IceHL JDC: Edmonton Kodiaks
Choose up to 3 of your favorite Edmonton Kodiaks jersey designs. All 17 sets are listed in random order; the VOTE button is at the bottom of the page. The jersey set that collects the most votes wins.
Results will be revealed after voting closes and will remain hidden until that time. (Notes: The 3-letter codes are meant to help distinguish each design and keep anonymity of designers. Also, don't worry if a design lacks polish. If necessary, the winning design will be cleaned up before it's declared "official.")
Choose up to 3 jersey sets. Click on images to enlarge. Voting ends June 9.
The comments will be open to allow for discussion of the merits of each design. To the designers, you may comment on your work but please do not break the anonymity. To everyone else, keep it civil. Attacks will not be tolerated. That's all. Happy voting!
Not all submissions are included in voting. Those that did not meet the set requirements have been discarded. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Reader Comments (7)
HCA, WAC, and WOJ.
Lots of interesting uses of striping here. The logo with the E and the colors really lend itself to it.
WAC and SCB are my favorite designs here.
WAC had a design similar to what I was trying to accomplish, except he pulled it off better IMO. Nice job.
What caught my eye about SCB was the use of vertical stripes along the arms. Reminded me a lot of Finland's national teams jersey designs (similar colors helped that out too!) and thought that was pretty unique to the ICEHL, something that hasn't been done yet. Great work guys!
my vote goes to GUP in this one.
I like WOJs design, but i think the only problem is that the IceHL already has too many teams with the montreal Canadians stripe across the chest. Thats a unique design that shouldnt be overused in one league.
Thank you for the vote AL. Was going for a more traditional set this time. My vote goes to WAC. Definently caught my eye and i love the "thinking outside the box" looks.
my vote goes to GUP because ours are similar
The designs I liked the best here were the ones that used more white in the home jersey. I'll go on record that I'm bored to death of the blue and blue combo, so anything to break away from that helps. WAC was my favorite because it was unique and well executed. LNS and SCB also got votes from me because I like what they did with the stripes. I also really like BEG's design, but I feel it would be so much better without the piping on the side. GUP's is nice traditional look. Almost voted for it, but I felt it looked just short of being a recolored Bruins jersey so it missed the cut..
Not to be negative, but I think GUP's jerseys are too traditional.
If you take the dark blue jersey and change the light blue on the shoulders and numbers to orange, they look just like Oilers jerseys (and flip the triple stripe colors to two whites and one orange). In fact, about half of the jerseys have the triple stripe (from the three horizontal lines in the capital E?). Just not a great variety - and all but one set have the primary logo.