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IceHL JDC: Dallas Outlaws

Time to pick jerseys! Choose up to 8 of your favorite Dallas Outlaws jersey designs. All 14 sets are listed in random order; the VOTE button is at the bottom of the page. The jersey set that collects the most votes wins.

Results will be revealed after voting closes on Wed., Dec. 28 and will remain hidden until that time. (Notes: The 3-letter codes are meant to help distinguish each design and keep anonymity of designers. Also, don't worry if a design lacks polish. If necessary, the winning design will be cleaned up before it's declared "official.")

Choose up to 8 jersey sets. Click on images to enlarge. Voting ends December 28.

The comments will be open to allow for discussion of the merits of each design. To the designers, you may comment on your work but please do not break the anonymity. To everyone else, keep it civil. Attacks will not be tolerated. You can talk about what you like and what you don't like about them. But if you take the time to write a comment, please explain your positions. If you simply write, "X is cool, or X sucks"... don't expect to see your comment approved. That's all. Happy voting!

Not all submissions are included in voting. Those that did not meet the set requirements have been discarded. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Quick links to other South Division jersey polls:

« IceHL JDC: Boulder Beasts | IceHL JDC: Houston Hellcats »

Reader Comments (5)

Considering all the green color schemes in this division, I think I really like the designs that feature a lot of red.

Dec 14 · 10:26 PM PST | Registered CommenterJon W | California Wave

I think the primary logo needed to be used on the chest for both of these jerseys. The 'D' is a definite shoulder patch. LYD had the best concept in my opinion. It is unique but clean and used the colors that clashed the least with the dark green, dark red, and mid-tone green. Most jerseys that used the bright red and light green just looked too christmas-y or vibrated too much for me. The only two things that would make LYD's jerseys a perfect 10 would be, HOME: number/name in white to make it really pop, and possibly a thin white piping on the outside of the red to distinguish it from the dark green, AWAY: number/name in dark green, again to make it really pop and a thin piping of the light green around the dark green.

SZM also had an awesome concept but the numbering threw everything off. The name and number don't match. I think you have to pick one style and go with it. also, the numbers on the shoulders is kind of strange. The white jersey in particular seems like the shoulder numbers/coloring were just shoved on there. But other than that, I thought the concept was very clean and pleasant on the eye.

Dec 15 · 5:14 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

Thanks for the comments, Andrew! I really appreciate your feedback. I actually tried the numbers and name in white, and it felt to me like it popped too much, to the point of being almost blinding. I ended up opting for the light green because it's very prevalent in the logo, but I didn't use it anywhere else on the jersey, so it made sense to me to have that shade of green be in the center of both the front and the back. The name/number color on the white jersey was something of a toss-up for me; none of the colors looked bad, so I settled on the red because it seemed a bit underrepresented otherwise. Anyways, I'm glad you liked my concept! The thoughts you've shared will certainly help my decision-making on future designs.

Dec 15 · 4:14 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterLYD

LYD is my favorite here, being the Bandits it seems like their jerseys should be kind of dark and menacing and his dark jersey definitely accomplishes that for me. Also allthough his design isn't radical, its not traditional and seeing the way our first divison went I'm hoping some more non-traditional designs get the nod

Dec 16 · 9:37 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterHarrison

I like the WOJ, ANB and Har jerseys best. The pea-soup green is something new and different, but that doesn't mean it works. Aside from that, the red just looks much sharper.

Dec 16 · 1:18 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterMarch

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