NHL Tournament of Logos

Entries in news (596)


Hurricane Of Concept Art

There's no new poll today so it'll just be this post all by itself. I've had a bunch of Carolina Hurricanes concept art sent to me over the last couple of weeks so I thought I'd gather it all up to share.

We'll start with a pretty cool rebranding that involves a lighthouse as the Canes' primary logo as well as some slight changes to actual primary.

I don't know, for me, a lighthouse will always say Islanders. I don't know if I'll ever be able to shake that. I do like this logo and uniform set, though. Very nice quality.

While we're on the topic of redesigned logos, here's an interesting re-imagining of the current secondary mark. I know the team is based out of North Carolina, but does South Carolina also consider the Hurricanes their team since they go by just the Carolina name? Am I thinking about this too much?

It's a nice logo, but it needs some tightening up where the outline of the state is concerned. Way too much tiny detail in their. This would be like a six-inch patch. No need for all that detail. But even if it were the crest, it should still be cleaned up.

Here are a couple of third jersey designs.

And we'll finish things off tonight with another third jersey concept I found quite interesting.

Classic and what have you. Definitely a Colorado knock-off, but nice on its own merits. You be the judge. Let us know what you think about these in the comments.

By the way, I made wholesale updates to the Concepts Gallery this weekend so be sure to check that out. Added about 50 new images.


More Habs Anyone?

On Thursday, I ran an Atlanta-themed concept post. Tonight, it's all about the Montreal Canadiens. I have several concepts I feel like sharing.

Last week I posted a bunch of third jersey artwork which included a half blue, half red Habs sweater. I wondered aloud what such a thing might look like on a player. And because you guys are just awesome like that, someone took to Photoshop and here is the result.

I'm thinking that's probably a no. But as far as a blue Canadiens jersey goes, we shouldn't toss out the idea altogether should we? The AHL's Hamilton Bulldogs handled a similar jersey effectively — as proven by the club's mascot.

Here's what that would look like in Rbk EDGE template form. They could do a lot worse. That's all I'm saying.

Though there is one element here that doesn't work well. The white stripe across the middle makes it difficult to put contrasting numbers on the back. The cure for that is running a red stripe in its place.

I'm posting both of these graphics to show different possibilities for the shade of blue. Personally, I'm more a fan of the darker blue.

Overall, I think blue would be a good direction for the Habs if a third jersey is in their future. I never cared much for the white ones they used to sport. What do you guys think? Post your comments below.


Just To Freak You Out XV

We were a little thin in terms of new Freak Out art this week, so forgive me if today's post is a little light. Still, nothing pleases me more than trying to freak you guys out with some crazy concept art.

As many of you know, the NHL unveiled the 2008 All-Star Game sweaters this week. Reader reaction here was not great. In fact, I got some very Freak Out-worthy concepts based off of those jerseys.

John sent those in along with a few others. You'll be able to find them in the Concepts Gallery this weekend.

We'll keep things moving with the Pittsburgh Penguins next. Each concept here imagines a drastic change. For instance, the first example suggests renaming the team the Pirates — a club that once existed in Pittsburgh during the early years of the NHL.

And the second suggests that the team keep the name but move to Russia.

That silly penguin even looks Russian.

And then, this goes out to all the folks from Quebec. It just doesn't look right. At all.

We'll keep things in the Western Conference now. With all the vanity in the world these days, you had to see this coming.

It seems even the Chicago Blackhawks' Indian head wanted a facelift. Either that or he got the Botox. And don't think I'm ignoring the Bears reference in there.

Next we'll head to Detroit where I'm quite concerned.

I think the grey jersey is an interesting choice, but I don't think an octopus will ever be anything but scary on a Red Wings concept. That tradition should stay off the sweater. Having said that, as a logo itself, it's not bad. But I'm still very, very concerned.

And finally, with Christmas just 39 days away, I thought I'd start my decorating now.

Ho ho ho!

If you've made or run across any concepts you think might be worth posting for Freak Out Friday, don't be shy. Send them along! You can email me at nhllogos@gmail.com.


This One's All Atlanta

As the title implies, this post will stick to an Atlanta-based theme. We'll start with the team currently in that town — the Thrashers.

A reader emailed in this concept which calls for a return to the days of going heavy on the dark blue and maroon. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad look. I just prefer the light blue jerseys. One of the best in the league, if you want my opinion — which I'm sure many of you don't.

I bet the asymmetry of that blue jersey is causing aneurysms for a good number of you. I think it's a winner. Not really feeling the sleeves on the white jersey, however. I know what's being attempted, but it just isn't working. Thoughts?

Now let's take a blast from the past with the Atlanta Flames.

You might notice Jarome Iginla's name on the back of these sweaters. Try to ignore the Calgary connection. I really am trying to write an Atlanta post. The one on the left is a little plain but I like the city name down the sleeve. The crest is awkwardly large however. What I like is the one on the right which is oversized just right — if that makes any sense.

I think this is a really cool idea. The giant logo basically becomes the jersey design. I think it provides a really cool effect. Not sure how great it would look on the ice, however. But by itself there, I'm a fan.

And finally, we'll top things off with the 2008 NHL All-Star Game which is being hosted by the great city of Atlanta. The jerseys for that game were recently unveiled to the general disappointment of a lot of the readers here. One fan emailed in a couple of concepts for the big game. They're not bad, but they do borrow heavily from the Philadelphia Flyers.

Oh, and before a handful of you start needlessly jumping up and down on the designer, let me point out that we know a design like this prohibits the use of a "C" or "A" on the chest. And I do think the all-star and team logos should be left on the shoulders. Other than that, I think they work. Perhaps we'll see something similar in the future.

Until then, we have what we have.


Atlanta All-Star Jerseys

Don't know if you guys have seen these, but the new All-Star jerseys are out for the 2008 game in Atlanta.

Not too shabby.

By the way, Round Two of the Third Jersey Logo Tournament begins tomorrow so keep an eye out for that. Mighty Ducks and Sabres.

UPDATE (11/14 2:16 AM): My apologies on not providing a source. I think in my rush I just forgot. But as a few people pointed out in the comments, the images are available on the NHL.com Shop. I snagged them from there so I could show you guys and see what you thought. Sounds like most of you just like to be negative but to each his own. It's a hockey jersey, not a Renoir.


Concepts In The Stars

Every so often, I get emailed a concept design that just looks simply amazing. Let me share the most recent piece I'd categorize that way.

Obviously, we're talking about the Dallas Stars today. And while I'm a fan of their new uniforms and the simplicity seen there, I would be among the last to object an overhaul. For instance, I feel a green jersey is exactly the way for this team to go. And while I don't think the logo seen here is perfect, it's a step in the right direction. I really like the secondary logo, though.

Anyway, this is what I like. Sharp graphics and folks getting creative. It almost makes me want to do a concept contest of some sort. The winner would get nothing but bragging rights, but I bet we'd see some amazing work along the way. Let me know in the comments if that sounds like something you guys would be interested in.

Continuing with today's theme now.

This is a nice set. I like the idea of using the bull/consellation logo on the shoulders of the black jersey. The red seems a bit out of place though.

And finally, here's a nice way to improve on the road sweater.

Just a little more color makes the jersey seem a lot less ... white. A bit more interesting to look at, to be sure.

Overall, I like what all of the artists have done here. Top notch work.


Mailbag: Canucks Logo

I got an email this morning that really made me think.

Hey, love your website,
Do you think that the canucks have a good logo?

That question is so simple yet the answer is so complicated.

Whether you consider the logo to be the orca alone or with the city name arched above it, the long and short of it is I don't really have an answer.

From a personal standpoint, while I do think it is a strong logo, at the same time I feel it could be so much better and so much more representative of the city and the team name.

Having said that, I think the person asking this question would be better served by getting a response from the readership here at NHLToL. For the most part, you guys know your stuff and have very strong opinions. I think they should be heard now.

Let the debate begin!


More On The Sabres, Pens Topic

Since we're on the subject of the Buffalo Sabres and Pittsburgh Penguins today, I thought I'd share a few concept designs I thought were especially cool.

I'd consider the Sabres to be one of the best-looking teams in the league if they wore something a little like this. For one thing, the logo actually has sabres in lieu of a buffalo. Always a welcome change of pace if you ask me — you know, the whole thing about having a logo that actually represents the name of your team.

That being said, it should have a buffalo logo on the shoulder. My vote is for the white one you see in the vintage logo. Wrap a red outline around that buffalo and stick it to the shoulders and you've nearly got your winner. The other big change I'd make is to change the circle behind the swords to red. Either that or make the dark sweater red instead of black. Too much blending in there.

With those changes, I'd almost buy one myself and I'm not just saying that.

As for the Pittsburgh Penguins, this would be an improvement. This logo needs a bit of work, but it's got a ferocity lacking in the skating penguin. It's even got a nice shoulder patch with that hint of vintage. Any thoughts on this?

Or perhaps we could inject a little more of a retro feel.

Not only does this design reintroduce the blue sweater, but the designer even went so far as to add the city crest to the shoulders — taking a page out of Calgary's book. But actually, I don't hate it. My only hope is that the gradient thing is just for this graphic and wouldn't have any part of an actual jerseys.

We can dream, can't we? Anyway, leave your thoughts below. I'd like to see what the consensus is on all of this. It's pretty drastic compared to a lot of the work I post on a regular basis. And as always, my thanks to the artists.


Another Look At The Retro Winter

I keep getting emails from you guys about the news that the Sabres and Penguins will be donning retro uniforms for the Winter Classic on New Year's Day. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you guys sending in information, but I did address it last weekend.

Regardless, I thought I'd write up another post considering the league has now made that official — which wasn't the case on Sunday. Here are some images that the clubs posted on their web site this week.

The deal is that Reebok is apparently making them in the same "cutting edge" materials used for the EDGE jerseys.

As you might've noticed, the teams will be wearing their old 1970s logos and uniforms. Most notably, the Pens will be donning blue for the first time since 1980. Should be a fun game to watch, no doubt, if for no other reason than the throwback uniforms.

So anyhow, there it is. It's official. The Buffalo Sabres and Pittsburgh Penguins will wear retro sweaters for the Winter Classic.

By the way, in case you were wondering, the week of this game, be sure to stop by NHLToL as you'll be able to vote on the two logos being used on these jerseys. So stay tuned for that.


Just To Freak You Out XIV

It's the end of another work week and we all know what that means — Freak Out Friday! A series, which by the way, has become very popular. So as long as you guys keep sending in crazy crap, I'll keep posting it every week. I'll start things off tonight in New York.

I felt I couldn't properly begin a Freak Out Friday without involving the Buffalo Sabres somehow.

See? This is what happens. What is that anyway? Somebody call Paul Bunyan. We found his ox. Yay.

Easily the most maligned logo in the NHL, imagine the "Buffaslug" on what's been one of the most maligned jerseys here at NHLToL. How much do you guys love this concept right here?

Not that much? Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Anyway, while we're on the subject of the Atlanta Thrashers, see if you can endure this monstrosity.

I know that wasn't easy, but don't worry, it's over now. Let's not let this happen again, all right?

Gradients on jerseys is a personal pet peeve of mine. Who was it that thought these looked good?

Oh yeah, those guys did.

Have you ever tried to use red, blue and black together? Here's why you don't.

And here's another reason.

Finally, I'll leave you this evening with one simple concept and a profound statement.

Only you can prevent forest fires.

Until the next time, try not to freak out too much.