. There's some interesting stuff here.
Is this the logo that will be on the front of the San Jose Sharks' third jersey? I'm told that it will indeed be black but instead of featuring just the full-body shark logo, it will actually be the new shield logo introduced last year — which includes the full-body shark.
My source writes, "This jersey disappointed me, it isnt just the black with the traditional shark. It is black, yes, but it uses the full body shark inside the shield design. With the orange and black script reading 'San Jose' across the top with the sun design."
Personally, I loved this logo from the moment it was first unveiled last year and would be thrilled to see it front and center on its own jersey. Is this true? I don't know. But I sure hope so.
We're continuing to hear that the Los Angeles Kings' third jersey will in fact be black and white with this logo — in black and white, no purple. I'm a little worried it's going to look boring, but they pulled off the look well in the '90s.
That's not all...
The Dallas Stars' third jersey will be white — basically the opposite of the regular black jersey. DALLAS will be arched above the player's jersey number in black text with a green outline instead of gold.
The interesting thing about this is that, like Toronto, wearing it at home forces the visiting team to carry twice as many jerseys with them on their road trip.
The Vancouver Canucks will wear their secondary "stick-in-rink" logo on the front of their blue third jersey. However, this latest source claims it will actually be a white version of the logo currently used as a shoulder patch. It certainly stands out more.
My hope is that the new Johnny Canuck logo will find its way onto, say, the shoulders of this jersey. It seems all of the images being seen by our "leakers" are small and grainy making it difficult to see details — such as shoulder decoration.
And that brings us to the Ottawa Senators. What I wouldn't give to see that team wear this logo, but there's been no word on that. If anything, it might be a shoulder patch, but this is just wishful thinking — I have nothing to back that up.
What I do have on the Sens from my source is this: "The jersey is not black, its that odd gold colour that the sens use. The word "SENS" isnt laid out in the common slanting downward fashion, its close together in white, with the red and black outlines, slightly slanting upwards (think Washington Wizards of the NBA, gold alternates). Very different from the concept illustration."
Gold, eh? That's... unusual. I'm not so sure about that but the main thing to take away from this information is that the upward slant of the text will not make it look like it says SNES as many have worried. In fact, I've put together a few concept renderings what what this may look like.
It's a simple upward slant that I've done but the actual jersey may feature more stylized or curved text. First, on a gold jersey, as this rumor suggests.
That's just standard block letter text, but they may also use something similar to the numbering style seen on their current home and road sweaters.
This serif text is also used for the C and A on the captains' sweaters. But if you want my opinion, I still think it'll be a black jersey — and this is the more likely look for the text.
And here are a couple of other options — one including gold.
Which one do you guys like best?
By the way, just a blog note here. I've updated the Atlanta Thrashers' third jersey logo in the sidebar. Their new sweater features the bird-head only logo on the shoulders — obviously no logo on the front as we all know.
That's all for tonight. Hope that satisfies your third jersey rumor thirst for now.
Reader Comments (11)
I think the reason why people may not like the Sharks' shield logo on the front of the jersey is because it's too busy. The Kings' shield logo received a similar reaction, although like you with the Sharks' shield, Chris, I was a fan of the Kings' shield.
That "SENS" design is growing on me the more I think about it, just as the "BOLTS" third jersey is really growing on me. Although, I'm such a fan of the "trojan" head that currently dons the sweaters that it's hard for me to imagine a new jersey in the set that is solely a wordmark. But of the ones proposed here, I prefer the second one.
Really good stuff here, Chris. This was worth me waking up to. Now, it's time for my Kings to beat the Sharks. I'm really excited about Kopitar's 7-year extension.
Something unrelated to the post: the Leafs played their second game of the season today, and in both games (one home, one on the road), the Leafs wore their new third jersey. Does anybody think this could be a sign of things to come in future years (such as making it their primary sweater)?
I agree with the above comment. The shield logo is way too busy. You want something simple that's easily recognizable from 20 rows up.
Well, the third jersey luck ran out for the leafs in a hurry!!! GO HABS GO! :D
As for the Canucks' third sweater logo, the modified Stick 'n Rink logo has really grown on me. The Stick looks like it's being picked up or it's being used defensively. I always preferred keeping the white stick inside the blue rink rather than inverting the blue and white. However, inverting the blue and white in the modified version looks much better than in the original. It also helps that there is a little silver around the green. The Johnny Canuck V WILL also be on the third sweaters. I just hope the Canucks go with traditional block-style numerals with green and silver trimming. That would make the sweater more consistant.
By the way, I love the Sens' new 2D logo. It is much nicer than their 3D logo. The Sens should put that logo on the front of a black sweater instead of using a wordmark.
I'm actually pretty interested in what my Sharks have up their sleeves with the shield on their primary logo.
Hopefully they can pull out a classy looking jersey like the ones they wear now.
Sharks vs. Pens: Stanley Cup Finals.
hey chris, when is part six of the season preview going to be posted?
The Sharks are about to unveil the worst third of this current batch. First, that logo makes them look like a MLS team. Second, I've been trying to understand why they team felt that they needed to add the orange to the jerseys. Now, they seem to be pushing it even more. They should release these on Oct 31. That's the only time these monstrosities will be appropriate.
I personally prefer the shield logo, I think the full bodied shark just won't carry as well on a jersey, while the symmetry of the shield would be perfect.
I don't like those fonts. It looks like it belongs on a chocolate bar