
0706: Music City Revisions

I don't love some of the details of the Nashville Predators' uniforms and I'm probably not alone. The apron strings criss-crossing horizontal stripes and all. So how about some striping revisions? I think Steven Grant has done a great job bringing back a little bit of the team's original jerseys.

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Reader Comments (8)

i kind of dig the wavy lines on the top. not sure the straight lines on the side match up with it though. having said that, i wouldn't want to see something wavy on the side or have it be completely blank, so i am not sure what the best course of action would be. initial reaction is that i like it, though.

Jan 23 · 8:09 AM PST | Unregistered Commenterjonathanc

St. Louis isn't the Music City anymore?

Jan 23 · 10:30 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMarm

@Marm: It's a nickname more commonly associated with Nashville. But can't there be more than one? Also funny that you're commenting on a headline on the Concepts page.

Jan 23 · 11:34 AM PST | Registered CommenterChris


Jan 23 · 11:57 AM PST | Registered CommenterVarun Ujju

I would like to see a blue version of this. I just haven't been sold on Nashville's yellow jerseys.

Jan 23 · 2:19 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterTyler J

Although I think this looks better than their regular jerseys, I'm still not a huge fan of their primary yellow jerseys in the first place.

Jan 23 · 7:20 PM PST | Registered CommenterAlex Ward

Jonathan, I don't think he was going for a 'wavy' line. That's what reebok does for their sleeve designs. I don't know if with that shape when a person is wearing it becomes straight, but he probably didn't mean for the sleeve design to be wavy.

Jan 24 · 5:48 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterDylan Wonka

Id like to see a navy or different version of blue for the home and yellow as a road jersey. The Kings did the Purple/Yellow thing back in the day...

Jan 24 · 7:37 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterRod Giacoleetch

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