Entries in coyotes (7)


Concept Collection 51

Yes, it's been a while. But it's better now than never, right? I'm currently trying to develop a new system for posting concept art that makes things simpler for me. (That's always the unreachable goal.) In the meantime, I'll do my best to keep this page updated a little more often.

One last thing. Help me out here. I know some of you think I've been "making you wait" for new concepts, but that's not how it is. Having said that, if you perhaps don't care for the designs in this set and feel like commenting to say something like, "I've waited months for this?!", don't bother. It'll only tell me there's no point to updating the page in the future. Rate the designs, move on, and check back later. I can't please everybody, nor will I try to do so. Just know that I'm doing my best to keep all aspects of Icethetics updated.


Collection 26: Long Time No See

As I was considering themes for today's concept post, I started wondering which teams have gotten the least love on this page. So I took a look back, and as it turns out, there are five teams that have yet to be represented with concept art in 2011. We'll rectify that today.

Now these teams won't have to feel left out. Coming in a future concept post, some phenomenal redesigns for another often overlooked group — the minor leagues.


Dreaming of the Jets

Though the city of Glendale just promised millions to support the Phoenix Coyotes franchise, nothing is final and no sale has yet been completed. And despite inching closer to a deal that would keep the team in its present home, we can't help but wonder if the team isn't destined to return from whence it came. So here are some Winnipeg Jets concepts that have been submitted for your enjoyment.

Also, we're debuting a new feature. You can now rate each concept, 1 to 5 stars.

Dallas Hicks
690 Votes

While I often receive classic Winnipeg Jets concepts, typically the designer is merely copying the old design onto a Reebok Edge jersey template. Nothing we haven't seen before.

Dallas, on the other hand, has gone a step further by creating a new brand — which would be likely in the unlikely event of the team moving back to Manitoba. That being said, he has incorporated the jet in the original logo into his design. And I like how the jet's exhaust forms the shape of a J and a hockey stick all at the same time.

Dallas Hicks
594 Votes

But wait, there's more! Dallas also came up with these. They're not necessarily from the same set, just different color options for the same basic concept. I'd be pulling for the two-tone blue/gold look, personally, as it's time to stop dressing every team in blue and red — even if it is traditional.

Connor Hanley
567 Votes

Connor's concept is more about striping and uniform design than original logos. He's borrowed the Houston Aeros short-lived primary mark (2002-2006) for the home and road while sticking with the classic Jets jet on the alternate.

But it's the striping on these jerseys that are the most interesting and unique. My favorite is the blue one. NHL teams just don't look like that anymore. And that's a shame.

Jake Slavik
553 Votes

Jake has gone in a whole new direction too. His Winnipeg Jets are blue and silver, and flaunt their hopeful hometown. Of course we'd have to do some work on the numbers and nameplate on the back. Those would be all but unreadable from the nosebleeds. Forget TV. But I like the direction he's going with the colors.

Matt McElroy
528 Votes

But perhaps not all hope is lost. What if Coyotes fans get their way and keep their team. Obviously the ideal situation. Matt's trying this quasi-throwback look as a possible light alternate jersey.

Usman Shabbar
485 Votes

And now for something completely different. Imagine crossing the Coyotes with the Blackhawks. What do you get? Maybe something like Usman's design here. It's an interesting look, but I'm not sure it's something we'd ever really see in the NHL.

If you'd like to submit your suggestions for the possible future Winnipeg Jets team, you know where to send them. Or if you're passionate about Coyotes remaining the Coyotes, let's have some of those concepts too!