0171: Taking Christmas Out of the Wild

Dave Chenard wrote me to say he's tired of watching the Minnesota Wild wear Christmas colors all season. So he gave them a new look free of red. And to simplify the color scheme even more, he mixed the wheat and gold to form a goldish-wheat color to go with the green. It sort of has that North Stars feel — not sure if that was intentional. I think it works. But then again, I've never had a problem with the so-called Christmas colors they currently wear.
Designed by
Dave Chenard

Reader Comments (23)
With wider stripes at the bottom that match the sleeves and without the word mark on the shoulders, this set would have a really timeless look.
huge wild and love the green and red scheme! but im young so i never got to see the nortstars play. im hoping for a northstar scheme for the WC in 2014 :)
I really like the logo. It looks better with more contrast in the colors.
Simplifying the rest of the uniform probably is a good idea overall, especially if it makes their sweaters look less Xmas-y, but don't think simplifying the logo is a wise move as part of its appeal is how rich it is. If Dave kept everything the same and just changed the logo to represent what they currently have color-wise, probably would be between a 4/5 and a 5/5 for me. As it is, just 3/5.
that white jersey looks way to close to the Dallas stars jersey
A PERFECT Minnesota Wild jersey set!
I like it. I don't hate the "Christmas" colors either but this is a good way to go if you're trying to move away from that. I think it's a decent nod to the North Stars without the flat out North Stars/Wild connection.
I love the colors, but the jerseys are a bit too plain. Maybe a thicker waist stripe?
The Wild's actual color scheme reminds me less of Christmas and more of wilderness camps and wooden canoes, which is quite fitting for Minnesota. Although I'm sure there's a lot more to Minnesota than that. I like the current colors very much (I've even grown to appreciate the logo), but I also like the fact that Chenard's version did without the pure gold.
I like the Wild's current gear and this design looks really sharp too. One thing that I don't love is that the shooting star dot on the "i" crosses through the "l" and unintentionally makes it look like a "t". I do like that star aspect of the current word mark and I'm not sure how it could be incorporated differently to this one... Everything else looks great to me!
I think these look really nice. It's more simple and has a classic/vintage look to them without going to the 'retro white' color.
Pretty awesome set, but I have a couple suggestions.
- I think it needs another color, maybe some black like the North Stars
- In the secondary mark I'd drop the stars in the W and put one inside the star on the I
- While clean and simple I wonder what it would look like with the shoulders a different color than the sweater
I don't mind the christmas colours on the wild. The Milwaukee Bucks look awful but it looks good on the wild. Also the design of these kind of takes away from the teams personality of jerseys and kind of just blends them in.
I like this concept. and the fact that it actually does slightly resemble the northstars but keeps it modern for the wild is a great thing. Plus i never really liked the circle logo that most teams seem to be doing and the wild have one of the more creative logos i think, so this definitely works.
I think the wild should have one of these types as an alternate. I don't see it as "No More Christmas Colors", I see it as an "Ode to the North Stars".
Also I actually love the red, plus they only use it on one jersey. I would love this concept, but I think it's too simplistic. Good color scheme but not really much to it.
Love it! maybe flip the green for red as a third?
I have to say, this is wonderful! Definitely a case of where less is more. None of that ridiculous piping on the shoulders that the Wild currently have. Someone needs to send this to their GM!
I really like the simplified palette! It definitely has a classic "North Stars" feel. I think the bear head pops a bit more without the red. Not sure if the wordmark works as a shoulder patch though. Good job!
Very nice design, but this really would be perfect for the Dallas Stars.
I'm not sold on "Wild" being on the shoulder but the colour scheme and style is unreal! I'm not a Wild fan by any stretch but would snap this guy up if it got produced!
Sorry about the whole "sick of Xmas colours". I threw this together between the 2nd and 3rd period last time they played the Habs and I was pretty smashed by the time so hopefully my email made sense. It didn't turn out too bad considering lol. I don't like the shoulder wordmark either. I knew it had to have something and I heard the puck dropping in the next room so I just modified their Minnesota wordmark, flipped the M and sent it off. I should have put more time into it. The L in Wild looks like a crossed T.
I did want it to honour the North Stars. Considering Dallas doesn't even use green anymore, I figured Minnesota could easily adopt this colour scheme. It's a shame the lack of Green in the NHL right now. I also very much prefer the simpler jersey designs.
Where did he get that secondary from?! The Wild just made that logo into the primary for their new Iowa AHL team.
Do I see a lawsuit coming...?
^^ Yeah, I saw that. Very interesting...