0370: More Monochromatic Isles

Some designers can't get enough of the idea of the New York Islanders switching to a black-and-white color scheme when they move to Brooklyn in a few years. They're not the Nets, but that's not stopping anyone. Here's another from Ian Black that I liked enough to include on this Freak Out Friday.
Designed by
Ian Black

Reader Comments (13)
Hahaha, I can't get enough of these concepts. Keep', m coming!
i like the black. it has kind of a throwbackish look. with the simplicity, i think it would be something i would wear if i was an isls fan. it is nice because it is different. (and it is waaaaay better than the black one they use now.)
not the same love for the white. switch the logos and it might be better.
I really think these would work if the kings would switch back to purple and gold. The idea of two black and white teams seems silly. But seriousness aside, I do enjoy this design. Nice!
This is one of the least inspired looks I have seen on this looks like it was sampled from clip art....
sorry, but nothing to like about these.
wow, the worlds dullest ever hockey jerseys.....sorry, definitely not a fan of these 2!!
C.Taylor has got it totally right... Kind of a let down. I don't want to be too harsh but it looks like this took 10 minutes to make.
These look more like practice jerseys to me.
Try them in Islander blue/orange/white.
And really, if this concept took 10 minutes to make, instead of the effort put into the new logos just slap on the original crest and a recent shoulder patch, dirty up the sleeves and we're talking about the same amount of time put into the current Sens/Pens jersey. As we all know, that one's a cookie-cutter design so stunning that two unimaginitive teams are still playing a game of chicken to see who's going to blink first and change to something better!
Seeing how the Isles have some the best jerseys in the league, and these seem to be the least inspired. I would say that the real focus here should be on the logos.
Personally I hate the tacky NY-Hockey-Stick logo they have now, and this set of logos carries the same basic ideas that make the current, but are presented in a more coherent and sensible manner.
My only issue with the design is that the one on the right / road jersey has too much wasted space. The shape of the Island itself doesnt work well with the shape of the shield, maybe scrap that logo and go with two NY logos.
And if you were to keep the island logo, it should be on the home jersey, and the NY logo should be on the road jersey.
Good idea(s) for the logos
boring jersey design (I dont think the Isles should change to black and white)
The Isles are always making some horrific thirds and one of these is way better than those. Keep a dark one as a third jersey in honor of the move.
Thanks for the feedback everybody.
I was just going for simplicity like the nets logo and jerseys, for when the Isles moves to Brooklyn. I'm not in love with the jersey designs myself but they closely mirror the nets jerseys, so that was my thought process there. I do think the current logo is pretty weak, and I wanted to put the island on there but I didn't really know how to work it into the shield at the time.
I just saw this pic on my CBS Sports App on my phone. It was in an article by Brian Stubits about the Islanders possibly getting a new black and white third next year when they move to Brooklyn. They used the pic from the site and gave credit to the site and everything. Kudos for being awesome. :-)