NHL Tournament of Logos

Entries in flyers (67)


Poll: Flyers vs Bruins


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment as to how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Tue Nov 6
Poll closing date
Sat Nov 10



Just To Freak You Out XIII

It's lucky number 13 tonight on Freak Out Friday. Hope you guys get weirded out by what I have to share here.

I don't quite know where to begin.

Wow, I don't know what you did to deserve that, but it must've been pretty bad. Now if you're thinking that looks somewhat familiar, consult a post from last month.

And the hits just keep coming. Flames, take a clue from the Thrashers. This is how you do it up if you really want your provincial/state flag on your jersey. The scary part is that half of it is what seems to be the Confederate flag. Yeah, 'cause rednecks and hicks just dig hockey.

All right so let's head up north where they can really claim the sport. Scary thought alert. Imagine the Rangers and Flyers swapping colors.

On second thought, don't. It's too horrible. Speaking of horrible, check out this Rangers jersey concept.

That's what scary is. I know the new EDGE jerseys are supposed to have larger crests, but somewhere a line's been crossed.

Anyway, let's head west. Here's a color combination that doesn't work on a jersey.

The Nashville Predators are a hockey team, not a figure skating team.


Yikes! That logo. And while we're on the topic of bad logos, consider the following.

Oilers fans, you think you've got it bad now with your half-a-stripe elbows and practice-jersey looks. What if this happened? Don't even think about it too much. Your head will explode.

We'll wrap things up in California now, if you don't mind. And sometimes you have to reintroduce a winner — like the 1996 Mighty Ducks third jersey. Only the Ducks have new colors now.

That is something.

What we're finishing the night off with might be hard to look at. Remember the old Lightning third jerseys from the mid-90s? They had the rain pouring down, lightning bolts down the arms and — the selling point — the wild waves of the bay around the bottom. Well Sharks live in the water.

The waves have been stolen. And so has what little dignity might've been left in the new Florida Panthers uniforms when an attempt to create a San Jose concept went horribly awry. This is what happens when folks have too much time on their hands.

Well I hope you all got freaked out enough on this Freak Out Friday. If not, accept my apologies. Better luck next week. Until then, I'm waiting to see what you guys have in store for me next in terms of crazy artwork. Email it along.


Recolor This

Today's concept post will deal strictly with recoloring things. Yes, that's right. For instance, let's suppose the Florida Panthers had opted for the more traditional red home sweater over the blue one they actually went with.

Not bad, but despite the fact that I loath the Stinkin' Panthers, I prefer the blue. The old red sweaters were nice, but I don't care much for this one pictured here. But that's just me.

Speaking of me being a Lightning fan, someone remade the Sharks' and Habs' sweaters with Bolts colors.

I don't know. No. They'll always be a teal team. That's just who they are. Don't question it. As for the Habs, you can't have that jersey in anything but red. Even blue would be weird.

Here's something else that might make you question whether this is the Freak Out Friday post. Not quite yet. Just a misguided attempt at giving the Canucks new colors.

I'm all for the return of a green team to the NHL, but this is not how that is achieved. No, no, no. I know I'm sounding very negative right now, but just no.

Anyway, here's something I like. The Blue & Bronze Age of the Washington Capitals was my favorite. Even though it fits them perfectly, thematically speaking, the red/white/blue combo is so overused in this sport. Check out the current EDGE unis in the old colors.

It may not be the most brilliant thing you've ever seen, but come on. That's not too shabby. I like the white "capitals." Very sharp, right there, if you ask me. I'd just like to see the black jersey in blue instead. I was more a fan of the blue '90s jerseys for the Caps. I like the black one as a third jersey — not so much a primary home sweater.

And finally, we'll finish off with something a bit different. This is the Islanders uniforms recolored — but for a different team.

Wow, no. I'm sorry, but those sleeves don't look good on any team if you ask me. The more I see it, the less I like it. Granted it looks better in black and orange than blue and orange, but still, I'll pass on this one.

What do you guys think? Any winners here? Or should we go back to the paint bucket?


Sens, Flyers Art

I was contemplating a Freak Out post to celebrate Halloween tonight. But I don't really have enough content yet for that. However, if you want something Halloween-related, the Phantoms' second-round matchup against the Sound Tigers in the AHL Tournament of Logos just went live. Go vote!

Anyway, today I've got a set of concept designs all from a single designer. Ninh Ly submitted a few items for me to share with the group. Despite taking a position as a professed Leafs fan from the other side of the pond, Ninh sure has a lot of Senators art.

I'm of the opinion that the design you see on the left is really what the Sens should be wearing right now. They're a black team, not a red team. But maybe I'm wrong about that. And as for the one on the right, despite it's obvious... issues, I sort of like it. Not the crest. But I think the stripes are all right. Not as hideous as that design would sound on paper.

And finally, another stab at a Flyers third jersey. Very sharp. I could see Philly skating around in those. I do think orange is the way to go for them. Weird how I like black for one team and not another.

Anyway, if you got concept art of your own, you know what to do with it. I look forward to your emails.


Guess What! Concepts!

There's no new poll today and I couldn't very well go without a single new post, now could I? Naturally, I have reader-submitted concept art to share. Let's begin in Pennsylvania.

On the left is a great option for a third jersey — we've been told to expect one as early as next season for the Flyers. In fact, the team itself said so. On the right is an example of be careful what you wish for — because sometimes you get it.

I really like the added use of gold on that Penguins jersey, little flightless birds don't have horns so a redesign would be required here. Next up is the Edmonton Oilers.

Not a bad idea for third jerseys, but those elbow stripes have got to go!

We'll finish with a concept logo for a team that will never change its logo, of this I'm sure.

It would never pass a professional sports logo, but if the Wings had/have some sort of foundation or something, it might make a good logo for that. Of course it's entirely possible I don't have a clue what I'm talking about. Wouldn't be the first time.

So that's that for today. Likely more to come tomorrow so keep checking in. I'm really trying to get done more than a post or two per day, but as you know, I have a Wii. It's pretty addicting.


Everybody Loves Buffalo

This should be a strange enough topic for a concept art post. You'll see what I mean in a second. First, here's a jersey for the Buffalo Sabres I think is way better than what they have. I say that not being a fan of the current blue and gold color scheme.

Stop throwing things at me.

So anyway, here's what I was really getting at. People keep sending it concept art based off of the Buffalo Sabres "template," so to speak. Check out this Flyers jersey.

To be fair, it's a pretty cool design. For a jersey everyone hates, there sure are a lot of folks interested in using it for their own team. And I'll tell you what else. I'm curious to see how into this you guys are. Let's see if we can do one for every team in the league!

And if someone wants to scour through the Concepts Gallery to find any others, we'll start keeping a list. I just think it's kind of funny. And I'm sure there are Sabres fans reading here, just giddy over the idea.

Here's a Canucks jersey design.

Interesting new logo concept, right? Well there's more where that came from.

Maybe a nice secondary? Not sure about using it for the crest.

All right, I await your Sabres-based concepts, everyone. Don't let me down.


Rbk EDGE Review: Flyers

Part 26 of 30. All 30 NHL clubs have unveiled new jerseys under the new Rbk EDGE Uniform System for the 2007-08 season. Here at the NHLToL, we're going to review every one of them. Read up and then rate the new sweaters. We'll do a full ranking after completing all of the reviews.

Rbk EDGE Uniform System

Philadelphia Flyers

New Uniforms

Old Uniforms

The Unveiling
Friday, September 14. The Flyers unveiled their jerseys to fans at Virtua Health Flyers Skate Zone in Philadelphia in a joint event with the Philadelphia Phantoms of the AHL.

Home vs. Road
Home: Black. Road: White. The two sweaters are essentially mirror images of each other.

The black home jerseys feature white a white shoulder yoke with orange trim that extends almost to the elbow. The elbow is wrapped in a panel of orange which tapers to a point above the elbow. Orange piping wraps around the wrists. The collar is black and the primary logo serves as the crest.

The white road jerseys feature white an orange shoulder yoke with black trim that extends almost to the elbow. The elbow is wrapped in a panel of white which tapers to a point above the elbow. Below the elbow, the sleeve is black down to the wrists, which are wrapped in orange piping. The collar is black and the primary logo serves as the crest.

In The Details
The same numbering and lettering style has been retained.

New & Old
The sleeve pattern differs greatly on the new uniforms. The likelihood is that the cut of the Rbk EDGE sweaters isn't conducive to the style the Flyers have worn for 40 years.

Standard FAQ
Numbers on the front? No.
Laces at the collar? No.

NHLToL Editorial by Chris
The Flyers have always had a solid sweater. There really isn't much to complain about. It's one of those classics. Even though the old sleeve pattern didn't seem to work on the EDGE jerseys, I'm not bothered at all by the new style. I will say I like the old one better, but nothing is really taken away here. I'm not entirely sure what they were thinking when it comes to the elbow panel, however. That has me thrown a bit. One thing I have noticed with the lack of horizontal striping, especially on teams wearing black, the jersey and pants tend to run together. I don't know, I guess I'm just used to the contrast. I don't love it. I don't hate it. It just falls somewhere in the middle for me. 3/5

Buy your new Flyers jersey!


Odd Art, Part II

First off, if you missed Part I then click here. Now that you know what's going on, let's dive right in. You know you like the weird stuff I post here.

We'll get things going with some imaginative Original Six designs.

Let me begin by saying the new Bruins jersey is not something you'd be wanting to mess around with. Trust me. It's that awesome. Now, as far as this concept goes, history has taught me that logos like this were probably not originated by the creator of the jersey design itself. If anyone would like to explain from where this particular Bruins logo is derived, leave a comment.

The Rangers jersey is interesting because there's actually a logo on it. A novel concept, not exactly, but it's something I feel the Rangers have struggled with. The 1970s taught us that this might not be the best use of the logo. I'm also concerned about the whole Broadway Blueshirts thing. For those of you lacking the ability to tell one color from another, that is red.

I will say this though, I am a huge proponent of the Lady Liberty logo and those jerseys. They've used a blue one and a white one and both looked better than anything the Rangers have ever worn. I might even go so far as to say it's the best any team has ever worn. But my suggestion to the Rangers is go with the NYR logo full time, and save the current sweater as a third jersey — beginning next season of course.

But who would want to listen to me anyway?

I haven't yet been able to fully grasp what's going on here but near as I can figure, we're looking at a couple of concepts for the Dallas Stars/Minnesota North Stars franchise. I get the shooting star thing in the one on the left, but I really can't work out what's going on in the one on the right. If you have any ideas I'd be happy to hear them. Comment away.

But that's not all. I'll leave you with one more today.

I understand what the designer is trying to do here, but I don't think the "P" in the real logo is that difficult to see. It doesn't jump out at you, but it shouldn't. Logos are meant to be looked at over and over again, so they're more effective when you discover something new every time you see it.

I know a lot of folks would disagree with me on that, but I think it's the reason the Minnesota Wild's logo is so spectacular.

But back to this. The striping is not great and the logo doesn't really need a change. But I feel like an ass for having nothing good to say about it. It's not like it's the worst thing in the world, I'm only thinking that Philly fans would revolt.

But that's all just my opinion. Feel free to share yours below.

And if you or someone you know has been afflicted by the concept art disease and would like help with public dissemination, you know how to reach me. Send an email to nhllogos@gmail.com.


Flyers, Here's How You Fix It

I think many Philadelphia Flyers fans would argue specifically that if it needed changing, the only thing that would be necessary is an orange jersey instead of a black one. Having said that, the Flyers have already announced plans to introduce an orange third jersey next season.

Still, one fan emailed me this suggestion that extends the sleeve panel down past the elbow and shrinks the stripe around it. Have a look for yourself.

It's a minor tweak that, in my eyes doesn't really look that much different.

On a totally separate note, another fan emailed in an interesting concept that looks at altering the captains' letters.

Any thoughts? I'd love to hear them. Comment below.

By the way, apologies for the limited posts today. I've been a bit under the weather and I'm going to be needing to get to bed soon. Coming shortly will be the uniform review for the Columbus Blue Jackets.

Next up: Dallas Stars.


Result: Canadiens vs Flyers


61% 8,386 votes


39% 5,270 votes

13,656 total votes

Montreal Canadiens
Advancing to face Oilers or Blues

Philadelphia Flyers

Poll opening date
Sep 17 @ 4:22 AM
Poll closing date
Sep 24 @ 11:59 PM