0473: Fixing the Lightning

I like to celebrate my birthdays with Tampa Bay Lightning concepts. This year, I think Bastian Schmülling has hit the jackpot. If you're not a fan of those monochromatic Bolts sweaters, this is how you fix them. I love the inclusion of silver and the victory stripes under the arms. The one change I might suggest is contrasting shoulder yokes as a nod to the original uniforms.
Designed by
Bastian Schmülling

Reader Comments (21)
Maybe a black stripe in between the white/blue and silver stripes? Or just a black 3rd.
Change the grey to black and make the now black waist and arm stripe half the width and it would be a ten. Love the re-introduction of the victory stripes.
I think if the logos and name/numbers were outlined in silver then this would be perfect! I really think the Lightning need to take a look at this one. But also happy birthday Chris!
they need the new shoulder logo
We've seen so many lightning concepts trying to incorporate black and/or silver, and as much as i miss those colors none of the concepts i've seen are an improvement. This concept i must say comes the closest, though it kind of reminds me of the dallas cowboys whom i loath.
I agree with Chance Waddell. Just a silver outline on the numbers and crest and this would be perfect. I actually don't think contrasting shoulders would look good on these jerseys. This is one of the best designs I've seen on this site.
Very nice. However, I still prefer their current set which are some beauties in my opinion.
Happy Birthday Chris! I would say to add to what Chance said, I think the NHL should really look at quite a few concepts on here. They really are well done, and just about each designer has the best taste of the franchise in mind. This Lightning concept is more of the same!
excellent concept, a simple and quick 'fix' that turns two average looking designs into two excellent ones!!
The silver is much too dark, and it would come across as even darker on TV. Brighten it and then we can see whether it works or not.
I wouldn't change a thing.
First off, Happy Birthday! Hope you get plenty of rest after the crazy day you had yesterday.
As for the concept, this is definitely an improvement, but I still would like them to go to a black/silver combination.
As I've always said, they just needed to add the silver trim. Also, I think adding black outline to the primary is the final touch. They flexed on this with the numbers when we all complained about no black, now put the cherry on this sundae with the primary. Happy birthday Chris from Clearwater, go bolts!
I like this concept a lot. I really like that this doesn't look like the Red Wings/Leafs as well as the Los Angeles Kings' purple throwbacks. I think you should add shoulder yolks to the jerseys and add some silver outlines like others have suggested to the numbers and logo. I also think it would look better with the Bolts' original logo too. Besides that, that is an awesome concept and much better than what they wear now.
I like it but I'm sure many would complain that it's an Islanders ripoff, which it kinda is !
Happy Birthday to my favorite first son, Chris!!!!
I Iike this concept! Clean and true to Lightning blue. As in a previous a post above, a little black accent or stripe would be nice too.
From the Tampa Blue Wings to a silver Islanders jersey with victory stripes under the arms. It's better than the current but the collar doesn't seem to fit in my opinion. It may just be switching the positions of the white and silver on the blue home set.
Victory stripes, different colors in the armpits - all of these ideas just seem awful to me and take away from jersey design. Those stripes take away from this concept in my opinion - and don't get me started about "pit stain" designs on jerseys like Buffalo's - ugh. Why? I don't get it.
@VAYTCH/PATHOFFMAN How is this an Islanders rip off? If your talking about the striping your wrong, the silver striping is noticeably smaller. Even if it wasn't, that's being extremely picky, never mind the colors are completely different. It amazes me how many comments I read that because of a teams simple striping pattern they are somehow copy cats and suddenly look like another team, most of which you'd never know unless it was pointed out.
@Frank Calm down buddy, I just mentioned what I'm sure a lot of people would point if they were to use such an uniform, everybody went berzerk with the St.Patty's Hawks look of Dallas and the Team Canada inspired Canes jersey so I'm sure the same would happen with a uni that looks Islanderish !
This is great!! VICTORY STRIPES!! Love it! But, as a HUGE Bolts fan, the only thing I'd ask for is a shoulder patch with the state of Florida on it, like our original uniforms had.