
0654: Dodger Stadium Sketches

Tomorrow, the Ducks and Kings unveil the jerseys they will wear at their 2014 Stadium Series meeting in January. Since more unveilings are likely around the corner, this is Stadium Series Week on the Concepts page!

First up is Justin Cox. His set is not strictly based on recent rumors as much as wishful thinking. What a great looking game this would be if the teams actually wore these uniforms.

Another Justin is next. Justin Wiltron went in an interesting direction. Though it might be a little too retro-themed for the Stadium Series.

Finally, Jake Miller was inspired by the unveiling of the Islanders' Stadium jersey when he designed this one for the Ducks. Think any of these guys are on the right track? We won't have to wait long to find out.

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Reader Comments (6)

All are great, but Justin Cox's Ducks concept is the best one I've seen. Great job man.

Dec 2 · 9:03 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMat W.

most excellent work by the justins. i would love to see either of these on the ice!

(nice job by jake, too. if that is what they ended up looking like, i wouldn't mind that either.)

Dec 2 · 9:17 AM PST | Unregistered Commenterjonathanc

I like Justin Cox's the best of the 3. I think Justin Wiltron's Kings jersey is trying too hard to incorporate so many era of the Kings unis that it just doesn't work. Jake Miller's jersey is ok, but would be better if he removed or simplified the shoulder design. Not sure what to think of that stripe going on the helmet - it really needs a front view to get full context.

Dec 2 · 11:19 AM PST | Registered CommenterJeffB

Justin Wiltron's Ducks uniform is fantastic. I love how the gold striping doesn't make any contact with the orange. Those two colours clash when they aren't broken up by black. Overall, it's one of the better orange Ducks concepts I've seen. I would buy that instantly. Unfortunately, I have a feeling the final result won't look anything like this.

Dec 2 · 1:12 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterGuy

Justin Cox's Kings concept is excellent. I think that the teaser that LA released actually does seem to show a silver jersey. Hopefully the Winter Classic paved the way for more games with both teams wearing coloured jerseys!

Dec 2 · 6:39 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterD'Arcy

Justin Cox has made designs I would love to see on-ice. That LA jersey is better than anything they've worn on the ice in a LONG time.

Dec 2 · 9:44 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterJordan

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