Collection 7: Lightning Revisited

The Lightning's new identity has been controversial, as we all know. So once again, Icethetics concept artists are trying their hands at improving it. You be the judge.

I think that wraps up the Tampa Bay concepts — for now.
Reader Comments (12)
I'm not too fond of the excessive use of bolts on Majid Nolley's concept, but over all I love the colour scheme and design. I know most will disagree with me as it has the lowest score so far. Nevertheless, I think it's better than the rest of the concepts here. The light blue is perfect!
The very first concept NAILS it. I am not fond of Tampa's rebrand, but with a little work, ie: a shoulder yoke and victory stripes, you can have a damn good looking design even with that grade 4 MS Paint logo.
Wow. That first one really impresses me. Does everything right that the actual new jerseys manages to mess it up.
Just shows how close the real redesign is to actually knocking it out of the park. Great work guys.
I think they all have merit, but for my money, I believe Brian Brideau hits it out of the park. There's a simplicity to the current logo that I really like but the monochromatic nature leaves something to be desired. Brian's concept highlights the cleanliness of the current logo while accenting it with the black and silver beautifully. THAT'S the rebrand the Bolts needed. Nicely done.
By the way, by "the current logo," I meant the new logo Stevie Y and Jeff Vinik introduced on the 31st. I would also like to take this time to thank Vinik and Yzerman for making the Bolts relevant again. And in a VERY short amount of time, no less. Good job, guys!
Aside from the first concept, anyone of these would have been better than the crap they ended up going with.
1. Brideau. excellent design!
2. Marczel.
3. Anderson.
the rest, nope.....
No one mentioned Majid's WHITE pants? The colors are great, but I hate the over-use of the bolts. And WHITE pants? I hope I never see white pants.
Why no to white pants? Seriously. You see it in the nfl and it looks F'ing cool... I would love to see some teams do it... I made some ... i know this sounds weird.. but Dallas Cowboy hockey kits and ya.. the white pants are cool...
I understand why they didn't do it way back... but now? come one someone should do it.
The Capitals started out with white pants, it last two months before they changed them. Calgary is wearing white pants in the Heritage Classic. Check the game out and see what you think.
i like the designs, what program did you use to create them?
they need to go back to their jerseys from before edge...only difference is they need to make the white shoulder yoke black on the black jersey