0112: Bleu Foncé, Bleu Clair et Or

Jeremy Tuch has been emailing concepts to me for almost three years now. And after all that time, today marks the first time that one will actually appear on Icethetics. Jeremy has been persistent if not all that great with computer design tools. But his skills have improved and I thought this Nordiques attempt might be worth sharing with the world. Way to be tenacious!
Designed by
Jeremy Tuch

Reader Comments (7)
This would be a great revamp of the Phoenix Coyotes or Florida Panthers jersey in the next year or two.
It's nice, but at first glance I thought the Jets logo was underneath.
Love the font used for the name on the back..
I don't hate it, but the logo is far too similar to the Jets' logo. Remember, if Quebec gets the Coyotes, they're getting the old Jets, not the new Jets.
The font for the number is the same as the Ottawa Senators, and considering any Quebec team will seek to carve out a niche as the true French-Canadian team, they aren't going to borrow a style element from an English-Canada rival. And given that they'll be trying to outdo Montreal for the French fanbase, I'm betting their logo will be nothing more than a stylized fleur-de-lis. It will be boring as hell, but the marketing potential of that in Quebec will be huge.
Having said that, I do think the gold on light blue colour scheme is something they might go with
Pretty nice. Combining the old Nordiques jersey with the new style jerseys and adding gold instead of red. I like it, good job.
The compass in the logo looks way too much like the new Jets logo though.
I like the colour and the idea behind the concept, but the logo basically rips off the new Jets logo and slaps a Fleur de Lis over top...
A nice concept but it looks too similar to the Jets especially with the compass behind the Fleur-de-lis.