The Blackness

Two quick items tonight — both dealing with new black jerseys.
First, the San Jose Sharks will unveil their new BlackArmor third jersey Friday morning at 10 AM on their web site. That's local time meaning it'll be 1 PM in the east if I've done my math right — though the countdown on their site seems to be indicating a 5 AM PST release. I'm not holding my breath.
I'll snag pictures from their web site tomorrow and have them for you here. But you've actually already seen this new black alternate sweater a few different times now thanks to the oodles of leaks.
Glad this isn't a ship.
In other news, the Boston Bruins sent out an email to fans informing them that Black Friday will be Blackout Friday at the Garden. We hope they don't mean an actual blackout, though this wouldn't be the worst time of year for that at a hockey game.
Seriously though, they want you to wear your black Bruins jerseys because the Bruins will be wearing black jerseys. Wait a minute, how is that— nevermind. Yes, the black third jersey we thought was the first to be unveiled way back when will actually turn out to be the last. I know, ironic.
I'm hearing Monday, November 24 for this unveiling but I'm not sure we have confirmation. It does appear that the new sweater will make it's official debut on Friday, November 28.
As always, you can rely on Icethetics for further news. More in the morning.