0344: Missouri Tigers

Today marks the end of the University Sunday series for a while. Doesn't sound like most of you are enjoying these concepts very much. To wrap up, Justin Nahhas brings us his take on the Mizzou Tigers. Next Sunday, we'll launch a unique new series. UPDATE: Actually, next Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday and I have a special post planned. New series will start Feb. 10.
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Justin Nahhas

Reader Comments (9)
very nice. drop the MIZZOU workmark from the white (like the logo on the yellow) and you got a classic.
How about an IIHF or National Series? I have a good one for you.
International Sundays please! Would love to see some national team concepts.
Sad to hear. I've been loving this series!
Would Canadian Hockey League (CHL) Sundays be considered?
I already have a subject set for the new Sunday series. You'll get to see it in a couple of weeks. (Special one-off post next Sunday.) And as I said, the new series will be a "unique" one.
But as far as CHL concepts, it's not a matter of whether I'd consider it but whether we'd receive enough concepts to sustain it. Normally, I only receive enough to do theme weeks every now and then.
Other than the wordmark above the tiger logo on the white jerseys, those are good ones for Mizzou. It would be interesting to see who comes up with a Kansas concept when the college designs get restarted.
Do numbers go where the arm stripes are broken up? Weird how they arent connected in any way
Like them both, what's with the "N" on the crest at the top?