0083: Blending Buffalo's Brands

Ross Taylor continues to surprise week after week with his Freak Out Friday series. Just when you thought there are no more teams left to do, he finds another. This time it's the Buffalo Sabres, who've endured more than their share of identity issues over the last 42 years. But with this set, Ross is ignoring the Buffaslug years. Pretending that era never happened.
I have a bonus for you today!
One of Ross's earliest creations was also his most popular. Readers had a lot of love for his Colorado Rockalanche concept (a mix between the Avs and Rockies) back in March, so he decided to put the full uniforms on display.
Update on Tuesday · May 15 · 2012 | 11:01 AM PDT by

Ross read your comments and made some changes, most notably with the addition of some yellow striping.
Reader Comments (18)
Colorado set is sweet - but I'd go with blue pants instead of red.
I'm a huge fan of the Rockalanche concept. But I think Buffalo needs to ditch the 'Buffalo Buffalo's' thing. Where they are from shouldn't overshadow the teams name (which is why I hate the new LA Crest).
As I said when this was first posted, with the addition of a thin gold stripe somewhere in this sweater, it would easily be one of the sharpest concepts I have ever seen, though I'd like to see the original Rockies pant combinations used in this uniform set. Once again though, GREAT WORK!
The Sabres logo is great. But for the Rockalanche, there should be some yellow on the jerseys too. It's in the logo and it would really make it pop. Otherwise, it's red, white and blue. Rangers, Capitals, Blue Jackets, Canadiens, Jets....
The Sabres one actually isn't that awful. Take away the numbers under the collar and the swords around the sleeves, and I'd buy this jersey.
I still never got why Buffalo always had a buffalo in their logo.... thats the city, they aren't the buffalos they are the sabres. just put buffalo in words across the top or just drop it all together and just have crossed swords with like a shield behind them or something. rest of the jersey looks great tho.
Woah, that Sabres sweater is awesome! The use of the crossed sabers with the sleeve numbers looks amazing. I would be curious to see what the full buffalo head would look on the crest. If I was a Sabers fan, I'd be proud to rock that jersey!
Also digging the Rockalanche, although I'm not a fan of the red paints. Might be cool to see some golden yellow worked into the concept.
The swords next to the numbers on the pants and sleeves are timeless. Buffalo should really look into something like that, and overall this was a really good Ross Taylor design (but which one isn't really!). And the Rockalanche looks great. But perhaps a little more Avalanche could go into it. But overall, another wonderful Freak-Out Friday.
On the "Rockalanche" concept, I agree that it needs a touch more yellow. Perhaps the thin stripes that are currently the sweater color? Also, the pants definitely need to be fixed; either blue and gold stripes (like the Rockies' red pants), no stripes at all, or blue pants. Red pants with a plain white vertical stripe in the NHL equals the Red Wings, and we don't want to be mixing anything of theirs into this!
As for the Sabres... I find that logo a little disconcerting for some reason.
My favorite part is the transparent arm stripes! but no seriously, this is a great concept! I love your work Ross
Rockalanche... amazing. Great creative mind there to put that idea together.
As for the Sabres... I loved the black-red jerseys. Among my favorites ever, that silver black red buffalo logo was awesome.
The logo here looks a bit awkward. I would be interested to see what it would look like using the entire old buffalo head logo in the blue yellow colors... The jersey design itself is quite alright.
As others have said, I think the addition of a thin yellow stripe would make the Rockalanche jersey perfect. Right between the red and white stripes sounds best, no?
As for the Buffalo jersey, I think the logo is too big, and I'm not really a fan of the numbers below the collar. Otherwise, I think it's excellent.
Leave it to Buffalo to put a front number on a dfferent location.
About the Rockalanche, not sure I like the red helmets with the blue jerseys.
I'm sure someone with a design background could tell me why mostly blue helmets are worn with every current blue jersey (with black being worn in a few 3rd jersey cases), while red jerseys are worn with helmets to match the colour of the pants, whether red or a secondary colour.
What makes the Rockalanche concept even more spectacular is that the current Avalanche color scheme is so awful.
I'm tremendously pleased with the modifications done to this concept. The addition of the gold improves on what is already a five star design and the placement of it is a pleasant surprise. Definitely not where I expected it to be placed, but a fantastic choice by Ross. Finally, with the removal of the solid white stripe on the pants, I'd almost go as far as to retract my comment about wanting to see the original Rockies pant scheme employed here. This is a fantastic uniform set. 6/5 stars.
The Avs should most definitely change their jersey's. This design is very clean and very sharp and professional as opposed to the "cartoony" jerseys they currently have.
The only change I would make would be to make the helmets blue.
If the eye of the Buffalo were red and the numbers below the collar were removed, I'd love that jersey. Great work.