0340: Deleting Black From Dallas

I know the Dallas Stars are working on a new logo for next season, but if they weren't, I could live with the way Matt Marczel has altered it. To me, these jerseys are fantastic!
Designed by
Matt Marczel

Reader Comments (14)
Great jersey, implement it now!
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner. These are GREAT!
can't say i care for the angular curved stripe at the waist but beyond that this design is top-notch. the logos read particularly well, with such small changes. very nicely done.
i think the thing i like most about these- and there is a lot to like- is the white outline around the star on the green jersey. i think that pops very well and gives it more charm than the current set up.
The star should be gold and shiny. You know, like a star. Nice work.
This could easily work, and if you add a black third jersey like this you'd be winning
Way to set the standard! I doubt I'll even be able to enjoy anything the real Stars come out with now after seeing these beauts!
Thanks for the positive feedback guys. If you'd like a closer look at the logos that I modified and used on this jersey set, then go to this link here -->
Only thing I see: New England Whalers
I would love to see the Penguins implement this jersey design, obviously with black in place of green. Their current jerseys are way too bland. Would you be able to try a concept for them?
they remind me of the islanders initial rbk jerseys, that said i liked those jerseys too
yes, like them both, would buy them both!! make it so!!! the designs remind me of the new england whalers jerseys of the WHA.
This has got to be the nicest concept I've ever seen on this site. Great work!
Amazing, fantastic looking set here!