
Dreaming of the Jets

Though the city of Glendale just promised millions to support the Phoenix Coyotes franchise, nothing is final and no sale has yet been completed. And despite inching closer to a deal that would keep the team in its present home, we can't help but wonder if the team isn't destined to return from whence it came. So here are some Winnipeg Jets concepts that have been submitted for your enjoyment.

Also, we're debuting a new feature. You can now rate each concept, 1 to 5 stars.

Dallas Hicks
690 Votes

While I often receive classic Winnipeg Jets concepts, typically the designer is merely copying the old design onto a Reebok Edge jersey template. Nothing we haven't seen before.

Dallas, on the other hand, has gone a step further by creating a new brand — which would be likely in the unlikely event of the team moving back to Manitoba. That being said, he has incorporated the jet in the original logo into his design. And I like how the jet's exhaust forms the shape of a J and a hockey stick all at the same time.

Dallas Hicks
594 Votes

But wait, there's more! Dallas also came up with these. They're not necessarily from the same set, just different color options for the same basic concept. I'd be pulling for the two-tone blue/gold look, personally, as it's time to stop dressing every team in blue and red — even if it is traditional.

Connor Hanley
567 Votes

Connor's concept is more about striping and uniform design than original logos. He's borrowed the Houston Aeros short-lived primary mark (2002-2006) for the home and road while sticking with the classic Jets jet on the alternate.

But it's the striping on these jerseys that are the most interesting and unique. My favorite is the blue one. NHL teams just don't look like that anymore. And that's a shame.

Jake Slavik
553 Votes

Jake has gone in a whole new direction too. His Winnipeg Jets are blue and silver, and flaunt their hopeful hometown. Of course we'd have to do some work on the numbers and nameplate on the back. Those would be all but unreadable from the nosebleeds. Forget TV. But I like the direction he's going with the colors.

Matt McElroy
528 Votes

But perhaps not all hope is lost. What if Coyotes fans get their way and keep their team. Obviously the ideal situation. Matt's trying this quasi-throwback look as a possible light alternate jersey.

Usman Shabbar
485 Votes

And now for something completely different. Imagine crossing the Coyotes with the Blackhawks. What do you get? Maybe something like Usman's design here. It's an interesting look, but I'm not sure it's something we'd ever really see in the NHL.

If you'd like to submit your suggestions for the possible future Winnipeg Jets team, you know where to send them. Or if you're passionate about Coyotes remaining the Coyotes, let's have some of those concepts too!

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Reader Comments (19)

All this talk of relocating I don't like. I would love to see Winnipeg get a team back, but not at Phoenix's expense. Right after the fanbase started to show some life? I'd rather not. I'm a thrashers fan so I hear a lot of RELOCATE TO ___ town stuff but I can't imagine what those guys are going through.

Alas, that is for a different blog post.

The first Jets concepts by Dallas Hicks are very well done in a color scheme I'd usually not like. But it's toned down, not a IN YOUR FACE style like the old Kings jerseys but not an almost black eggplant like the Mighty Ducks used to rock. The yellow is a good trim, and the logo is nice. The Goals 4 Kids shoulder patch still staying is a nice touch, although it's a bit hard to see a G and not a C.

The second one is alright. I don't really like the way the white shoulder yoke looks. I'd be interested in seeing the yoke in red.

I like the Phoenix concept, but the second Usman Shabbar one I'm not sure about. The logo kind of bothers me. It looks like something you'd see on FurAffinity or SecondLife as opposed to an NHL jersey.

May 14 · 3:40 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterheadsigh

I had been wondering when we were going to see some Jets concepts. I'm a lifelong Winnipegger and keep a box of Jets merch in my closet. I'm of the unpopular opinion that if we get any team other than the Coyotes, it should choose a different name and colour scheme than the old Jets. But if we're getting our team back, I see no reason not to keep the name and colours, but with new logos and jerseys. That said, not wild about any of these concepts. The first is an intriguing design, but the colour scheme too similar to Buffalo. I like the idea of the blue/silver colour scheme, as it has more of an aviation feel to it than blue/red/white, but the concept here is too similar to the blue Canadiens vintage jersey and the inventive Leafs concept posted not too long ago

May 14 · 4:04 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAdam

I Like the first concept, but would love it in old Jets colours. Like Adam said its too much like the Sabres. Voting on concepts was a great idea and should make for helpful criticism for the artists.

May 14 · 4:22 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterS00F

I'd like to see the 1996 Jets uniforms back for another spin.


May 14 · 5:56 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterG-Man

The last Phoenix concept really reminds me of The Fanstastic Mr. Fox.

May 14 · 7:14 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMike

If and when the Jets make their return, I would go back to the 70s and 80s logo. I think the first concept was to have some connection to the Blue Bombers. I would use midnight blue as the primary dark colour and the shade of red the Hurricanes use as trimming.

May 14 · 7:58 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndre

I heard today that there is a law in Arizona forbidding cities to pay debts of sports team with public fund. so that even if they agree they would still have to find a way around this law...anyone on this ?

May 14 · 8:40 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterjulien

Posted just a little while ago...

Hopefully this doesn't turn into a circus.

May 14 · 11:13 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJAKE SLAVIK

Love the new rating system! Can't wait to get some of mine up there!

May 15 · 5:00 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterGlen

Most Of them are averege, but there nice.

May 15 · 6:52 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNoahGretskey

Love the new feature. Connor's design is just awesome.

May 15 · 8:42 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJacques-Andre LeBeau

I like the alternate light jersey's. Since the Coyotes took on there current color scheme I've been hoping to see something done in a buff/tan color. I'd very much like to see something like the concepts above adopted by the 'yotes in future seasons in Phoenix. And I'd think the Kings, or any number of other teams, could do something in a silver or light grey.

May 15 · 2:08 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterbickleton wigglesworth III

Liked Dallas's designs, but it just doesn't fit with the Jet's history (Except the 4th one) Jake's concept would be perfect for Colorado springs or any city with strong ties to the USAF, but it doesn't fit with the RCAF.

all in all good designs all around, but no excellent ones.

May 16 · 7:48 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterShawa

Love the thought of the Jets being back in winnepeg. IMO a team in any moderate sized Canadian city is going to do better than most sunbelt teams.

The first concepts are good, but perhaps not unique enough (the colour scheme is very similar to Buffalo, and the jet stream almost looks like a sword) it might just be me.

I really liked jake's jets concept. simple and clean.

as for the Yotes.

Is it just me or is it strange that the yotes would be doing a throwback in the first place? and why would their throwback use their most current color scheme? like the coyote head loge, but the triangle striping may be a little much.

I like the last yotes concept. in the original black and purple coyotes unis, the coyote did have feathers on its head, nice allusion to that. as for the purple, i would love to see more of it.

May 17 · 9:10 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterColin

Hi folks! Hearing a lot of comparison to Buffalo's colour scheme, and I'm actually surprised; it never even occurred to me! Here's the deal: it should be more of a gold than yellow (like the gold the Stars use, versus the light Vegas gold of Pittsburgh or the ochre of Buffalo, but RBK would likely limit the palette). The idea of using gold, while it does tie somewhat to the CFL's Blue Bombers, was more about the nickname of Bobby Hull, the "Golden Jet". I always wondered why they used red instead of gold, and I like the look of blue and gold together. The stripes on the sleeves (three) are there to represent the three Avco Cups won by the Jets in their WHA days, and to emulate the rank stripes of an Air Force offiicer. The background does borrow somewhat from the RCAF rondelle (remember: rondelle also means puck!), and I wanted to set that old 80's Jet logo free, so it taking off looks like either a hockey stick, or a "J". The 3rd jersey is using the old Air Force Blue, and there's nothing like that in use today (it's got more gray to it than Pittsburgh's Columbia blue)! Looks good with the gold, too. The 4th jersey is the vintage style (if you see the back, I use the no-serif "1" like the 80's style) while adopting the 90's striping scheme. One of the really different things I wanted to try, and I think it makes the white jersey way more interesting than most, is keeping the dark colour in between the sleeve stripes. Any more thoughts, bring 'em on! Love to hear them... just keep in mind I really didn't have Buffalo in mind!

May 22 · 12:09 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDallas Hicks

LOL @ the thrashers fan HEADSIGH... Phoenix fans werent showing life, half the stadium was packed with wings fans hahaha. The only reason Coyotes fans went is because it was the playoffs. Like, where were you in the regular season? No loyalty at all... If they finished in dead last next year no one would show up. Here in Edmonton, we were dead last, yet we still sold out every game. Bring the teams where they belong... CANADA!!

May 31 · 2:24 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteroilcountry

Dallas, I like the simplicity as well as the color scheme. It think it starts fresh with a new look/attitude but keeps the elements of the old features. THe first thing I thought was a link to the bombers which I've always though was a good way of unifying the wpg sports teams. The bomber's (in my humble opinion) have the sharpest jerseys in the CFL. The fourth jersey is great to have as a alternate homage to the original look. well done!

Jun 7 · 9:14 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterscott

how do you design jerseys like this. is there like a software or a cite or something,..thanks

Apr 23 · 8:09 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterdarren

Jake Slavik's Jets concept looks far too similar to the Vancouver Whitecaps' old soccer uniforms.

Jul 25 · 12:39 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterAndre

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