Collection 27: So Long, Pittsburgh

I'll be honest. Despite my rabid Tampa Bay Lightning fandom, I wasn't sure we could take the Pens. But as our conference quarterfinal series proved, the Bolts are progressing a lot faster than we might've thought. So in honor of my readers who call themselves Pittsburgh Penguins fans, this one's for you.

This may seem like salt in the wound considering how much most of you just hate love the '90s logo you've nicknamed the "Robo-Penguin" — and you know, that whole era in general. But this is what our artists are coming up with these days.

Again, perhaps traditional Penguins fans would be turned off by most of these designs, but I like the way they each borrows from the past while mixing with the present. That's all for today as my team prepares for the Caps and I contemplate new ways of rubbing it in with concept art. (Kidding!)
Reader Comments (20)
Love the robo-penguin look, the first and third submissions are great! Think I like the brighter yellow a little bit more in the first, but the muted gold is always a good color
I really like the first submission but I'd change the lettering colors a little bit. I wonder how it would look like if the numbers and "C" were black with a white and yellow trim and the name only single colored black.
hate the Pens as a team....but love the last submission....not sure how it would look in 'real life' or on tv...but it's a cool concept.
The only one I like is the last one.
im absolutley in love with tex's concept. only thing i would change would be the numbers. i would prefer yellow or white numbering, but still, a great concept!
If Tex's had a newer logo, I'd be all for it (aka NOT the scarf Penguin).
I miss the days of the robo-pigeon logo... Some hated it, but I grew up with it, so it has a special place in my heart.
I love the logo on the 1st and 3rd jerseys... but hate asymmetrical jerseys.
Can't stand asymmetrical jerseys either. I am not a fan of any of these. There is no flow to the mashup frankenjerseys. The last concept looks like the Bruins boring third.
What is everyones obsession with that Howard Baldwin Bankruptcy PIGEON/Corporate/Robo logo. Any True DIEHARD Pens fan HATES that logo with a passion.
Thank god they did take out the Penguins, I can't stand them. I'm no Bolts fan, but I'm happy to see them advance.
They are all pretty bad except for the last one. That's nice
All of the first three are great, I wish the Pens would stop churning out thirds and work on getting solid home and aways like those. The current ones have a boring design and boring colors.
The first three look like two different jerseys cut down the middle and sewn together. Like someone would wear if they couldn't decide which team to cheer for. Ugh!
They may invoke Howard Baldwin, but they invoke memories of Jaromir Jagr, Marty Straka, Jan Hrdina, Darius Kasparaitis, Petr Nedved, Lemieux etc...
And saying a fan is "diehard" because they hate the way a jersey looks is asinine. Fandom based on jerseys is only for women filling out March Madness brackets/
@ Matt, it's more than that dude, here read this:
"Hanging up the Skates" ...Taken from
Gary Adams, an artist with Vance, Wright & Adams Design Group, came up with the "corporate-style" logo that was used on the shoulder patches until the start of the 2007-08 season.
Adam's said new Penguins' owner Howard Baldwin wanted something more "marketable" and even considered changing the name back to the Hornets."
"Baldwin said: 'THEY'RE gonna kill me for changing the logo, why not the name?' " recalled Adams. "We even looked at replacing gold with the Vegas Gold color scheme."
****The design was met with skepticism and superstition. LOYAL fans thought the logo change was a Baldwin gimimick simply to generate money in jersey sales. Others, including Gessner, thought the logo change would ruin the Pens' mojo.**** hmmm ruin the mojo of back to back SC wins
****They just won the Stanley Cup two years in a row and they wanted to change the logo?" recalled Gessner. "I was stunned and saddened. They were really on a roll and they decided to change horses.****
In the first year of the "corporate-style" logo, the Penguins enjoyed their finest regular season, BUT were upset by the New York Islanders in the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs – ending a bid for a third consecutive championship.
First one is the best looking penguins jersey (real or concept) ive ever seen...all id fix is make the sleeves/wrist the same on both sides
I like the first two concepts. Something out of the ordinary that's not way over-the-top radical. That first concept of the white Robo-Pen jersey looks really nice to me though. Something about how it makes the other features of the jersey stand out more. I think using yellow as opposed to vegas gold helps too.
Tex's jersey design looks too much like the Bruins' current alternate jerseys, unfortunately. It's a nice effort, though.
Brian's design goes back to the look of the 90s. Love it.
I really like Brian's. That would make an awesome third.