0084: New York Americans

It's a Retro Weekend so Micah Loyed is digging up the past with his New York Americans concept, which is absolutely superb, in my view. I'm especially enjoying the secondary logo. But overall, I like the simplistic look. More NHL teams could stand to look this good.
Designed by
Micah Loyed

Reader Comments (7)
Too Rangers-esque for my taste. While the sleeve patterns on the blue jersey are a nice touch, I can't help but think the body needs to be broken up a little more to give it even more of a distinct appearance from the Blueshirts. And the white jerseys basically have the Rangers' stripe pattern; red-blue-red would be more visually distinct.
I'm okay with the primary logo, but the secondary logo, to me, is a bit too clever for its own good. The hidden Y is a little too well hidden, because the Chrysler Building isn't separated enough from the background, and the rays forming the diagonals on the Y are way too low in relation to the building, as it makes it look more like an awkward W. It doesn't pop, and that's critical for something like this, because otherwise it just looks like "NC", and that's too confusing.
As for the mix of "vintage white" and real white... err, yeah. I'll get back to you on that one...
The first thing I saw in the secondary logo was North Carolina. Then, I searched for what the "C" stood for. The logo is in the shape of an old radio so I thought of "Radio City" or "New City" or a "Newer City."
I finally realized the spotlights are supposed to represent a "Y" but it doesn't work for me. Maybe if you added red striping to the NC. Better yet, just change the lettering to "NY" and you have a logo that's probably better than any other team in that city.
Secondary logo is fantastic.
Sharp, classy and modern all at once. I hope Micah throws this on a website and sells it someplace as an actual jersey.
This is great. I love that the vintage white is used as an additional colour within the scheme, rather than as a replacement for white.
The primary logo looks like the logo of the Montreal Impact (MLS soccer team). But overall, I like it.
now that would be cool, move the Islanders to Brooklyn and call them the Americans like in the old days!