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Entries in rebranding (8)


Week 13: Final Jersey Voting

Well this is really it. The final polls of the IceHL's 13 Weeks of R&R project. We've come a long way since April and now it's time to pick the winning jersey designs for our rebranded teams. Based on their percentage of positive ratings, a few designs for each team have moved on to this final round. The number varies from team to team.

Results remain hidden until polls close. Winners announced Sat., July 13.


The Calgary Stallions were not included here because the rating period determined that Bastian Schmülling's original design will remain in use. It was the only one to receive overall positive feedback.

You may also notice certain designs have been included in the above polls despite poor ratings. Let's call those executive decisions. As the commissioner of the IceHL, sometimes I feel the need to interject a little bit. But I've always said I won't substitute my judgment for yours. Just giving you some additional voting options here.

When the winners are announced on Saturday, this project will come to a close. So for the last time... happy voting!


Week 6: Final Name Evaluations

There's been a growing concern among readers and myself that the IceHL's 13 Weeks of R&R has been suffering creatively. A handful of the newly selected team names have faced a lot of harsh criticisms. What I want to know before we proceed to logo designs is whether this is a vocal minority. If it's not, as commissioner I will take steps to fix things.

In the polls below — which will last only through this weekend — you can vote on whether you're satisfied with the names that have been chosen. I recognize that voters may have simply been going for the lesser of several evils as opposed to something they truly liked.

So cast your votes and let's see where we are Sunday night. In the meantime, don't submit any logos for these teams until the names are final.

If you have a logo idea for one of the 5 other teams, here's how to submit!




A simple majority will win these polls. For teams where the majority votes "yes," the new names will be locked in. For teams where the majority votes "no," things are a little more complicated.

The names voted on will be discarded. I will quickly assemble a group of IceHL fans and participants (designers, GMs and all-around fanboys). This IceHL Branding Committee will hash out the details and do its best to come up with a satisfying team name. Their decision will be final.

At that point, all 11 teams will be available to logo designers.


Week 5: Final Name & Color Voting

Last night, the previous round of naming polls closed as 13 Weeks of R&R continues. Now we just have to make final decisions on the Dallas and Halifax franchises with a couple of run-off polls.

You have until Thursday night to make your voice heard on these options. Happy voting!

Choose ONE name per team.
Original team name in ALL CAPS where available.

Again, poll results are not visible after you vote. The winning names will be revealed on Friday morning. (This post will be updated later with Color Voting polls and details.)


Week 5: Final Name Voting

We're getting closer to having new names for a handful of IceHL teams. As 13 Weeks of R&R enters its fifth week, it's time to make final decisions on what those names will be.

In this week's polls you'll be able to vote for one name per team. So make your ballot count. And remember, you only have four days to vote. Polls close at midnight on Tuesday! Some similar names will be voted on together in these polls. Should they win, short run-off polls will be held to determine a final winner.

Happy voting!

Choose ONE name per team.
Original team name in ALL CAPS where available.






As you probably noticed, for the first time since 13 Weeks of R&R began, the poll results are not visible after you vote. This is because I'd like to do a big reveal on Wednesday.

NOTES: If you take a look at the results from the previous round of voting, you'll notice they don't quite sync up with this week's options the way they should. Certain names have been disqualified and I'll explain why below. But first let me apologize for not catching the issues prior to posting the polls.

Calgary: Mounties (rights owned by RCMP). Montreal: Royale (too similar to ECHL's Reading Royals). Philadelphia: Freedom (too similar to Philadelphia Freedoms World TeamTennis organization). Saskatchewan: Thunder (name in use by ECHL's Stockton Thunder). Washington: Federals (name used by USFL team 1983–84); Eagles (name in use by ECHL's Colorado Eagles).


Week 4: Name Finalist Selections

I closed Name Nominations a day early due to the overwhelming response — more than 140 comments on that post! I can see you guys are definitely into this summer's IceHL revival. The 13 Weeks of R&R project continues now by narrowing down the many name submissions.

It was a difficult task, but I've counted up all the submissions and collected what I deem to be the top five options for each team (six for Detroit, Halifax and Philadelphia). But I'm sure some of you will be disappointed with my omissions. That's why every poll has an "other" box to enter a name you think I overlooked. (Feel free to start a write-in campaign in the comments if you really feel strongly about it.)

Some nominated names have been disqualified. I'm happy to explain why if anyone asks, but before you ask, Google search the name and that'll probably give you your answer.

These polls will remain open through Friday. Then on Saturday, each team's top three names (from these polls) will go into one last poll for Final Voting. By Tuesday, we should have our winning names for each team. After that, we choose color schemes before handing it off to our talented design community.

Enough talking. More voting!

Choose up to 3 names per team.
Original team name in ALL CAPS where available. Options displayed in random order.






In cases where one option includes multiple names (ex. Brothers / Brotherhood), short run-off polls will be held if necessary to make a final determination.

NOTE: If "other" is one of the top three finalists, the most popular write-in candidate will move on to the Final Voting.

REMEMBER: These polls will not determine winning names. They are simply to help narrow down our many submissions into a manageable group of three. Results will remain visible so users can track voting progress.