Minor League Anniversaries

It's been a busy summer with a lot of changes in the NHL. While I work on the next edition of NHL JerseyWatch, how about some new anniversary logos to hold you over? The AHL alone has at least four that I know of. Let's take a look at them here.
The Syracuse Crunch will mark their 20th season after arriving in upstate New York in 1994. (The franchise was actually founded as the Hamilton Canucks in 1992.) This logo was unveiled Aug. 14.
Also in 1994, the Springfield Falcons joined as an expansion franchise. So this season marks their 20th in the AHL as well. Although, I don't know what to say about this logo, which was released just last week. There's just too much going on and none of it good.
Fifteen years later, a couple more teams arrived on the AHL scene. The Abbotsford Heat are celebrating their fifth anniversary with this neat mark. It was unveiled almost two months ago, back on July 11. This is what most anniversary logos should be, actually. It cleverly incorporates an aspect of the team's primary logo with a unique type treatment for the number.
Here's what not to do. The Texas Stars are also marking five years, but in a much less interesting fashion. Hey, it's an anniversary logo. They can't all be winners. It was unveiled way back on June 28.
I'll wrap this up with a league anniversary. Can you believe the Southern Professional Hockey League has been around for almost a decade? But I think an intern made the logo. (Does the SPHL have interns?) Regardless, the execution is poor even if it's not a bad concept.
See any minor league anniversary logos I missed? Drop me a line and I'll update this post.
Reader Comments (6)
The Norfolk Admirals have a 25th annivesary logo up on their site. 25 years includes ECHL and AHL years combined.
Are you going to update the AHL uniforms Gallery?
Nathan: Definitely not planning to abandon it. Just have to find the time to make some updates.
The Missouri Mavericks have a fifth anniversary logo. The Mississippi Surge do too and it's completely horrid. The Pensacola Ice Flyers have one but it hasn't been released yet.
The Surge are also debuting a "Hot New" logo sometime today. http://mississippisurge.pointstreaksites.com/view/mississippisurge/recent-news/news_81079
My take on the jerseys from August 25.
I believe the jerseys (home and away) mimic the Greyhounds' original jerseys from 1971 - 1982.
It's really hard to tell without being close up but I (think I) really like the fact that they've gotten rid of the silver/grey around the stars and logo.
I do, however, miss the shoulder yolks of the 2009 - 2013 jerseys (especially on the white sweaters). Those jerseys were some of the best in the CHL! These new ones really, really remind me of the Detroit Red Wings, which for me personally, I'm not feeling.
WBS Penguins have one for their 15th season. It's on their website. Kinda plain