Now on Facebook!

Dying for new concept art? Icethetics is now on Facebook. You'll be able to find new fan-made artwork there along with an ever-expanding archive of our best submissions.
Dying for new concept art? Icethetics is now on Facebook. You'll be able to find new fan-made artwork there along with an ever-expanding archive of our best submissions.
Reader Comments (7)
I really love all the concept art that's up there. My only issue is that Facebook converts it all to crappy .jpg so the quality of few-color crests and jerseys is noticeably diminished. Are these new concepts going to be collected on the site as well? (Hopefully in lossless format?)
Please keep posting the concepts on this site as well. I don't have a Facebook page nor do I want one, but I still like seeing the great ideas that other people have about what other teams jerseys should look like.
I agree with sharkfan...
Please keep posting the concepts on the website.
Hi guys. Thanks for weighing in. First of all, you don't need a Facebook account to view the Icethetics Facebook page. It's just a platform that makes my life easier. And let's be honest, the more complex it is for me to make updates, the less you're likely to see them.
Anyway, I'm still debating how this new system will work. I think the Facebook page will primarily serve as a static archive of Icethetics concept art, but will also feature new work as well. But I will also try to continue posting new work here on the website, maybe the cream of the crop, best of the best type deal.
The Facebook page really makes posting and commenting much easier. The one thing it lacks is the ability to rate artwork, which we do have here on the site. So like I said, I'm still deciding. I just have to find that balance between what's easiest for me and what's most satisfying for you guys.
My vote is to keep it here. After the next concept post is up, then you can archive the last one to Facebook to keep it easily available. That way we can rate the new stuff, but as it ages, it doesn't get buried by all the new posts. Besides, where would you rather have people visit for concepts-- Facebook (which already has enough visitors) or Icethetics?
I'd like to keep it here. Can't access facebook from work computer.