
Olympic Spirit, Part II

This is an extension of Thursday's post. Concept art has just been flying in over the last couple of days and some of it is pretty awesome!

Glen Cuthbert

Glen put together this blast from the past. Call me crazy, but this would be an awesome alternate jersey. Much better than the U.S.'s New York Rangers-based third. Plus, that's just a great all around crest. Where has it been all these years?

Matt Marczel

While we're on the United States, Matt is looking for a return to something a little more recent. Personally, I think USA Hockey needs a new logo.

Jared LeBlanc

Jared has put together concepts for several countries, including this Canadian one I really like. The black goes away, as it should, and another shade of red is added for contrast. I'm not sure so about the alternate jersey. May be a little too red. That's Russian territory, right?

Jared LeBlanc

Now, I take back what I said yesterday about Elias' Swiss design. Nothing against it, but this is just too cool. At first glance, it may seem plain — which is what I accused the current Swiss jerseys of being — but really take another look. That's just a really sharp design.

Jared LeBlanc

The only one of Jared's concepts I'm not crazy about is this one. Sweden arguably has the best jerseys in this year's tournament, but I feel like this re-imagining takes away from that.

I've still got more artwork waiting in the wings. Keep checking back for updates!

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Reader Comments (23)

I really like the white Swiss logo with the swiss cross in the red stripe very creative.

Feb 20 · 10:27 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMatt McELroy

The swiss jersey is excellent, way better than yesterday's...

Feb 20 · 11:54 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I think that Canada concept looks too much like a Latvian jersey.. I really do like that first USA sweater though. How far back is that from anyway? It's a winner for sure.

Feb 20 · 12:23 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJD

not a big fan of Canada's jerseys, just stick with one red and keep it simple!
i like the USA eagle logo and concur that the stupid flag USA logo needs to go
the swede jerseys are nice but dont mess with a good thing

and the swiss....WOW...thats amazing at first i didnt like the simplistic design on their olympic jerseys but they have grown on me immensely since seeing them in action and then there is these, the simplistic concept with some neat touches that almost disguises it, great concept, swiss hockey should take note

Feb 20 · 2:10 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJhero

Sorry to say but these Canadian ones really suck. The strips and lines look horrible on all 3 jerseys. Back to the drawing board.

Feb 20 · 2:21 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterMM

I really like the swiss design but being swiss myself, we are very critical the the cross is white. We dont wanna look like the red cross. But in all i like the retro feeling to it. GJ Jared Leblanc

Feb 20 · 3:08 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterElias Cripotos

The USA eagle logo was worn for the 1976 World Championships. I'm working on a road version, too.

Feb 20 · 4:17 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterGlen

USA: I love their current jersey so much. It's vintage style, got a nice font, and looks great despite being very plain and simple.

Canada: I know this sounds expected, but what I'd love is to see the Maple Leafs' alternate jersey (and a dark counterpart) in red, instead of blue. I love their alternate so much, and to see it in red would be perfect.

Switzerland: their current jersey disappoints me, but I don't know how I'd like it. They're kinda in the same boat as Canada because they have the same colors, and one specific symbol for their nation.

Sweden: you can't change what they have. It's perfect in every way.

Feb 20 · 5:41 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterKevin Y

can someone explain to me why norway , canada and finland had to change their logo because the IOC didnt want their official IIHF logo ?

Feb 20 · 6:30 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJulien

Under Olympic rules, they're corporations and aren't allowed to have their sponsors as the logos.

Feb 20 · 7:09 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterEric Westhaver

Hey MM, if you're the same person that designed the US jersey then I wouldn't be talking...

Feb 20 · 9:50 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterRik

That was not me as MM, who posted that comment earleir. I'm not the type of person who'd post a comment bashing someones art work. As for my design, I would have liked to have gone with a better logo, but my attempts at designing one failed. I do however agree that that USA flag logo needs to go, I'm sure somebody can come up with a better, and more creative design than that.

Feb 21 · 1:34 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMatt Marczel

Care to explain what's wrong with Matt's USA concept RIK? I personally like the USA logo, and by the way I have really liked all of your concepts as well Matt, especially the Dallas and Chicago ones, nice work!

Feb 21 · 2:11 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJared LeBlanc

And thanks for telling me that Elias! I was actually looking for the white Swiss jersey online to see if they used a red cross but I couldn't find a picture, but that's good to know, I'll have to fix that.

Feb 21 · 2:23 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJared LeBlanc

No RIK, MM is not for Matt Marczel.

I am just giving my honest opinion about the design as a Canadian. It seems people are trying to get too complicated with the Canadian design. Simpler would be better.

I do not think Matt would as an artist, bash anyone elses design. Matt is correct though, the USA could come up with something nicer than they have. They have the colour scheme to be so good.

Feb 21 · 5:58 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMM

Agree 100%. USA needs a new logo.

Feb 21 · 7:51 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterFranco

I personaly like the black for canada, it adds great contrast to the red jersys and makes them pop more.

Feb 21 · 10:56 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterOil22

Jared -- I was looking for the same thing, go to and click jerseys on the left

Feb 21 · 8:39 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeff

in looking at erics gallery i realized that around half the dark jerseys are red. while all those countries do have red in their flag, i would have liked to see a little variety in the colors. the overall designs are nice though, just a lot of red.

Feb 21 · 11:35 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Matt Marczel's USA Design (the second one) is I am guessing a very close model of the current Olympic jerseys with the USA Hockey logo (which I think looks great), is actually the jersey USA wore in the Jrs.

Feb 22 · 8:23 AM PST | Unregistered Commenterziplock189-steven

Too much red int he Canadian jersey concept.... and that's coming from a Canadian, although I'm a fan of the black accents because it adds a nice contrast. I'm of the opinion that the best uniforms have a 3-colour combination to them, otherwise it's too bland or over-powered.

Feb 22 · 1:22 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterSilentNoise

The 2 tones of red are interesting - has any uniform ever done this before? I understand the challenge of the Canadian uniform. People are tired of black but all-red is boring too. I'd love to see some radical Canadian designs with other colours - there's no reason we should only use colours from the flag. The old airforce baby blue jerseys are awesome.

Feb 25 · 7:01 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterToby

Just to correct, the USA third jersey wasn't based on the Rangers, it was a throwback jersey from the 1960 Squaw Valley Olympics, where the US won the first of its two golds on US soil.

Mar 6 · 7:46 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterHeinz

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