
0709: Norway by a Norwegian

Here's a series I'd like to expand on as we near the Olympics. Concept artists creating jerseys for their own national teams. Norwegian Asle Tømmerstrand tackles his home country's jersey today. And while IOC rules may not permit the bear on the front, this is sharp sweater, isn't it?

Also, if you're an Icethetics reader outside of North America and have a concept in mind for your country, send it along! I'd love to share it here.

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Reader Comments (8)

This is absolutely superb! It features a lot of great classic elements, but doesn't feel cookie cutter at all. There's some unique characteristics, such as the numbers, the rectangular flag within a circular element, the single white stripe on the pants, the asymmetry between arm stripes and hem stripes. Brilliantly done, one of the best concepts I've ever seen!

Jan 26 · 9:13 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeremy

Pretty amazing except for one minor detail - the flag on the (player's) right shoulder is backwards. Other than that, it's really great.

Jan 26 · 9:46 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterRobb Clarke

Cool jersey! This is also appropriate since Zuccarello had 2 goals today in the stadium series!

Jan 26 · 2:28 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJon93

Awesome! 5 Stars! What else is there to say?

Jan 27 · 1:35 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterR

@Robb Clarke
I'm assuming he going for that silly "like if we still had battlefield flags" look that the US does for it's military uniforms.

Jan 27 · 5:12 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Thanks for nice comments guys! Regarding the flag, it's a common standard that official nation clothing/apparel (ie. military) that the flag shall be placed as it's "waiving in the wind" - when the flag is not symmetrical (Norway/USA).

For example look at the flag on this US military helicopter:

Jan 27 · 5:55 AM PST | Registered CommenterAsle T.

Good to know. Thanks for clarifying Asle.

Jan 27 · 8:43 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterRobb Clarke

Why would the IOC not approve of the bear?

Jan 27 · 2:38 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterZach

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