Concept Collection 2

Continuing with the new concept art format. Seems to be getting good reviews. Today brings a handful of great designs by some Icethetics regulars.

If you recognize the logo in Ryan's Capitals concept, you're not alone. It's not an original design. In fact, it's a logo commissioned by the Capitals years ago but never used. It was included in a post a couple years ago about lost logos registered with the patent office but later abandoned.
Reader Comments (22)
I actually love that Caps logo, with only one reservation: the flag in the background. I understand what the Caps were going for.... but is Washington now the capital of Austria? And to make this comment relevant, I really like that uniform concept, except for the wordmark on the left sleeve.
Must these concepts include the STUPID RBK EDGE DIAPER look??
Love the Lightning concept. I think it's high time for more blue and grey.
@ Rob Siergiej
Nice throwback concept, though the black detailing on the hem needs to go all the way to the bottom of the jersey... Against the breezers, there would be an awkward dash of white between the uniform elements, just bring the black area all the way down to fill the gap
@ Jekabs Elerts
Interesting concept, as a College Football fan I immediately thought of Nike with the back-wrap detailing (for better or worse)... Is that an existing Nike template?
@ Ryan Haslett
No more then one wordmark style please, thought I would just do the star detailing down both sleeves
Wow, considering that it was last spring when I submitted it, I'm impressed to see my North Stars throwback up there! (Yep, Rob's my real name.) I did use the Reebok trend of bumping up the stripes because of that tail that I hate so much (which they did avert somewhat with the Caps WC jerseys), and would rather see straight like the old days... I suppose that if I redid it (on my updated reverse-engineered-from-the-Hockey-Uniform-Database template), I'd lower the black a bit to fit down. It would make sense, after all, over black pants...
Then again, they didn't get the throwback Modano skated around in after last season's finale at XCel quite right, did they? (referring to the numbers)
Interesting concepts, although I agree with Ryan's post above on the Caps jersey - mainly because the style borrowed from the current logo for the sleeve wordmark completely clashes with the style on the main crest.
Ryan's throwback All-Star jerseys are awesome. I think that the number one thing that the NHL has wrong with the current set is that they are the same jersey but in different colours. Ryan has managed to make a jersey set that is both different enough from each other but works in the context of being a "set".
Love the Kings concepts. It seems as though that may be the direction the team is going to move in next season. These are the sweaters the Kings should've came out with back in 1998 when they changed from the Black, Silver and White to that awful purple abomination. It was more of a natural evolution.
As for the Capitals, not a fan of this concept. I love the Weagle secondary logo and would hope if they were to come out with a 3rd, that would be the main logo on the sweaters.
That North Stars jersey looks great no matter what template it's on. I might be one of the few people in the world who thinks that the Edge cut jerseys look good. Only problem I have with Reebok are the stupid design trends that they brought with the jerseys.
I love that template. Are you willing to share it?
Caps logo would be better without the partial flag in the background. I agree with Timm - it looks like the Austrian flag. Caps name down the sleeve doesn't match the rest of the design IMHO
Do you not realize how many times you screwed up here?
Modano is no longer on the stars, and frolov sure in the hell isnt on the Kings any more...
Lets wake up here icethetics, youre really grinding my gears with this crap you have been pulling lately, along with your useless concepts for useless teams like the connecticut whalers...newsflash, nobody cares!
@Ball hockey...
Does it really matter whose name on the back of the jersey... if it is I think you are missing the point of this blog.
really love the blog. thanks for updating the concepts section again; I definitely missed it while you were moving. New format looks great.
@Ballhockey, I did that Modano jersey back in April, within a week (if that long) of his final game with Dallas, when at the time we didn't know whether or not he'd be back, much less with what team. Besides, the number one point of our making our own concepts is to have fun. Some of the people who submit concepts may be graphics professionals, but many of us are not, and many of our concepts are done just for the fun of it. So, yeah, don't take things so seriously on the concepts page...
On a side note, I happen to like one particular detail on the left-hand set of Ryan's ASG concepts - the use of the FHWA Series F font for the numbers! I might've gone Series E-Modified myself, as that font is a little narrower, with a bolder stroke. Being the lifelong roadgeek that I am, I can spot those fonts from a mile away, and I'm quite fond of using Michael D. Adams' freeware Roadgeek fonts for my own use.
As for my blank templates... I've been busy with other things lately, but I'll try to get them online soon.
What? Modano doesn't play for the Stars anymore?!
@rob siergiej
amazing. i love it. i would also love a blank template! i saw your busy but im sure we would all enjoy it! what program do you use?
oh yeah, back off @Ballhockey. try running a blog this great for this long with this many views. just enjoy it
I really like the red all star jersey.
Te lightning concept is really nice, I think the alternate logo used on the front looks kinda bald or empty if ya know what I mean
I primarily use Paint, actually, supplemented with Paint Shop Pro.
Anyway, I've got some basic templates up. They don't cover every style, but I've got the basic "classic"-style in both straight elbow panels and bent elbow panels; a sleeve-long stripe version; and the common template used by Ottawa, Pittsburgh, and Tampa Bay:
Guess I should've looked up the textile formatting to make those links live... anyway, unless the post above gets edited, you can at least copy and paste the URLs, and then right-click and save as.
I also forgot to mention that I've included collar variants; the standard V-neck, the lace-up style (although without the laces added), whatever style you'd call the Anaheim, Colorado and old Buffaslug collars, and the Edmonton throwback collar. I've also just done the side view of a pant shell, instead of the full pants; in most cases, the pants only have stripes along the side or very bottom anyway, so it's more than enough to convey the concept of any pant design, I would think.
Brilliant!! I've been trying for so long to make that tamplate, that good, and that big for a while now.
Thanks x1,000,000
Washington!! Wow..Third jersey for sure....The left All star jersey is sooo god where do I buy
What we really need to do is send all of these guys who so faithfully design jerseys for us jersey geeks to the big leagues. That way we can begin purchasing your great ideas in the form of real jerseys. Just about every team (including the ASG designers) could do well with some real creativity that is shown here. If I was part of the marketing/development team for any NHL team or their affiliates I would be looking to hire one or all of you. Great work folks.
For the Kings threads, all they need is a arm stripe that goes all the way around. I never did like the Edmonton/Florida half way around striping. It just looks.....incomplete.
The Kings numbers are off. The home jerseys should have dark numbers in the white space to match the away jersey. Do that, and they are perfect!